
Archived Comment Section | 27 December, 2020 to 15 April, 2021

One World of Nations
Comment Section (archived)
27 December, 2020 to 15 April, 2021

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  1. To Everyone:

    Over the next several months I may be out of the office for long periods of time. I may or may not have internet access practical enough to update website. I have made a few changes to help facilitate this.

    If it hits 200 comments, make sure to click on "Load More" under the comment box to see comments over 200.

    I wish you all a Happy New Year and may 2021 be the best year for you all!

  2. Thank you Canauzzie for the heads up.

  3. Biffie: Let's hope it never gets to this point.

    A very interesting social media post

    I want to provide you some very important information. I'm a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO).

    I need to start off by saying that I'm not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored and they plan on moving forward toward their goals. They have also made it very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes.

    The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows:

    - Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.

    - Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.

  4. - Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.

    - Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 - early January 2021

    - Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.

    - Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.

    - Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 - Q2 2021.

    - Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.


  5. - Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.

    - Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.

    - Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.

    Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor. One that would change the face of Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians.

    What we were told was that in order to offset what was essentially an economic collapse on a international scale, that the federal government was going to offer Canadians a total debt relief.

  6. This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided
    to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program.

    In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.

    The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada's HealthPass) .

    Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told "the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details".

  7. Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate.

    When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely.

    And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.

  8. So as you can imagine after hearing all of this it turned into quite the heated discussion and escalated beyond anything I've ever witnessed before.

    In the end it was implied by the PMO that the whole agenda will move forward no matter who agrees with it or not.

    That it wont just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it.

    All I know is that I don't like it and I think its going to place Canadians into a dark future.

  9. Ivermectin | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines (

    Retrospective Analysis of Using Ivermectin in Patients With COVID-19
    This study has not been peer reviewed.
    This retrospective analysis of consecutive patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (27% with severe COVID-19) who were admitted to four Florida hospitals compared patients who received at least one dose of ivermectin (n = 173) to those who received "usual care" (n = 103). The primary outcome was all-cause, in-hospital mortality. The secondary outcomes included mortality in patients with severe disease (defined as "need for either FiO2 ≥50% or noninvasive or invasive mechanical ventilation") and extubation rates in those who were mechanically ventilated.12
    • Ivermectin administration was reportedly consistent with hospital guidelines: a single dose of 200 µg/kg, with repeat dosing on Day 7 if the patient was still hospitalized (13 patients received a second dose). Ninety percent of the ivermectin group and 97% of the usual care group received hydroxychloroquine (the majority received hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with azithromycin).
    • All-cause mortality was lower among the patients in the ivermectin group than among patients in the usual care group (OR 0.27; P = 0.03). The mortality benefit appeared to be limited to the subgroup of patients with severe disease.
    • There was no difference between the groups for the median length of hospital stay (7 days in both groups) or the proportion of mechanically ventilated patients who were successfully extubated (36% in the ivermectin group vs. 15% in the usual care group; P = 0.07).

  10. I have been reading Agenda 2030 and am about half way through it. Good grief!! Read between those lines for those of us in the know.

    By Catherine Austin Fitts
    This week, I will summarize the effort underway to end currencies and what it means to you and me.
    At long last, I have finished my written analysis of the State of Our Currencies. Please read it at the web presentation (see the link above). The direct link is here. Use your Solari password to login.
    We have entered a period of accelerating change—one that is exceptionally fluid and chaotic. The best way to manage this change is to understand the deeper trends that are driving events—and how they are merging into an integrated whole. If you understand this analysis and the many Solari Reports that provide its essential building blocks, you will have a critical map to help you navigate the road ahead.
    In Let's Go to the Movies, I will touch on Andrew Wakefield's new movie 1986: The Act. It addresses the devastating impact of the U.S. National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act adopted in 1986, which freed the pharmaceutical companies from any liability for anything they manage to call a "vaccine," contributing to explosive increases in vaccine injuries and deaths as well as childhood-onset chronic disease. The film is timely because the future financial system hopes to continue using liability-free "injectables"; the push for "injectables" is deeply connected to the effort to adopt crypto and end currencies.

    The New Hampshire warrant allowed the FBI to “use an investigative device or devices capable of broadcasting signals that will be received by” Maxwell’s phone “or receiving signals from nearby cellular devices,” including Maxwell’s device.”

    “Such a device may function in some respects like a cellular tower, except that it will not be connected to the cellular network and cannot be used by a cell phone to communicate with others,” the affidavit states, adding that the device would not intercept her phone’s calls, texts, and other electronic communications and data.

    These details seem to indicate that the FBI used a “stingray” device, also known as an “IMSI catcher,” to nab Maxwell. The portable equipment, which can fit inside a briefcase, simulates a cell tower and forces mobile phones in the immediate vicinity to connect to it instead of the actual tower. Once it connects, the stingray captures the phone’s exact location and the registered user’s identifying information. -Daily Beast

  13. Posters! Find something it:)

    Of course, government bureaucrats and politicians, together with powerful special interests, will decide who are, and are not, stakeholders, what is in stakeholders’ interest, and what steps corporations must take to maximize stakeholder value. People’s own wishes are not the priority.

    The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.

    Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior. This means that anyone whose brain is “scanned” could have his Second Amendment and other rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime. The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program.

    The CDC's VAERS reporting system was set up to track vaccine-related injury, Most patients can expect to experience some kind of adverse reaction, but for the vast majority of patients, symptoms will be relatively mild and clear up within a couple of days. But amid a rush of reports about patient deaths, Berenson points out that the number of patients seeing serious complications per the number of doses distributed is roughly 50x higher than the rate of 'adverse' reactions caused by the flu vaccine.

  16. Important news for patriots around the world:


  17. A quick update:

  18. Please excuse some of the language, but pay close attention to the message:

    1. Caroler, I listened to this a couple of days ago...a must listen imho.

  19. Listen live or watch later:

    1. Oops, sorry. The video was taken down at 11 minutes. I will repost when it appears on Bitchute or somewhere. It is titled "Juan O. Savin: The Perfect Day"

  20. Charlie Ward posts several videos per day at . He gets some intel information, but mostly has discussions with various people. Here is the most recent:

  21. Good luck with this one. The internet doesn't seem stable today.

  22. Political moves by capitalist neoliberal rulers over the last 24 hours to shut down a political tendency represents an assault on "liberal" ideas freedom of speech that surpasses the McCarthy era in the 50s. The fact that it is popular does not negate its repressive character.
    Do not be confused. Twitter, google & Facebook are part of the ideological apparatus of the state & are carrying out the political agenda of the dominate neoliberal rulers. The argument that they are "private" is the point. Mass control of thought & speech has been privatized.
    FaceBook and twitter have revealing their full totalitarian nature. Everyone who really believes in free thought, speech and the right to information should be concerned by the naked abuse of power by these corporations. Don't let them use Trump to enslave us.
    Trump is a neofascist criminal but to elevate his neofascism above the neofascism of neoliberalism is a historic mistake with even more dangerous consequences than the Trump threat because neoliberals are the ones really in power.

    I can't believe how many law and order leftists we have in the U.S.

    The rulers are using the public's understandable disgust with Trump to further condition the public to accept neoliberal control of thought & speech. The idea that a private capitalist company can block the president of the U.S. should be of concern to everyone. Stay woke folks

    Anti- democratic practices coming back to the U.S. - blowback! When you support violence and coups in Honduras, Bolivia, Haiti, Ukraine, Egypt, the actions by Trump supporters is mild in comparison

    If a politician that no one heard of in Venezuela named Juan Guaido can claim to be the president & be recognized by the U.S. & Europe surely if Trump claimed he was unconstitutionally defeated & refused to leave consistency requires that he would be recognized right?

  23. Here is some optimistic intel, since we could all use some good news. This is from Surfing Santa and her imaginary squirrel. You might skip some of the promo in the beginning.

    1. This is a general talking about Pelosi, laptop and reason, but sparse on any more details......

    2. __
      3 hours ago
      He(general) also said this...

  24. Im from Rome and live here, vatican has blackout going on. I confirm. via@AINicoletti

  25. Montauk Mind Control - Archive Footage - Al Bielek

    IF you get it, COPY it!!


    Again, IF you get it copy it.....

  27. Update from Simon Parkes. We should keep cell phones charged. The Emergency Broadcast System may have to be used earlier than expected.


  28. When you treat public servants like celebrities, they treat you like a fan. DFUND THE MF.


  29. Question for "leftists" celebrating political crackdown on Trump supporters: since it's clear the state is using Jan 6th to criminalize a whole movement as insurrectionists who opposed neoliberal elite, what does that make us who opposed the criminality of neoliberal capitalism?


  30. Dick Cheney is much more of a terrorist than Trump. NOW THATS A $$$ FACT ! OH, LETS make that an $18M more times a fact. Wake up people. Our enemies are among us.

  31. Latest update from Simon Parkes. Since he is receiving first-hand information, you might want to subscribe on Bitchute, which is less likely to be censored, in my opinion.

  32. Important intel:


  33. BREAKING REPORT: The Juno spacecraft orbiting Jupiter has DISCOVERED AN FM RADIO SIGNAL COMING FROM THE MOON Ganymede. This is the first of it's kind discovered..


  34. Joe Biden’s supporters would never fight for him the way Trump’s supporters do.

    Am I right?


  35. What many in the U.S. are afraid to admit or understand is that since Jan 6th the victorious neoliberal faction of capital has decided that it will resort to political repression to solve the legitimation crisis that produced Trump. The result? More repression for all of us.

  36. 150 people that run the world...and they are not politicians,,politicians, they are all puppets. (period , full stop)


  37. Question worth thinking about - Is Stop the Steal a honey trap to set people up for the new Domestic Terrorism law? As Edwin Vieira has described, all the things that the GOP could have done to stop the steal, they did not do. Why?


  38. Spotted tonight at Cafe Milano: Sec of State Pompeo and the head of Mossad, Israel’s spy agency.


  39. The U.S. developed a governing model that masked the reality of the dictatorship of capital by instituting a system of limited democracy. But the economic collapse in 2007-08, the rise of Trump, covid in 2020 & Trump rebellion, has forced ruling class to reveal itself.


  40. Has anybody has ever seen Bill Gates wearing a mask ?


  41. OK, This is not a test, however what is shown below is a sample of whats written , and you know where, by whom.
    let us call this a GENUINE OR another Bull***8 example of who or what this guy really is.

    This a new year people.

    NOT coming to conclusion.

    Much as the quality of information surrounding the Lying King always has to be treated with care, this has to be treated with discerned hope if at long last, real moves do happen to stop the Deep State, and stop Biden. Just as the last choice was Clinton or Trump, Bribe taking Crime Family Biden also has to be stopped.

    America has suffered long enough with the Cabal, so if genuine White Hat Leaders will stand behind Trump, that’s a huge boost to Real World Security.
    It’s not a case of liking Trump, it’s between Trump and Biden, and no choice. Biden is unthinkable.

    This report circulating fast, merits stocking up with food just in case, because chaos will follow and Sheeple will mass panic. Fill up with Petrol/Gas and load up 2 weeks food in case. ....................................


  42. They want more violent protests, they will continue to incite them, foster them, make people angry, desperate.. DON'T FALL FOR IT! They want more of our freedom and liberties- CONTROL. We start to beat them by NOT falling for their traps. They are gaming us.


    This is what the leftists, along with those that support their agenda, think about Americans. It’s in their own words. Believe them when they say it.

    “Americans are so fucking dumb,” said PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who was chatting with one of Project Veritas‘ undercover self-described guerilla journalists. “You know most people are dumb.”
    Beller is just saying what I would hear over and over again in Washington D.C. parties and pubs. He’s not the exception and his disdain for our nation makes my stomach turn because he, and others like him, are seizing power from the people every day. They hold positions of power that actually can affect our daily lives and that of our children.

    And to think PBS if funded with our taxpayer dollars.

    “Kids who are growing up, know nothing but Trump, for four years, you’ve got to wonder what they’re (Trump supporting children) going to be like, ” Beller told the undercover journalist. “They’ll (Trump supporters) be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids.”

    Beller suggests removing the children from parents who supported Trump and then sending them to enlightenment camps.


    This idea is similar to what is actually happening in China, as the Chinese Communist Party has been terrorizing and removing the Uighur Muslim population to supposed “re-education” camps.

    Biffie: Divide, divide, divide, name, name, name...the "other side" has been doing this for quite awhile already. Orwellian, communistic, 1984, 2021, 2030.

    1. Just heard on the news that PBS fired this lawyer. Still though, a bunch of folks think like this. Sad.


    But today, if you want to download, sign up for, or use Parler, you will be unable to do so. That is because three Silicon Valley monopolies — Amazon, Google and Apple — abruptly united to remove Parler from the internet, exactly at the moment when it became the most-downloaded app in the country.

    If one were looking for evidence to demonstrate that these tech behemoths are, in fact, monopolies that engage in anti-competitive behavior in violation of antitrust laws, and will obliterate any attempt to compete with them in the marketplace, it would be difficult to imagine anything more compelling than how they just used their unconstrained power to utterly destroy a rising competitor.

    Biffie: This should never be allowed to happen. I hope Parler can get back up with its own servers, etc.
    I liked their platform.


    Biffie: Here's an eyeopener. Also lists bidenharras proposals.


  46. “You can either go down in history as a patriot or you can go down in history as a pu**y.”

    Who said what to whom ? whoa !

    Brian Hooker, Children’s Health Defense
    Waking Times

    Natural selection is the phenomenon where only the fittest individuals in an environment will survive. “Individuals” in this context can refer to any type of organism — from humans to bacteria and viruses — but the context here is the survival of viruses.

    When a virus infects a population of humans, only those viruses that have a living human host will survive. If a virus is so pathogenic that it kills the human it infected, it dies too.

    Therefore, mortality of the host kills the most severe forms of any virus over time. Infection rates may go up, but mortality goes down.

    In a 2015 study published in PLOS Biology, researchers hypothesized that vaccination can subvert this process by allowing more virulent (i.e., more pathogenic and potentially deadly) strains of viruses to live in vaccinated hosts for prolonged time periods without killing the hosts.

  48. These vaccinated hosts, while infected, shed and spread virus, causing further transmission of the disease.

    The researchers demonstrated this hypothesis with experiments on chickens vaccinated for a disease called Marek’s Disease, a viral pathogen known to decimate poultry facilities.

    Vaccinated chickens infected with more virulent strains of Marek’s Disease virus became infected and carried the infection over longer time periods. They also became “super spreaders” of the virus and transmitted the virus to unvaccinated chickens co-housed with those that received the vaccine.

    Because of the higher virulence of the Marek’s Disease that was spread by the vaccinated chickens, the unvaccinated chickens usually died soon after infection.

    However, the partial immunity afforded to the vaccinated chickens prolonged their survival and extended the period in which they were infectious and could continue to spread the disease.

    Without vaccination, these more virulent strains of Marek’s Disease would die off with their host and would no longer circulate the virus in the population. Instead, vaccinated chickens became the perfect host to harbor the virus, allowing it to multiply and spread.

    This begs the question regarding the use of vaccines that do not prevent virus transmission or are not known to prevent virus transmission.

  49. Neither of the current COVID-19 vaccines in distribution (Pfizer and Moderna) has been shown to prevent transmission. In fact, this type of testing was not done in their rushed “warp speed” clinical studies.
    Instead, both vaccines were tested for their ability to prevent more severe symptoms. In both instances, some vaccinated patients were still infected. Without prevention of transmission, these individuals spread the virus that was intended to be eradicated.

    As the authors of the 2015 research state in their summary:

    “When vaccines prevent transmission, as is the case for nearly all vaccines used in humans, this type of evolution towards increased virulence is blocked. But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist.”

    With the emergence of more infectious forms of COVID-19 circulating in Europe, it seems we may have created the perfect storm to prolong the pandemic, rather than curtail it — because the vaccines were developed and tested based on the original form of circulating COVID-19, not the new strains.

    In our rush to create magic-bullet vaccines, have we instead created a scenario to cause more pain and suffering?

  50. Let’s play this out. Many mutants of COVID-19 are circulating in the population today. We hear the news regarding new strains every day. Without vaccination, the most virulent strains die out — this is just how natural selection works.

    However, now comes a vaccinated army of human hosts, primed and ready to fight off the original version of COVID-19 but not the more virulent strains. Will they survive these new types of virus — yes, probably? However, in the process, they experience prolonged infections where they shed the more virulent strain to other human hosts.

    Rather than allowing these pathogenic subtypes of COVID-19 to die naturally, we enhance their survival and spread and vaccination becomes worse than useless.

    The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.



  52. A lot of us are scoffing at this, but I’m thinking any rationalization that breaks the grip of the Trump cultism could be helpful right now.


  53. The forest was shrinking

    but the trees keep voting for the axe

    For the axe was clever,

    and convinced the trees

    that because his handle

    was made of wood



  54. The democrats are going to waste time and energy impeaching Trump, while their hands are in the cookie jar for themselves. I guess we are that stupid not to know that. Cnn, fox ,cbs , ABC and all the other bullshit media will attempt to keep us focused on that. Ok go on bout your business.

    1. It is not just a matter of hands in the cookie jar any more. Most swamp creatures are now guilty of treason, no matter which constitution is in effect. The war is between good and evil.

  55. Press release. (Jan. 13, 2021). AG Pax­ton: San Anto­nio Elec­tion Fraud­ster Arrest­ed for Widespread Vote Harvesting and Fraud – URL: texasattorneygeneral.comg/news/releases/. Texas Attorney General.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.


  57. President Donald Trump is reportedly taking out his frustrations on his personal attorney and longtime friend, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

    And he’s doing it in the classic Trump fashion: by refusing to pay him.

    This is classic Trump. He always refuses to pay for work completed. Even going so far as to file bankruptcy. Odd isn't it , to think he also a man of the people ! hmmm.

    We, the people of America is in a very hard place

    1. All or Nothing...
      "is reportedly"...

      by whom?
      Vague comments of accusation are not appreciated. Show me the RELIABLE source please.


    2. mom, wife, and patriot I dont ever have to show you anything. do your research ! I live in NEW YORK. I AM a NEW YORKER.

      I know the good and bad regarding TRUMP.

      How many more " do you want ? satisfied ? Let me know before I move on .

    3. MOM WIFE AND PATRIOT, You need to see the Big Picture, its not about Trump, its about whats best for US ,The people of America.

      i have been knowing Trump for over 40 (forty) years. Matter of fact am on my way to one of his building later this evening, tomorrow and day after tomorrow.. enough of this.

    4. Uh huh. You are a big blow heart. Posting links as your proof tells the story

    5. All or nothing at all, it’s obvious you have always been a never Trumper. How? Just by the posts you have posted.

      Like John who has shown his colors, you have true.

      I thought this was Canuazzie’s site. You post as though it’s yours.

      What a shame both sites seem to have two Trump haters.

    6. Arizona, best we save our breath and not waste it on our fellow New Yorker. Yawn.

    7. Very true MW&P. Sad what these two sites have become.

      I have been reading here and there.

      Most notably I see that wait for it...the “White Hat” site has allowed an American hating poster take over the board. Canauzzie has more brains than that.

      During the darkest days in our country this poster is allowed to gleefully spew such HATE directed at our President unchecked. White Hats?

      Funny part is while he slams Trump at every turn, He can’t see or willfully ignored his precious globalist Queen and her globalist family. Oh the stories about the Queen that could be and have been told. The royal snake has some of the dirtiest hands around. With that I digress.

      Hope all is well with you WM&P and others.

    8. One last comment directed to ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL. You feel as though because you go to one of Trump’s buildings, you “know” something others don’t. I have been to his buildings more times than I can remember. I guess this means he and I are on a first name basis.

    9. Arizona,

      I am assuming when you said "You are a big blow heart", you meant "blow hard"? Heart is this being is not me anyway.

      I heard someone say the other day that Fox News has become Fox in the hen house and I couldn't agree more. Give them long enough and "they" will show their intentions to all. They can't help it. It's an obvious outcome to a demented ego that the psychopaths possess and their ill placed arrogance spews out and they just can't help it because that's how insanity lashes out.


  58. This was always their intent. It’s not enough that their favorite villain is gone. Now they have to paint tens of millions of Americans as racists and bigots,
    until they find one single individual to place it on.
    Truly vile, but incredibly predictable. Keep them at each others neck.The shit show is on, go grab your popcorn folks, enjoy.

  59. The IMF is nothing but a financial gangster organization that enslaves nations !

    Here is Largard attempting to justify why BIT COIN should not be a currency !

    "because if there is an escape that escape will be used,”

    Her exact words....
    Escape from what Ms. Largarde?


    You have stolen many hours of human labor through your inflationary monetary policy and now when people find a way out you want to trap them...

  60. Excellent video. Covers it all. Very important especially for girls

    Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine
    Original clip taken from Rodney Howard-Browne's YouTube channel. Original Video: H...

    Excellent video. covers so much truth.


  61. If you need 10,000 soldiers to protect you on inauguration day, what does that tell you ?


  62. Wait. They think I’d vote for Nikki Haley in 2024. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a minute.

    Hard pass.

  63. Charlie Ward has some interesting predictions:


  64. Andrew Cuomo plans to end New York's lockdown.

    Lori Lightfoot plans to open Chicago restaurants.

    All of this announced with Joe Biden’s inauguration days away.

    The Democrats' shutdowns were POLITICAL, but for many small businesses they were PERMANENT.


  65. I’m sick of Republicans and Democrats equally. They absolutely do not serve the American people.


  66. Its Saturday am going to be very nice, very nice indeed.


  67. Microsoft is being discussed as a possible producer of COVID-19 Vaccine Passports.

    Will you get one?


    Lindsey Graham is on the way out. He won’t be chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee moving forward. As a parting gift to conservatives, he released a whole bunch of documents declassified by President Donald Trump. They’re said to provide minute details confirming how the FBI manufactured non-existent Russia collusion out of thin air. “The leadership of the FBI under Comey and McCabe was either grossly incompetent or they knowingly allowed tremendous misdeeds.” Of course, now that the Democrats are in charge, the evidence will disappear faster than water on a hot rock.

    Declassified by Trump
    Senator Graham issued a statement condemning the injustice carried out by rats in charge of the DOJ cheese, describing the illegal Deep State operation to discredit President Donald Trump “a massive system failure by senior leadership.”

    That would include James Comey and Andrew McCabe along with many, many others. Obamagate was “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ.”

    The Federal Bureau of Instigation was smack in the middle of the dirty tricks. They flat out lied and forged bogus documents to present to the secretive “star chamber” Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.” That’s not legal. They got away with weaponizing government apparatus against a political candidate unchallenged. The sedition got worse after candidate Trump became president.

    Biffie: lots more in the article.


  69. OH, how things change, but yet remain the same

    Trump: Investigated, no evidence.

    Biden: Evidence, no investigation.

    Grab your popcorn , enjoy the show.


  70. So, now we go from
    Truth catching up to Trump,
    to Mistrust catching up to Biden.
    where is that popcorn ?


  71. Ravens flew all the way to Buffalo just to kick a field goal.


  72. If people can go to prison for lying to the government, shouldn’t members of the government go to prison for lying to the people?


  73. There are people on YouTube for example that have a larger audience than daytime CNN.



    Biffie: good article and quotes.


  76. Americans will regret how they treated Trump at the end, within a couple of years. Mark my words

  77. Edward Snowden Must be pardoned by Trump.


  78. Lindsey Graham now thinks he can lecture Schumer on bringing this country together. Dear God these people are only good at one thing. Absolute hypocrisy ! and, many are fooled by that. You make a politician a celebrity and they will treat you like a fan.

  79. Bummer, here comes the china jip and cummass era. Blah!
    Definitely going to have to dig deep to find my happy and shine on.
    I have to say, it is amusing watching the sides of all these characters flip and flop.

  80. President Trumps farewell address to the nation today was really good. I am proud to have had his as our President even with all of his flaws. I wish him and his well.


    Be careful out there.


  82. If Trump pardons Ghislaine Maxwell so help me God I'm hexing the MF.

    Witches stand by.


  83. Are people missing on purpose the fact that the people who stormed the capitol claimed to be defending "democracy"? They had learned their lessons well watching their government destroy counties, engineer coups, bomb & torture, all to "restore democracy."

    A state if it is to be legitimate has a responsibility to protect & realize the human rights of citizens & residents. And what is the ultimate human right? The right to life. The decisions by U.S. capitalist state in response to covid failed to protect that right.

    Obama administration & corporate media cheered on oppositions in Venezuela that burnt alive supporters of the government, attacked government solders with weapons in Nicaragua & deadly neo-Nazi attacks on police in Ukraine. Sorry, I can't get excited by Jan 6th.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought us many harsh lessons. Importantly, it has shown us how easy it is to manufacture panic and control entire populations through deceptive means. Topping the list of deceptive strategies is the use of a test that falsely labels healthy individuals as sick and infectious. This allows mass testing to drive the narrative that we’re in a lethal pandemic.

    Of course, I’m talking about the now infamous reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. The fact is, the PCR test is not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as it cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.1

    This is a crucial point, since inactive and reproductive viruses are not interchangeable in terms of infectivity. If you have a nonreproductive virus in your body, you will not get sick and you cannot spread it to others. Secondly, many if not most laboratories amplify the RNA collected far too many times, which results in healthy people testing “positive.”


  85. Its a great feeling when you open that mailbox full of goodies. The strut back inside is unmatched, especially when its cold as F. It sure was worth the trip.

  86. Nancy Pelosi in custody?

    Check this out:

    I see Marshall's badges on at least two of the women walking with Nancy

    1. I saw that too, but I thought it was just her security guards.
      However, I heard that she was caught trying to get into canada. For a couple of days after the electoral vote, she was absent. Hhhmmm...

    2. Look at the badges again Biffie...US Marshall's office!


  87. Effing Brilliant!: Capitalism moved millions to social media platforms promising freedom, connectivity, a new world where they had instant access to information. Then using Russiagate & now "domestic terrorism," the public is being conditioned to accept capitalist content censorship ! Amen.


  88. Julian Assange and Snowden left out in the cold. Pardoning those two would have been really good for Trump.


  89. International gangster Biden is now the President, Uneffing believable ! Only in America. Oh, dont worry he is going to put your needs above him and his dear son and family like he alwaysssss has.


  90. Everything Trump has been accused of Biden has actually done. Let that sink in.


  91. "The best argument for...Trump was that he...gave voice to millions of Americans who had been...voiceless for decades. The men and women whom the media...types never meet in their local Whole Foods but deride as bigots and brutish neanderthals."

  92. For Trump:- )
    Macho Man- Village Man

    My Way - Frank Sinatra


  93. Isn’t it interesting how you can see so many positive things on your timeline and all it takes is one negative thing that can bring you down? Gotta change that way of thinking. Don’t let anyone have power over your mind and heart!


  94. Mike Huckabee suggests Kamala Harris should be impeached for supporting riots

    Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee just suggested that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris should be impeached.

    “Politicians say reckless things all the time,” Huckabee said during an appearance with Fox Business on Saturday, after saying that he disagreed with President Donald Trump’s statements about Mike Pence during his speech at the Capitol rally on Jan. 6, but noting that he did not find the comments “impeachable.”

    “If we’re going to impeach Donald Trump for what he said, then we’d better impeach Kamala Harris for saying the things she did last summer about the rioters and the looters. And even establishing a monetary fund to get them out of jail on bail so they could get back to the riots,” Huckabee said.

    “That should be an impeachable offence if we’re going to play this game; everyone should have a turn,” Huckabee added. Watch the segment at the Washington Examiner.

    This can go both ways
    Huckabee has a point: House Democrats (and ten Republicans) recently impeached President Donald Trump, accusing him of inciting the deadly Capitol riot on January 6th, so what makes Harris and her Democrat colleagues immune?

    Harris openly encouraged the unrest across the nation last summer. American cities burned and innocent Americans died as Harris and her fellow Democrats supported and encouraged the protests, knowing full well the potential for violence.

    Harris supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund that bailed out rioters and even a man who stands accused of rape.......................

  95. The big lie.

    Bi-partism my effing ass. these mf are on the same team, and they are all ,NOT for the people. yeah, Oh, You in the club , right ? yeah right , wake to f up !

    You got religion !

    Am going to mind my own business.


  96. F it, am going to get nice. call it a mid-week niceness. emergency act. dont blame me.


  97. There is no other way to describe this inauguration other than "a joke"


  98. On another note

    Bill Clinton is showing signs of Dementia.

    he may need a head job.

    Oh, everybody gets it.

    Like you did not know.


  100. What if The US corporate constitution is no longer in effect? This video has some very interesting comments:


  101. The propagandists at CNN are truly delusional. They really believe that their perspectives & values represent objective truths. And because they believe that they are dangerous. The only difference between FOX & CNN is that at FOX they know they are partisan entertainers


  102. There is no way in hell Joe Biden will be a two term president.

    Who feels the same?


  103. Biden just signed an Executive order to ban all drilling of oil and gas on Federal land....

    Say bye to cheap gas...

    Thanks Liberal America for sucking at EVERYTHING...


  104. GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files articles of impeachment against Biden


  105. So just like that Biden’s going to send troops back to The Middle East...

    I thought liberals were against war?

    Every single one of you whining, snuggle puppy carrying, safe space loving morons got played. We warned you, and you were played!!


  106. In a number of European capitalist nations workers were receiving 70 to 80% of their salaries from their states while in the U.S. workers got crumbs. Now U.S. workers are supposed to be happy with a $1,400 check. The difference? It might be they have independent unions & a left?


  107. Biden picks transgender man for Assistant Health Secretary. Is that healthy ? Hey, am just saying.


  108. In the dead of winter, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer have our brave men and women sleeping in parking garages.

    How many times will our troops be insulted and betrayed while serving in our nation’s capital?

    On another note :

    BREAKING: Trump says National Guard can stay at Trump Hotel in DC.


  109. Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.


  110. A Houston police officer denied he was part of the Capitol coup, but after being confronted with evidence he said he went because it was an opportunity to view “historical art.”------ Well, thats appropriate. dont you think ?


  111. I know its Friday, but do you want to get pissed ?

    illegals can stay, millions of American jobs are destroyed, travel bans from countries that harbor terrorists are lifted, female sports must let males
    compete, and American energy independence is crushed.

    80 million voted for this guy?!?

  112. All hail Scar our new lion king. Scar and the fake news hyenas. Will now set out to piss off the lion pride for a short time.
    Trump will be back
    Plus Vegas bookies are refusing to pay out until March 5th. They say it's because. When rules for inauguration were moved from March to Jan 20. They never provided the constitutional amendment required. Meaning they think Trump might be back too
    Very exciting times

  113. The Huston police officer is a bad cop if he lied
    Everyone who is saying they were there to bare witness and are happy to cooperate. Is being left alone

  114. So much unjustice...
    The new admin are making fools of themselves and showing off their unintelligence and non care foe the American people.


  115. Biden's Back to Putting US Soldiers In Harm's Way Fighting Israel's Wars . .

    Did you not know that their lives are more important than yours ? Seriously ! Yes, this is true.

    Thats how they live, with that complete assumption, 100% Its real folks. quite real.


  116. Hemp and or Marijuana is or will play a part your future. It’s not going away. Research, there are many benefits.

  117. Jim Willie is doing a live interview with Jean-Claude at noon, CST, 1 pm EST.

    Subject: We are now a Republic; The Corporation is closed?


  118. Jim Wille is interesting. Hope people are listening.


  119. Gorgeous , Sunday Winter Afternoon, Enjoy !


  120. People who dont post on social media think they have a masters degree in maturity.


  121. Elected officials pushing to impeach Trump are setting an incredible precedent for their own tenure.

    This precedent will be felt in the states, just as the corruption and elitism has trickled down to state capitols.

    The people WILL revoke their consent to be ruled.



  122. Conservatives are under attack like we've never before seen in America!

    My advice is to BE EVERYWHERE..

    Gab, Twitter, Parler, MeWe, Pure Social, Facebook, CloutHub, Telegram, SayScape, etc, etc, etc..

    The way you aren't silenced is to BE EVERYWHERE!


  123. Jan 6th Blowback: The rulers don't want to talk about impact of 20 years of war on U.S. culture. The multiple deployments, the justifications for using violence to advance "democracy," lawlessness, the arrogant declarations that U.S. could determine the leader of other nations.

  124. Mein Fuhrer?

    It's official, we are attempting to repeat the days of Germany in the 40's.

    Teen Speaks Out After Alerting F B I about father's alleged role in US Capitol Siege

    Of course, it's a MSM article...very alarming!

  125. In the news

    Senator Dianne Feinstein of California (87 Years Old) has just filed the paperwork for re-election in 2024.

    She will be 90 years old.

    She and her husband have been stealing from the US taxpayers for so long, they feel they can't live without it; OR is it that Israel loves to take advantage of her seniority??


    President Biden's chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, is the highest-paid employee in the entire federal government.

    The nation's leading infectious disease expert made $417,608 in 2019 and is projected to net approximately $2.5 million in salary from 2019 to 2024, according to Freedom of Information Act requests obtained by Forbes. Fauci, whose salary is funded by taxpayers, received a pay bump in 2014 when his paycheck increased from $335,000 to the current $417,608. Fauci raked in $3.6 million from 2010 to 2019.

    The United States's 4 million federal employees are usually subject to a pay cap, dubbed level IV, which is $172,500. However, Fauci and other doctors and scientists employed by the government are exempted from the cap to make their salaries more competitive to the private sector.

    Fauci, who has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1980, outearned former President Donald Trump ($400,000), former Vice President Mike Pence ($235,100), Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts ($270,700), and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ($223,500). Three other doctors, all from the Health and Human Services Department, earned more in federal salary than the president but fell short of Fauci's pay.

    The health authority appeared almost daily during the beginning stages of the coronavirus pandemic. Trump sparred with Fauci over the handling of the COVID-19 crisis and even retweeted a message to "#FireFauci" in April after the virus was spreading on U.S. soil.

    Fauci, who now answers to Biden, reflected on his time with Trump and called the 45th president "the skunk at the picnic" who was "saying things that didn't make any scientific sense."

    Fauci: 'We Must Obey The Government Without Question As The Founding Fathers Intended'

    1. You get paid well if you are willing to lie constantly and sell your soul to sin.


  126. “The Senate is under the control of the Democrats, the House is under the control of the Democrats, the White House is under the control of the Democrats. And it’s time that Democrats did something good for this country and get us on the right track.”



    Steve Hilton drops BOMBSHELL: “Dr. Fauci’s institute commissioned research that produced this [COVID-19] virus” after Obama administration banned funding of the controversial research

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021 by: News Editors

    (Natural News) Last week, “President Biden’s” new Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Fauci, gleefully announced that “President” Biden has agreed to retract President Trump’s decision to withdraw support for the World Health Organization, calling its president Dr. Tedros his “dear friend.”

    (Article by Patty McMurray republished from

    Fox News’ The Revolution host Steve Hilton unloaded on Dr. Anthony Fauci, telling his viewers that after the facts he is sharing with the public that reveal the origins of COVID-19, Dr. Fauci was “going to need friends in high places.”

    More at this link:


  128. Murkowski, Collins, Romney, Sasse and Toomey, write you own story line.


    Biffie: interesting graphs, especially what US Elderly Population by Age Group will be in 2040.



  131. I always wondered why liberals were referred to as the Left, and conservatives as the Right...

    Then I found this verse in the Bible...

    "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."

    -Ecclesiastes 10:2


  132. Nancy Pelosi can buy a bunch of Tesla calls knowing an electric vehicle plan is coming but yeah god forbid a bunch of internet people try make the market work for them.

    Biden says he's going to make all government vehicles electric..

    Strange how Pelosi and her husband are investors in electric vehicles...

    These buffoons are going to wreck the oil and gas industry, auto industry, and so on. We'll be lucky if the Stock Market is above 15K soon!


  133. We’ve been lied to our whole lives one way or another.

    Get your head round that first and a few other things might start falling into place.


  134. Lets see, by now most readers must know why Pelosi made that purchase of Tesla calls. Can you share what you have learned or even read ?

    Hint : climate change. So, lets go. Post away.




    Biffie: This man makes some great relatable points.


    Biffie: I really despise this person!!


    Wow, cool!


  139. There is irony in the clash between the overly rich, their power and the growing awareness of the people on the other side

    The powerfull become victim of their own success: a dead economy caused by draining too much capital, restraining its flow

    Greed has its limits


  140. I told you this was coming with Biden: NO DOMESTIC TRAVEL WITHOUT MANDATED COVID TEST???


  141. Oppse daises.oh my...

    In Wyoming, Cheney faces blowback for vote to impeach Trump

  142. An investigation into the origin of covid-19 has uncovered a final trail of evidence that directly links Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to get unethical gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. The gain-of-function research that was conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China was intended to engineer highly contagious viruses “to learn about treatments and vaccines” to understand how to respond to an actual outbreak. The team that made this research possible was America’s very own public health experts at the NIAID, led by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, the number one expert in infectious diseases and leader of the federal coronavirus task force.
    Fauci continued gain of function coronavirus research by secretly subcontracting it

    The original gain-of-function research goes back ten years, with a Netherlands study that involved ferrets. The researchers wanted to see if coronaviruses could be genetically manipulated so they could be transferred through the air. After demonstrating airborne transmission with ferrets, the researchers wanted to replicate contagion in humans. This opened up an entirely new, controversial science that involved manipulation in the genetic code of viruses.

    It was Dr. Fauci and the NIAID who funded the first ferret study. Ten years ago, Fauci co-wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post praising the research as “a risk worth taking.” He wrote, “Important information and insight can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory…”

    The Wuhan virologists found that they could force an influenza virus to mutate and spread via aerosol droplets by injecting the virus from one ferret to another. By engineering the most lethal viruses in a laboratory setting, researchers believed they could better understand how to invent treatments and vaccines in the case of a real outbreak.

  143. Continue....
    The Obama Administration put a halt on gain-of-function virology research in 2014, for fear of viruses leaking from the laboratory. This opened up an opportunity for Dr. Anthony Fauci to subcontract gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. Fauci concealed ongoing research through New York’s Eco Health Alliance. Dr. Fauci funded a project there to learn about the risk of new coronaviruses, and how they could emerge from wild animals to rapidly infect humans.

    Dr. Fauci used the cover of EcoHealth Alliance to subcontract the research to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. In order to continue receiving money, the head of the Wuhan lab, Dr. Shi Zhengli, reported back to Fauci on the progress they were making on coronaviruses.
    Fauci, and the criminal network behind covid-19

    Fauci commissioned Eco Health to find out what viruses could infect both animals and humans, using experimental genetic studies and virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanized mice. Fauci commissioned and funded Peter Daszak, the zoologist who first discovered the bat origin of SARS ten years ago. Daszak off-shored a key part of the research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology under lab director Shi Zhengli, who was responsible for collecting bat samples.

    Fauci ordered the institute to collect several samples of bat feces in caves. After isolating several coronaviruses from the bat feces, the Chinese virologists analyzed and sequenced their genetic information. Finally, they built genetically engineered viruses, or chimeras, and they went on to infect human cells, showing how the man-made viruses replicated. These genetic changes unlocked a unique doorway that allowed the virus to infect human cells with ease. The virus is known to attach to human cells ten to twenty times tighter than the first SARS virus.

    “Until now, the only reporting of Dr. Fauci’s role in all of this has been his funding of the Wuhan lab in general,” said Steve Hilton, Fox News journalist. “But tonight we can go further thanks to this paper. We can see the specific activity that Dr. Fauci funded and it is terrifying — so terrifying that after we reached out to NIH this paper was mysteriously taken off-line on Friday for a while. But we downloaded it weeks ago.” Hilton is calling on Fauci to step down from his role as chief science advisor to the Biden administration until Americans can learn more about Fauci’s role in the covid-19 pandemic. Fauci must be held to account for off-shoring and guiding unethical, banned gain-of-function virus research.

    Sources include:

  144. You are welcome Biffie, Fauci and Bill Gates really needs reeling in.


  145. The government official who stands up for the people and investigates Robinhood will have our support.

  146. biden has an air force one problem

    He hasn't got one nor a marine one helicopter

    2 things that cant ne faked


  147. Dems and Republican silence on Wall Street Bets situation is deafening.

    Be prepared for more anti-free market legislation.


  148. Robinhood was always lies and fancy marketing. They never cared about the Wall Street Bets crowd, they only cared about selling the little guy order flow to Citadel. Today, they showed their true colors to the world.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.


  150. An update on market conditions
    It’s been a tough day, and we’re grateful to you for being a Robinhood customer. In light of the extraordinary market conditions this week, we temporarily limited buying for certain securities this morning. Starting tomorrow, we plan to allow limited buys of these securities. We’ll continue to monitor the situation and may make adjustments as needed.
    This was a temporary decision made to best continue serving you, and was not an easy one to make. We know it’s led to frustration and confusion, and wanted to provide some clarity.
    As a brokerage firm, we have many financial requirements, including SEC net capital obligations and clearinghouse deposits. Some of these requirements fluctuate based on volatility in the markets and can be substantial in the current environment. These requirements exist to protect investors and the markets and we take our responsibilities to comply with them seriously, including through the measures we have taken today.
    To be clear, this decision was not made on the direction of any market maker we route to or other market participants.
    The past year in particular has shown us that the financial markets are for everyone—not just institutional investors and hedge funds. We’ve seen a new generation enter the market, and they’re sparking conversations about what it means to be an investor. We stand in support of you, our customers. Democratizing finance for all means giving more people access, not less.
    We’ll keep monitoring market conditions and will update this Help Center article with the latest changes. We also published a blog post regarding today’s events.
    Thank you again for being a Robinhood customer. We’re so grateful for your support.
    The Robinhood Team

  151. Robinhood users file a class action lawsuit against the company after it restricted transactions for various securities
    After shares of AMC Entertainment and video game retailer GameStop rose to extreme levels on Wednesday, the trading company Robinhood placed restrictions on AMC and GameStop securities as well as other heavily-shorted stocks. The securities have seen heavy trading activity from users of Reddit's r/WallStreetBets this week. On Thursday, Robinhood users filed a class action lawsuit against the company’s decision to restrict the transactions of individual investors, while allowing hedge funds to trade the stocks freely.

  152. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said Thursday the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol was “fomented” by former President Donald Trump, and exemplified the “internal threats” faced by the U.S. that should be viewed “with every bit as much gravity as the external problems, and perhaps more so.”

    Speaking during an online event, Mattis walked through a list of national security threats such as North Korea, Russia, China and international terrorism, but then turned his attention to the U.S..

    “There are also internal threats right now,” he said, citing “the lack of unity on the consensual underpinnings of our democracy, and what we saw on Jan. 6, fomented by a sitting president.”

    But Mattis also identified “globalism” as a “root cause” of the divisions that led to the pro-Trump mob’s attack on Jan. 6. “Globalism hasn’t been altogether good in large parts of our country,” he said, adding that “certain trade deals” had had “second- and third-order effects inside our own country,” hurting some Americans economically and leaving them without hope for the future.

    “People are much more inclined to listen to conspiracy theories and other things when they’re losing hope,” Mattis said.

    Mattis was referring to the assault on the Capitol by hundreds of Trump supporters seeking to prevent Congress from formalizing Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the November presidential election.


  153. This proves it. Inside of every socialist there is a capitalist screaming to get out!

    AOC Is Selling a Gender-Neutral “Tax the Rich” Sweatshirt — And Republicans Are Pissed.


  154. Bitcoin is now at $37,000 and skyrocketing.

    They can't stop what is coming.

    Nobody can.


  155. MFs exposed the free market as a lie in 3 days lmaooo !

  156. Elon Musk , Jack(twitter)
    Ask yourself: What do these people know that you don't?

    its bitcoin, and its getting louder.


  157. Shhh… can you hear that? No? That's right – it feels like the first week in years where the world isn't buckling under the weight of stone-cold News™ with a capital N. Yes, there's still the nasty old 'rona to deal with, which is basically a way of life these days; but no elections, no console launches, no trade shows, and no online shopping marathons… in and outside the world of tech, all is relatively calm for a change.

    Unless, that is, you've been watching the stock market. There's been a surge in trading with implications so complex it would make The Big Short's Margot 'explaining Wall Street in a bathtub' Robbie scratch her head, as the flatlining games retailer GameStop saw its stock skyrocket thanks to some smart trading by enterprising Redditors. Want in on the action? TechRadar Pro's guide to the best stock trading apps will explain the intricacies of investing for you.

    Right. Back to business. Take your fingers out of your wallet and get ready for a bumper edition, kicking off with the most interesting camera launch we've seen in some time...


  158. The exodus has begun from Wall Street into Bitcoin and crypto....


  159. If you are not careful the newspaper

    will have you hating the people who are being oppressed,

    and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

    ( Guess who?)


  160. If retail investors are angry they can’t invest in GameStop, wait until they learn that they’re prevented from investing in virtually every early-stage startup getting built today.

    YEP, its quite real.


  161. Politics is basically a play on words... get yourself hung up on it and you are in deep doodoo. Cause the Politicans are not.


  162. I honestly believe that any impeachment should be voted on by the American people...a simple vote of guilty or not guilty....
    votes should not be left to the Senate alone.....remember...even those in the Senate were put there by American vote...

    Whats your opinion ?


  163. If you did not connect the dots, after reading this article you will.

    (CNN)"Stop the steal!" Trumpist insurgents shouted as they rampaged through the US Capitol on Jan. 6, referring to what they falsely claimed was a rigged election.

    Three weeks later, a different and non-violent crowd went on a different rampage, this one tearing through Wall Street, borrowing the slogan to defend their right to flex their muscle in the stock market. They had already sent the markets reeling and caught the attention of government watchdogs at the highest levels, after they sent the prices of distressed companies shooting into the stratosphere. It was a move that, not coincidentally, was reminiscent of other anti-establishment rebellions popping up across the world.
    Frida Ghitis
    Frida Ghitis
    You may not find much in common between what happened in Washington and what transpired this week on Wall Street, or in other seemingly unrelated raucous protests overseas, but if you look closely, there is a common thread, a common set of forces at play, and a not-so-hidden warning.
    Few people had heard about GameStop before this week, much less about GameStop stock, GME. But two groups had: The members of an online forum on the social media platform Reddit and Wall Street financiers, who had bet heavily on the failure of the company. In the past few days, the two clashed in what amounted to financial warfare. The online youngsters headbutted the traders, drawing financial blood in the process. It was a sight to behold!
    Robinhood restricts GameStop trades, among others

    Robinhood restricts GameStop trades, among others 03:00
    The forces fueling the emotions and the mechanics of the clash are not unlike what we've seen in other confrontations in recent months. Social media as the organizing environment; a sense of frustration against the establishment; a belief that some sort of injustice is benefitting the powerful, and a newfound source of strength, a way to attack, to inflict fear and pain on those viewed as responsible, or at least benefitting from that injustice. The difference, of course, was that what the Capitol rioters did was break the law and what the Redditers did on Wall Street appeared to be perfectly legal.
    What better way to get even, they might have thought, than to stick it to the very rich, to the Wall Street elite, no less. The moment had echoes of Occupy Wall Street, but this was a different generation, a different time, and very different tactics.
    GameStop's ascent: Reddit traders vs hedge funds

    GameStop's ascent: Reddit traders vs hedge funds 02:40
    Members of the Reddit page WallStreetBets decided to go after short sellers, traders who believe a stock price is going to fall badly. Short sellers borrow stock and sell it, expecting that the stock will drop, perhaps the company will go out of business. Their plan is to buy the stock much more cheaply than they sold it in order to return the stock they borrowed, and in the process make a profit. But if the price goes up instead of down, suddenly they have to pay a lot more than they received when they sold the borrowed stock. The cost to short sellers in a so-called short squeeze can be catastrophic.

  164. Cool Biffie, Robinhood might want to look up Robin Hood in the dictionary. Enjoy the weekend. I will, absolutely will.

    Have to fight and help this go through. My body, my choice!

  166. Hey Media, Your Bias Is Showing
    By Trish Regan
    With Joe Biden as president now, everything's going to be perfectly fine in the country, right? That's what the media seems to think.

    With the new administration ushered in, the mainstream news is treating President Biden as nothing short of the Second Coming (and the first to accomplish anything, apparently).

    With aid from the most diverse Cabinet of all time (we get it!), he and the rest of the Democrats will suddenly save America from all its woes... COVID-19 will disappear. The economy will right itself. And we'll all finally unite as citizens.

    All of this unabashed Biden-love has come gushing from the media after he's been in office for less than two weeks. Isn't it the job of reporters to actually question the government and its leaders? To keep them accountable? And not to act like a bunch of fangirls/fanboys?

    Well, you wouldn't know it if you've watched the news recently. And this fawning over the new administration by the mainstream media, with all its transparent bias, represents a systemic problem with one-sided journalism in this country.

    How did America's Fourth Estate get so compromised? My first guest on the podcast this week, Dan Gainor, explains how the news media basically had "an allergic reaction to Trump" and couldn't contain their contempt. A lot of otherwise respectable anchors were reduced to Leftist trolls, but now they're being even further reduced to vapid cheerleaders, because there's nothing more American than an overcorrection.

    Reporters gleaned the wrong lesson from Watergate... They taught themselves not that they could take down an American president, but that they could take down a Republican president.

    And in the last decade with this influx of social media, the floodgates have burst open with information sources... The institutional news monoliths are losing their grip as the arbiters of truth and reality.

    Over a year ago, I mentioned that the coronavirus was shamefully politicized... And now, it continues to be overly politicized in the other direction.

    Now that Biden's in charge, suddenly the media's reversing course. New York and California can reopen and it's OK? What has changed since a month ago? Other than who's in the Oval Office.

    As Dan Gainor details, this shamefully partisan approach of reopening Blue states now is an attempt to boost the economy for a glowing Biden's 100 First Days narrative.

    The virus doesn't care how you vote. There's no concern for real science here, just the calculus of shady politics. If either side really gave a damn about the science, then the schools would be open.

    Three of the evilest entities on the planet were charged in a Peruvian court the other day of conspiring to create the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) for world domination.

    Bill Gates, George Soros, and several members of the Rockefeller family were deemed responsible for the advent and spread of the Chinese virus, which has killed tens of thousands of small businesses and forever changed the world for the worst.

    The Chicha and Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber decided that the ever-dreaded Chinese germs were the product of “criminal elite around the world” – mostly multi-billionaires with global depopulation on their minds.

  168. You know Biden wants to get rid of something c....

    When your parents pass and leave you the family house normally you would inherit that property at what it is worth today. If you were to sell that house you would only pay taxes on the gain from what it is worth today and what it sells for. If Biden does away with "Stepped Up Basis" you will inherit the property for what your parents paid for the property. If you decide to sell you will pay taxes on the difference between the original purchase price and what it sells for today. Our kids need to be aware.

    Here is what this looks like!

    Current Policy

    Inherited House at Current Value - $200,000
    Sells for $205,000
    Taxable income = $5000

    Taxes Due - 20% of $5000 = $1000
    Profit to you = $204,000
    Biden Policy

    Inherited House at original purchase price - $40,000
    Sells for $205,000
    Taxable income = $165,000
    Taxes Due - 20% of $165,000 = $33,000
    Profit to you = $172,000

    If your parent were to have sold this property prior to passing they would have paid no taxes because it was their primary residence.

    So much for helping the middle class get ahead.

    ***My educated guess would be that at least 95% of Americans don’t even know Biden has proposed this. We are talking tens of thousands of more tax dollars for the average sold after inheritance! Wow, google “Biden stepped up basis” and educate yourself because this is a biggie!

    My guess is they will remove it from Farm and Ranch land as well.. So here it comes...We were warned...I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink..



  169. Hopefully this will help many to grasp what the Robin hood fiasco is all about. Now, there is much more to this, I hope you get it. Who owns the hedge funds ??? ah haa ! listen carefully.


  170. The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.

    —Stephen Hawking


  171. Elizabeth Warren just sided with the suits! (wall street) ???
    Washington, DC -- United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.); a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; today sent a letter to Acting Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Allison Herren Lee requesting that the agency provide Congress and the public information on how they will address the dramatic swings in market valuation of GameStop and other companies and respond to her questions about how the SEC will crack down on years of distortion in securities markets that have allowed the wealthy few to artificially inflate and deflate share prices and reap short-term profits while exacerbating wealth inequality.

    "These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors, big and small, are treating the stock market like a casino, giving little consideration to the companies, communities, workers, and consumers that may be affected by these risky bets," Senator Warren wrote in her letter to the SEC. "The recent chaos reveals a clear distortion in securities markets, with benefits accruing to investors that do not clearly benefit the company's workers, consumers, or the broader economy."

    In her letter, Senator Warren called on the SEC, which has a mandate to ensure the "fair, orderly, and efficient" function of the stock market, to review the recent trades and practices, fully and clearly define market manipulation rules and real enforcement standards, and relay to the public what the SEC will do to mitigate these unfair practices going forward.

    "The Commission must review recent market activity affecting GameStop and other companies, and act to ensure that markets reflect real value, rather than the highly leveraged bets of wealthy traders or those who seek to inflict financial damage on those traders," Senator Warren wrote in her letter to the SEC. "To protect and restore public trust in sound securities regulation and enforcement, the Commission must identify gaps in existing securities laws and rules and ways in which the Commission can improve its enforcement capabilities."

    Senator Warren asked the SEC to respond to her questions by February 5, 2021. Incoming Senate Banking Committee Chair Sherrrod Brown (D-Ohio) has announced that the Senate Banking Committee will be holding hearings on this matter.

    Yesterday, Senator Warren appeared on CNBC to discuss the recent volatility and on Wednesday made the following statement:

    "With stocks soaring while millions are out of work and struggling to pay bills, it's not news that the stock market doesn't reflect our actual economy. For years, the same hedge funds, private equity firms, and wealthy investors dismayed by the GameStop trades have treated the stock market like their own personal casino while everyone else pays the price. It's long past time for the SEC and other financial regulators to wake up and do their jobs - and with a new administration and Democrats running Congress, I intend to make sure they do."
