
Archived Comment Section | 27 June to 25 September, 2020

One World of Nations
Comment Section (archived)
27 June to 25 September, 2020

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  1. They done did it
    Minneapolis abolishes the Minneapolis Police Department:
    Minneapolis City Council votes unanimously for proposal that could replace Police Department

    Less than three weeks after they promised to begin work on “ending” the Minneapolis Police Department, some City Council members pushed forward a new vision for law enforcement Friday that could still include officers on the streets.

    The council voted unanimously to advance a proposal that would create a new Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention. Within that, the city could create a division that includes “licensed peace officers,” though it would not be required to do so.

    It’s unclear how many, if any, officers would continue to be employed by the city if the proposal passes.

    Source: Vox Day

  2. I am watching with fascination as a faulty test creates the illusion of mass-infected and the boogey-man of the asymptomatic carrier. Which is more realistic: That the bug is so mild in most that it spreads silently person to person at 10 to 20 fold the visibly infected or is it a test (or tests) which is/are garbage that is simply flagging everyone who simply had a coronavirus sometime in the past few years via circulating detritus? Especially where in the world (would that be W.H.O.??? — do we trust? — not anymore) did anyone get the idea that this sucker has a 14-27 day prodrome??? Really? What f’ing coronavirus on the planet has that? The engineering that made it did not change it so significantly that it should have such a prodrome. Use your heads. It’s the usual 5 to 8 days and is certainly NOT infective until the day prior to fever. That’s the rational position.

    The fear porn folk are now caught between a rock and a very, very hard place. To wit, as long as we didn’t protect the under 4 and above 70, we had a stream of dead. But now that we are the 7-day death average keeps dropping and continues to drop because the currently “infected” in 5-70 are not dying in droves — there goes into the wild blue yonder the 3.4% WHO CFR. Coming from the opposite, all the false blathering of millions upon millions of infected by definition is dropping the Infection Fatality Rate to between 0 and 0.26% with a median of 0.04% according to Stanford Medical School.

    “LOS ANGELES CRITICAL” says the headline on Drudge. Once you dissect the numbers, the screams are about 23 deaths. Mind you, not +23 over a baseline. Just 23. OMG — 1450 hospitalizations per day — up a whopping — drum roll — 7% over 2 weeks prior. The SURGE! The SURGE! — NOT. LA County is handling it all quite well thank you very much — as reported by folks on the ground.

    This is all being done to keep us corralled. No authority is to be believed and a return to freedom with abandonment of the vaccine plans (they really have no idea what they are doing) must be mandatory everywhere.

    1. This testing crap has really gotten out of hand.
      Where are all the regular flu cases. Now any symptom is added to c19.


  4. Masks don't work

  5. So, in short order, the CDC says it conflated testing numbers (you have one job! God Almighty!), NYT headlines that the Sky is Falling US , Florida announces it screwed up the testing, California partially re-closes even though there is no crisis anywhere except in newspapers, we’re testing more than ever — so shocker that the garbage test is finding a zillion ‘infected’ even as deaths and hospitalizations are more or less constant.

    Texas IS having a [small] surge in Houston based on hospitalization numbers. But with an average of age allegedly of 34, 99.9% will survive — so the idea that the wards are overflowing is probably NOT true based on the constant mis-reporting and fake news. Waiting for the usual video-journalists to burst the Sky is Falling bubble in Houston.

    Tracking it, and if I get anything good, you’ll see it here and over on Discord.

  6. Are they queing us up for the next PlanDemic?

    A new strain of flu that has the potential to become pandemic has been identified in China by scientists. It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say. The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spread easily from person to person, and trigger a global outbreak. They say it has "all the hallmarks" of being highly adapted to infect humans - and needs close monitoring. As it's new, people could have little or no immunity to the virus.

    1. Well, there goes the bacon and maybe even genocide of the pigs themselves out of fear. Not that I eat meat, but just saying.

  7. TINO,

    Thanks so much for your dogged determination and hard work digging through the muck and BS to reveal the facts and keeping us all updated and informed. I hope the information gets through to ZeroHedge and they publish it. Really big readership there!

  8. Dr. Fauci Misleads Public; Complains About Distrust! - Before It's News distrust-great-video-3030460.html

    1. WHY hasn't #realDonaldTrump not fired this incompetent liar!!??
      KENNEDY is his ideal replacement!

  9. Amazing! They've finally arrested Epstein's number one accomplice. I'm hoping she sings like a bird. Must be some pretty nervous Elite's around these days.

    Here's hoping the camera's where they are keeping her are actually working, unlike the set up when Epstein was terminated.

    1. If she was such a threat to them she would have been suicided a long time ago

    2. Scott, Thank you for sharing. However, I respectfully don't agree with your view on this matter.

  10. She has a deal. She'll disappear just like Epstein

  11. G Man, you could be correct but I doubt it since there is already the Epstein screw up and ALL eyes of the world are on this one this time. A second screw up will uncover too much of the deep state connections. That wasn't the case when Epstein either died or was "disappeared".

  12. PALADIN update part 1 from July 2nd(32min)



  13. Nebraska governor just said masks are not required. If any municipality, city, county that tries to make it mandatory will be immediately cut off from all state funding!

    When will DJT fire that lying mongrel Fucci?? WTF.....

  14. Wonder what Sir John thinks if his Royal family now?

    1. how about they may not have any more immunity or funds, if this is true:

  15. Here is a joint statement from Lagarde and Powell at a secret G7 meeting with all Leaders and Finance Chiefs of the seven nations attending as well as the IMF and BIS:

    “The financial system has been on the verge of collapse since September 2019 when we started Repos and QE. And since then it has only got worse. The coronavirus hit us at a time when the banking system was almost down and out. 

    We had enough problems saving the banks. But now we must save big corporations, small companies, individuals, local municipalities and states, the Federal State and this on top of rescuing a financial system which is deteriorating by the day. The whole system is leaking like a sieve and we are struggling to keep it all afloat. 

    Fortunately we have printing presses and that helps to keep it all going but only just. Our big fear is that the market will realise that all the money we are printing is worthless. And it is of course but we can’t tell anyone. But if the world wakes up to this one day soon, the financial system could implode in a matter of days. And we would be totally helpless to stop it………”


    Very interesting. To diabetics.

  17. "Its by the day thing" this guy bravado was a joke. So, how many years its been ? So now is Trump dont win the election in 2020 its a "no go" I guess. Hold the presses, its silly season once more,what a Fing joke. The surprise of him winning in 2016 was a shocker to him.LOL> its obvious he knows much less than he pretends to of course. All puffed up with nothing to do.

  18. Perhaps someone smarter than me can explain why the U.S. public pays for development of drugs only to allow private drug companies to then acquire the patent & charge the public exorbitant prices for those same drugs the public paid for. Is this not the madness of capitalism?

  19. PALADIN podcast #9 is up(5 parts)



    BEST White Hat's podcast yet! If you want to know "What's coming and when" and "what's going on now" listen up. I had a big smile on my face when it was over :)


    Yes, those that have had COVID-19 do develop antibodies.

    But two new scientific studies have discovered that those antibodies start to fade very, very quickly.

  23. Biffie, here is another article that is talking about SARS Covid-2. Tino, is it possible that "herd immunity" isn't working?

    Did you see the clip from an interview with Gates where he smiled and smirked when he said "The NEXT one WILL get attention this time"? IS THIS THE SECOND ONE?

    Smirking Gates short video...see for yourself!

  24. Forgive me for saying “I told you so.”

    I told you so.

    Taking a page from my betters, I have patiently waited for the following to happen:

    6 positive HCQ studies released.

    In the end, it’s about treatment effect. It’s about fundamentals of medicine and virology. It’s about the instincts of those of us who practiced 30, 40, even 50 years. The chain of logic was not complicated. It’s a virus. Zinc interferes with viral replication in cell. HCQ moves zinc into cells. 2005 NIH paper confirms but is conveniently ignored. Damn. Looks like there is a superinfection or that something is moving the virus deeper into tissues. Next most common item: bacteria. Add in antibiotic and get a two-for-one special because antibiotics are anti-inflammatory. Damn. Still a cytokine cascade. What interferes with cytokine cascades — Vitamin C and steroids. Enter dexamethasone. OOOooh. Can I treat just the lungs??? Enter budesonide. Damn. Still need a ventilator? Normal protocol is killing patients. Dogmatists and “Guidelines” prevent smart ICU Attendings from shifting — thankfully smart NYU doc goes public, gets fired, is followed by Italian ventilator authority saying NYU guy is right, we switch on a dime, death rate on ventilator drops. Still no solution for 81 year old, but at least now we are hardly losing anyone in 18 to 65. Vitamin D status matters too. Top quintile tends to survive. 5,000 IU of Vit D by pill is just what the doctor orders.

    Have we fired the UK NHS Chief yet? Does he think those of us with brains have forgotten the ban on HCQ? How many did he kill? He should resign in disgrace. No Senior Medical Officer in Western Civ has the right to impair the ability of docs beneath him to practice as they see fit arbitrarily.

    How many U.S. Governors banned HCQ? Illegally I might add, because they are pre-empted by the FDA. And FDA, will heads roll because (a) they interfered in the Practice of Medicine — something they are legally proscribed from doing — and (b) where the hell are the millions upon millions of donated doses of HCQ from major pharma houses that the FDA has stockpiled?

    And how about rehabilitating Trump on this topic? He was right.

    And now, if anyone still cares to bet against me, may I gently suggest once again, also as adjuvant treatment early, indomethacin 50 mg BID, based on the fabulous Italian paper that identified indomethacin metabolites as being lethal to SARS virii?

    1. Excellent post Tino, thanks.

    2. Dr Richard Bartlett ACWT Interview
      Dr. Richard Bartlett shared exclusive news about how asthma medicine Budesonide emptied a hospital ICU after being used to treat coronavirus. Budesonide is sold under the name brand Pulmicort Respules. This is the type that can only be used by inhalation using the nebulizer. Type of Steroid:

  25. Dr. Fauci is an expert like Mitt Romney is a Republican.

  26. Tino and Biffie and of course all other blog members...

    Have you heard about this and is it real or BS in your minds? Published on 7/10/20

    1. I remain skeptical...israel.

    2. Biffie, hence my comment and question. Yes, Is-ra-hell. My question would be "why" was this put out there? hmmm

    3. The clinical trial will tell.

  27. Disaster at MUFON — Jan Harzan arrested for soliciting sex from a detective posing online as a 13yr old. And MUFON had managed such a clean slate for so long. Unfortunately, it’s looking really bad. We’ll see what it please out to. Details I found are below (cut n paste from the reporting website)


    In the past two weeks, detectives from the Huntington Beach Police Department’s Special Enforcement Bureau have arrested two suspects on two separate incidents involving online crimes against children.

    On July 3, detectives contacted a male by the name of Jan Harzan after Harzan solicited sexual activity from a detective he believed was a 13 year old girl. The suspect solicited the minor to meet for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, and when the suspect agreed to meet the supposed minor, detectives were there to take him into custody.

    On July 8, detectives contacted a different male by the name of Norman Powers after Powers also solicited sexual activity from the detective posing as a 13 year old, and also arranged to meet for the purpose of sexual activity. Once he arranged a meet, detectives contacted him and determined he was there to engage in sexual activity with a minor.

    Both Harzan and Powers were arrested for multiple felonies and transported to the Huntington Beach Jail. Both of the suspects in these cases were specifically targeting minor females online. This is an great opportunity for us to remind anyone who has minor children with access to the internet – predators are out there, and they are looking for victims.


    Start at the 4 minute mark to see Tom Hanks in an ankle bracelet and then at 4:46 minute mark you'll see Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada in an ankle bracelet.

    I understand that Hanks is a notorious pedophile.

  29. Fauci deserves to be drawn and quartered. Read about the media blackout on those of us critical of the bastard.

  30. Between now and Nov 3rd, EVERYTHING is about winning this election.

    1. You got it. I still think it will be a massive TrumpSlide!

    2. No other choice but Trump, however Trump Must work for the people of America, not himself ,his family and friends. Please God help us keep our eyes open.

  31. So, situation is getting interesting.

    The White House is bypassing the CDC to get hospital numbers. The only reason to do so is to get accurate counts, not of positive tests, since they are legion and garbage, but of deaths and ICU utilization. It also means the CDC is lying, deliberately. They have, for Pete’s sake, exactly one job — keep the stats correct. Since they threw in an extra deca-thousand of regular pneumonia, the WH has reason to disregard. Plus they conflated and added in antibody and antigen test numbers. Errors of this magnitude are never innocent.

    Word on the street is no catastrophe in Florida. ICU utilization is up a puny 3% with approximately ~50 extra dead against a population > 20 million in a demographically old population. Additionally, it is now confirmed that Florida public health over-estimated/over-reported to the tune of 90%!

    Word on the street is no catastrophe in Texas either. One Houston hospital seems to have hit capacity, but again street-side there are at least 10,000 beds available and plenty of surge capacity for ICU. The latter are running smoothly. The Texas counting rules multiply every positive antigen test by 15! So divide Texas reports of positives by 15 to get the real number.

    Word on the street is no catastrophe in California either. No hospital appears over-run though inner city LA County might be having issues, no surprise given the indigent population. When citizen journalists go out to their hospital systems to check, everything seems to be running smoothly.

    Again, errors of this magnitude are never innocent. Essentially, COVID is over in the United States as a major force. The rest is deliberate gas-lighting and MSM-based hysteria that is not true in fact or deaths.


  33. So, I’ve told you, repeatedly, that the antigen tests are garbage. I realize it is hard to believe, especially in light of deaths, But those of us who have seen this bullshit play out time and again, realize it is just random intersection of sets.

    Every so often,the proof comes home to roost publicly: Fishermen test positive despite being at sea, hearty and hale, for 35 days!

    Of course, when the papaya and the goat tested positive, you should have stopped the testing nonsense. Clearly the tests are completely unreliable, have no prognostic value, and don’t even properly identify those who should be quarantined. Go back to the sensible — quarantine the sick, isolate their contacts, and let’s all get back to living. And maybe we can pass Constitutional amendments denying all politicians any rights to shutting down the economy….

    I also want all talk of Immunity Passports to go by the wayside.

  34. Q is posting again for the first time since July 2nd...very interesting!


  36. A couple of things to excite your consciousness this morning :)

    A few things to consider and ponder.  Share with others if all, or any of this, rings true for you. 

    We humans want to OBEY God.
    Advanced races want to KNOW God.

    Humans say: God created the Universe, the earth, heaven, hell, and man. He watches over us and listens to our prayers. When we die, we can go to heaven.
    Advanced races say: The Cosmos is an eternal field of awareness whose power both creates and destroys.

    Humans say: Jesus died for our sins and therefore, I am saved.
    Advanced races say: As long as one believes the power is OUTSIDE of self instead of inside, there will be no evolution or spiritual maturity. Evolution only comes when we are willing to take responsibility for who and what you are, what you are doing, what you are creating CONSCIOUSLY.

    Humans say: If we are good, we will go to heaven and be rewarded for our goodness when we die. If we are bad, we will go to hell and burn in it's fires forever.
    Advanced races say:  If we are good, we will be fully aware of what is going on around us. If we are bad, we will not be paying attention and may suffer violence or accidents.

    Humans say: The planet has a limited amount of water, land, coal, oil, gold, silver, and other resources. Whoever owns and controls these will be wealthy, happy, and comfortable. (Humans ASSUME there is a strong man and we are to pay homage and a piece of our resources to them if we are to have, and enjoy any of what he has and enjoys)
    Advance races say: The source of ALL energy is frequencies and fields. Space has unlimited frequencies from which water, land, coal, oil, gold, silver and other resources can be CREATED. (If we can advance to a point where we can use frequencies to create whatever it is we need, enjoy, or want to experience, we will live in abundance and have NO NEED FOR A STRONGMAN WHO IS MANAGING ALL RESOURCES SAYING "if you want something, buy it from me".

    Humans say: Objective reality is the only thing that is valid, and anything imagined or dreamed is irrelevant. (Reality only consists of what your five senses perceive.)
    Advanced races say:  Reality is subjective.  Objectivity only APPEARS when two or more agree on a perception.  Reality is entirely malleable and YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for what you are creating or participating in.

    Humans say:  The goal of life is to be happy and free, with enough money to do as you want, and possibly to do some good in the world. (Do humans even really know what it means to be happy and free?)
    Advanced races say: The goal of life is the advancement of consciousness in order to access universal stores of power and use this to create experiences that are good for the many.

    Finally, be aware that ALL RULES were all designed to be sure you didn't question the authority.


  37. Subject: Deadly Cover Up: Fauci Approved Hydroxy 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; ‘Nobody Needed to Die” |

    Should this be true, then Fauci should be charged with murder.

  38. Probably the most comprehensive analysis of this GIANT lie you will ever read...well worth the time and effort...

    The COVID Coup, Angelo Codevilla, The Claremont Institute

  39. D.C. Mask Mandate Exempts Lawmakers and Government Employees

    Do as we say...not as we DO!


    D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s (D) most recent mask mandate, which orders three-year-olds to cover their faces, exempts lawmakers and government employees while they are “on duty.”

    “Under the new Mayor’s Order on masks, people must wear a mask when they leave their homes if they are likely to come into contact with another person for more than a fleeting moment,” the mayor’s office states.

    While masking mandates across the nation, and in D.C., typically contain several exceptions — exempting the disabled, those who are actively eating, drinking, and people who are “vigorously” exercising — a closer look at Bowser’s executive action shows that the order does not apply to lawmakers, judges, or government employees while they are “on duty.”

    “The enforcement provisions of this Order shall not be applied to persons in the judicial or legislative branches of the District government while those persons are on duty; and shall not apply to any employees of the federal government while they are on duty,” the order states.

  40. (31min)

    JIM WILLIE details of whats going on!! EXCELLENT behind the scenes info.

    1. Tim,
      I've tried pulling up that link from both Duck Duck Go and Google. It won't come up. Can you or Canauzzie post a live link please?

    2. Excellent body of information. Jim Willie bases his information on data and has great sources. I see him as on target, especially when we consider how he has also been a target with the pattern used by clowns in action for many of us who love God Family and Country!

    3. Bob, I know Jim Willie personally and YES, he has been targeted yet he soldiers on. There are many who will be talked about with reverence as having been lights in the darkness during these times.

    4. MPW I just noticed this and I apologize for the delayed response. JW was a follower and believer in Dr Deming ... I was a protoge of Dr D for 8 years and led the "PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH QUALITY" efforts for GM. I developed the IMPLEMENTATION Strategies and made it happpen with full support of Our Senior leaders some of which were almost genuine. I was set up to be a patsy if I failed but our work was an overwhelming success so they forced me to take a buy out and they took the credit. I can see how JW is on track and doing the right thing. They at GM actually did me a favor. I was and am much more interested in learning than promotions.

  41. BIG?!!

  42. Hi Tino. Will you please help me understand why zithromax is used if antibiotics are supposed to kill bacterias. I have always been told antibiotics will not help if it is a virus. Is it because of any other bacterial infection going on at the same time? Too bad hydroxychloroquine is prescription only. I read you can buy it over the counter in Mexico.

  43. Another informative JIM WILLIE: (31min)

  44. Jim Willie: Coming Oil Bust Bigger Than Sub Prime Collapse
    •Jul 28, 2020

    Jim Willie- Corona Virus recurs and Global Reset Updates

  45. Interview with Jim Willie, financial expert and editor of the Hat Trick Letter.PART-1


  46. Tim, AGREE with your link to the short video from the FRONTLINE DOCTORS. I am including a link to that press conference held on the step of the Supreme Court below. The black female doctor from Houston, Tx who is treating Covid patients daily is riveting in what she shares.

    On July 28th, multiple frontline doctors on the steps of the Supreme Court, telling us what mainstream media will not...the video opens with the following words:

    "Covid 19 is a virus that exists in essentially 2 phases. There is the early phase disease and there is the late phase disease. In the early phase, there is treatment. That's what we are here to tell you." Further she says "we implore you to hear this because this message has been silenced".

    Please pass this on to those you love, to those you know who are afraid, and to anyone you believe will benefit from this information.

  47. Jim Willie | The hugely bullish picture for gold and silver at the moment.

    Jim Willie | Discuss currency wars and the rise in non-US-dollar-based trading

    (JIM WILLIE speaks 100% truth.What an awesome EDUCATOR!! I LOVE YOU DUDE!!) <3

  48. How much TRUTH do you hear coming outta DJT's mouth here?

    BEST interview by Hannity of our President!! BEST!!

  49. Please see this article by Catherine Austin Fitts before it disappears:

  50. RED Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

    Excerpt: (Do you really want to put something in your body where the producer has no legal liability and steps were skipped in production?)

    Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs.A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain's second-largest drugmaker, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from all legal action if the company's vaccine led to damaging side effects.

    With AstraZeneca, and many US big pharma companies rushing COVID-19 vaccines to market with governments granting them immunity if the vaccine has side effects, all suggest corporate elites and government regulators have very little faith in these drugs.

    For more color on leading vaccines in development that produce "severe" side effects, read our latest piece titled "Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Adverse Reactions In "More Than Half" Of Trial Participants." 

  51. Del Bigtree from the Highwire and producer of VAXXED did a scientific study from the CDC and other health organizations and found that our own immune systems are 99.75% effective at fighting off Covid 19. These vaccines are a total sham that are designed to kill people

  52. .....still no update(s) from PALADIN!!

  53. JIM WILLIE explains Saudi Arabia behind the scenes events and more. (77mins)

  54. JIM WILLIE explains why we will see MANY gold-backed currencies coming soon. (43mins)

    1. {I was gonna delete this link because its from, I believe 2016, but it is relevant, so I'm leaving it.}

  55. This is the final excerpt from the July 17, 2020 interview of JIM WILLIE.
    This one is mind-blowing to me.
    The way he explains this covid crap makes total sense. (He speaks about SOOOO MUCH more, though!) (43mins)

  56. Jim Willie - Why He Left the USA (July 2020)

  57. More Evidence Presented for Why Hydroxychloroquine Should be Made Available, in a New Court Filing by AAPS

  58. This is laying out the REAL plan by our Patriot White Hats. If you are interested in understanding what has ACTUALLY happened over the last 4 months or so, listen...and share!

  59. This is a clip captured by Jim Stone Freelance from the speech by President Trump at a Whirlpool facility this week:

    1. Canauzzie,

      Any chance you can make a live link for this one. I've tried finding it with this link info on two different search engines and nothing comes up. Thank you!

    2. Is this the one when he publicly stated and called it "CORONASCAM"?????

      If not, does anybody have a link to that quote by him????


  61. This says that JFKjr is still alive; and further, that he is Q!!!

    I think you can highlight the link, right click and select "open in a new window."

  62. Please , to even think that JFK jr is still alive is just plain old Stupid.

    1. believe that Henry Kissinger is actually still a live and breathing human being and not a clone is funny to me since he was old when I was a teenager and I'm in my 60"s :) So, I guess anything is possible and I certainly wouldn't put any of it in the stupid column. Amazing things we never thought possible are happening at warp pace these days.


    Biden ingeniously picked the one black candidate whose parents are not from America, whose ancestors had slaves, and who spent her career locking up black men...

  64. TINO,

    You are welcome!



    If you are high risk and MD won't prescribe HCQ or pharmacy won't fill the Rx, make an appt with TeleMD to prescribe and ship same day. Dr. Zelenko is a TeleMD Medical Advisor but makes no $ and is not an officer or employee.

    Early treatment is critical. Note that you DON'T have to be covid-19 positive to get it prescribed.


    here is the Report from 2005 that the gatekeepers REMOVED from medical website .please download and re upload everywhere and SHARE


    Here's another option to treat COVID.

    Dr. Bartlett’s Suggested Full Treatment Protocol for COVID 19
    Budesonide 0.5-1mg/2ml respules
    Sig:1 respule q 2 hours PRN severe symptoms
    Dispense 2 boxes
    Clarithromycin 500mg
    Sig:1 Tab PO BID with food
    Dispense 14. Refills X 1
    Zinc 50mg
    Sig:1 PO QD
    Dispense 30 Refills X 1
    For Adults
    Coated Aspirin 81mg
    Sig:1 PO QD
    Dispense 90 Refills X 3

  65. A friend from Arkansas sent a recipe from a nurse on how to make your own:

    Home Made Hydroxychloroquine:

    -From a registered nurse

    What is Hydroxychloroquine exactly? It is nothing but Quinine. Something that anyone can make at home....and something that is being manufactured each and every day in the form of something we have all seen at the grocery and liquor stores........None other than TONIC WATER. Yes....Tonic Water has the exact same Quinine that this drug being used to treat the Covid virus has. This was NEVER supposed to be leaked out...because even a full treatment regime of pills from the Doctor is less than a 100.00 for someone that does NOT have insurance. Something else you may find interesting is that when they created this virus, they also put a STRAIN of HIV in it. This was to make it even more fatal. But the Quinine kills that part of the AIDS virus as well. Can you see now why they were screaming that this was a Dangerous Drug and NOT TO DARE USE IT. Behind the scene studies are now coming forth that show it being effective other diseases as well and even on Cancers. I think in the days to come, we are going to find out a whole lot more than we ever thought we knew.
    If you listened to our President, he said that "in one year, every treatment that we are now using in the hospitals will be obsolete". What does he know? He knows that they have withheld these cures to keep people sick and to make millions off insurance companies.
    Quinine has many uses and applications. It is analgesic, anesthetic, antiarrhythmic, antibacterial, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antipathetic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, bactericide, cytotoxic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, nervine, stomachache, you can be SURE that BIG PHARMA is scared to death at this point and screaming that this drug DOES NOT WORK...when the entire world sees that it is working.
    If you ever feel a chest cold coming on or just feel like crap....make your own Quinine. It is made out of the peelings of Grapefruits and Lemons, ...but especially Grapefruits. I will give you the recipe here and you take this concoction throughout the day...or you can make a TEA out of it and drink it all day. This should take away all your fears about this VIRUS because you now have the defense against it and many other things. If you take ZINC with this recipe, the zinc propels the Quinine into your cells for a much faster healing.
    Here is all you need to do to make your very own Quinine.
    Take the rind of 2-3 grapefruits. Take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Put a glass lid on your pot if you have one...a metal one is fine if you don't. Let it simmer for about 2 hours. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the Quinine to escape in the steam. Sweeten the tea with honey or sugar since it will be bitter. Take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. Discontinue as soon as you get better......

    1. I've known about this for a while and have ample supply of tonic water on hand. Be sure the label says that it contains quinine as there are some cheap knock offs. That makes the new health drink during these times gin and tonic with a generous squeeze of lime because vitamin C is super important as well...who knew? :)

    Therapeutic Roles of Curcumin: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials

    Been working my way through this over a week, many supporting links, and may get done by ----- LOL. But, seriously, this is a plethora of useful information with what seems to ALL past studies information referenced. Oddly, I am not so smart but I CAN and do digest this information. BOTTOM LINE is this stuff is FANTASTIC for so many things and dosages, etc are all outlined.


    Extensive research over the past half century has shown that curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a component of the golden spice turmeric (Curcuma longa), can modulate multiple cell signaling pathways. Extensive clinical trials over the past quarter century have addressed the pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy of this nutraceutical against numerous diseases in humans. Some promising effects have been observed in patients with various pro-inflammatory diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, uveitis, ulcerative proctitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, tropical pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor, oral lichen planus, gastric inflammation, vitiligo, psoriasis, acute coronary syndrome, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic microangiopathy, lupus nephritis, renal conditions, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, β-thalassemia, biliary dyskinesia, Dejerine-Sottas disease, cholecystitis, and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Curcumin has also shown protection against hepatic conditions, chronic arsenic exposure, and alcohol intoxication. Dose-escalating studies have indicated the safety of curcumin at doses as high as 12 g/day over 3 months. Curcumin’s pleiotropic activities emanate from its ability to modulate numerous signaling molecules such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, apoptotic proteins, NF–κB, cyclooxygenase-2, 5-LOX, STAT3, C-reactive protein, prostaglandin E2, prostate-specific antigen, adhesion molecules, phosphorylase kinase, transforming growth factor-β, triglyceride, ET-1, creatinine, HO-1, AST, and ALT in human participants. In clinical trials, curcumin has been used either alone or in combination with other agents. Various formulations of curcumin, including nanoparticles, liposomal encapsulation, emulsions, capsules, tablets, and powder, have been examined. In this review, we discuss in detail the various human diseases in which the effect of curcumin has been investigated.

  67. Replies
    1. ENJOY!!

      I knew this stuff was great, but this link has been blowing me away!! No wonder the Agenda21 ASSHOLES are trying to ban natural remedies.....

  68.'s sad to see what's happened "here"! I remember hearing that the plan of defeating the effort against the "PPs" getting "done" was infinite "promises 'n reneging". It appears that it has been and is

  69. It is said that Putin's daughter just died after a second COVID Vaccine.
    Oddly, also , TRUMPS younger brother just died of natural cause(old head injury)....

  70. If you had the power to FIRE Congress in its entirety, would you do it? Me, in a heartbeat- they would all be out of work.


    A dear friend sent me this who has recently awakened to what is really going on. It's so good to see people starting to question the narrative :)

    1. Thank you MWP. Important to watch this one.

    2. I agree Biffie...that one should be shared far and wide. I got more response from this video than any other one I've shared in 7 years so it speaks to people and is a quick tutorial on waking up quickly, imho.

  72. Barack Obama's political genius is his ability to say things that will sound good to people who have not followed the issues in any detail — regardless of how obviously fraudulent what he says may be to those who have.

  73. Steve Bannon in custody for fraud. Another feather in the cap of the most Criminally Corrupt President in our Nation’s history ?

  74. John Berman
    JUST NOW: "I am telling you with every fiber of my being, that some of the President's closest advisers did not think he had the mental acuity to do the actual job."

  75. Please give a reason, one good reason to vote for Biden without mentioning TRUMP.

  76. Much of movement conservatism is a con and the base are the marks." The observation was true at the time; it's even more important now.
    POLITICANS, do not think well of you. Not in America.

  77. See I do not play any favorites, I despise Both Trump and Biden.. they are both equally worthless MF...when it comes down to it...

  78. For those who think the swamp is not being drained, this might be more than you want to know, but much of it has been seen on TV and we didn't understand what was happening:

  79. There is a concensus around >80% drained with lots of ankle bracelets and Kabuki ~ perps playing their assigned roles in a state of panic!

  80. The U.S. liberal class has pure contempt for the population. They tell you critique of this Biden creep suits Russia. But ask yourself, why is Russia, a capitalist nation ruled by oligarchs & the U.S. a capitalist nation ruled by oligarchs supposed to be enemies? It's a game.

  81. Kellyanne Conway coined the phrase “alternative facts.” She DELIGHTED in lying to the press, and the press loved having her on TV and quoting her endlessly. She was their top anonymous “senior official.” They will all attend her farewell drinks like they did with Sarah Sanders.

  82. JIM WILLIE just posted: (47min)

  83. FB and Zuckerberg sued by JFK, Jr.

  84. It is a wonder Zuckerberg can even keep track of all the lawsuits.


    Of all of the number of deaths they are CLAIMING were from Covid19, ONLY 6% OF THE DEATHS WERE ACTUALLY FROM Covid19. There were 2.6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, NOT COVID 19, that likely caused the deaths of most of their "death numbers".

    The takeaway? Take the total number of deaths the CDC is reporting X 6% = real number of deaths. 94% of reported deaths from Covid were likely from other causes. This makes the 6% adjusted number of actual US deaths from Covid19 just 9,683.52. These are certainly NOT the numbers they are reporting and blasting all over the news. AGAIN, THIS IS INFORMATION FROM THE CDC website.

    So, WHY DID THEY SHUT DOWN MOSTLY SMALL BUSINESSES, SCHOOLS, AND LIVES AND MAKE EVERYONE WEAR A MASK? AND, why are they still shut down and no mask restrictions have been lifted? hmmm

    Under the "Comorbidities" section, on the CDC website, it says:

    Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.

    1. I saw this in the local paper yesterday. Very surprised they reported it. What a sham and devastation to the world economically.

    2. Biffie, It's certainly a sham at the VERY LEAST...however, I think CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR is more appropriate/true.

      Heads need to come off and roll. Let me see now, where did I put my pitchfork?

      Did you see this "Biden holds a news conference with BREAKING NEWS!"?? This is what CNN calls breaking news? The breaking news is that a presidential candidate is incapable of putting an entire sentence together!

      20 seconds. Let me know if you understand ANYTHING he says.

  86. Listen to this doctor talk about the RNA factor planned to be included in the Covid Vaccine...BEWARE...unless you want your body altered permanently!

    15 minutes

  87. Seems I'm one of the few posting anything to share lately. I sure miss the regulars such as Tino, Bob, etc. I guess I'll post less as it seems few are reading it, alas.

    1. Hi MWP, please keep posting. I come in here and read a couple times a day. I am swamped with harvesting, watering, and wood cutting for winter. So I don't take much time to research or read for informative things to post for now.

    2. Thanks for the reply Biffie. At least I know someone is still kicking :)



    JIM WILLIE quotes TRUMP, "...the deep state has been decapitated!", plus SO MUCH MORE! 56mins

  89. BRUCE LEE (BEST!!!)

    Played it 3 times and am still pulling out more goodies each time from this 3min video of BRUCE LEE. Enjoy!

  90. I couldn't have said it better!

    WSJ: Spare Us More of the Arrogance of ‘Expertise’

    “This election is incredibly consequential for middle America,” said Mr. McConnell, a Kentucky Republican and the only top congressional leader in either party who’s not from California or New York. Democrats prefer that “all of us in flyover country keep quiet and let them decide how we should live our lives,” he said. “They want to tell you when you can go to work, when your kids can go to school. They want to tax your job out of existence and then send you a check for unemployment. They want to tell you what kind of car you can drive and what sources of information are credible.”

    Mr. McConnell was imploring voters to think twice before they turn government over to Democratic elites who don’t look to ordinary people for guidance but rather see longstanding traditions, existing institutions, popular opinion and the like as obstacles to overcome in pursuing their grand visions of how things should be.

    A troubling trend in recent decades has been the transfer of decision-making authority to expert intellectuals. Environmental regulations and health-care mandates are two obvious examples. But there’s also the more general nanny state mentality emanating from liberals who tell you that politicians, bureaucrats and academics know better than you do how to live your life and raise your children. The result is fewer decisions made through democratic processes, and more choices determined by an intelligentsia that suffers few if any consequences for being wrong.

  91. If you need a really GOOD belly laugh this morning, this will do it!

    A case of "do as I say, not as I do". Who do they think they are? Geesh!

    We need MORE of this type of protesting!

    This protest arose from Pelosi not wearing a mask in a hair salon...wearing masks is NOT for the elite in Washington?


    This was published in late July...but STILL no coverage by CNN and other compromised news organizations.

    At a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, titled, “The Urgent Need for a National Plan to Contain the Coronavirus,” Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.) said he wished that Admiral Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at HHS, didn’t have to leave the hearing early, because the last time he appeared before the committee, they discussed the incentive for people in the medical field to claim someone died of COVID just to get more money.“

    I asked him a question last time he was here, and we didn't have a time to continue our discussion with regards to the sort of perverse incentive for medical folks to claim that somebody died of COVID versus if it’s an automobile accident for instance, as long as you have COVID in your system, you can blame COVID and which means you get more money as the attending physician, hospital, whatever,” the congressman said.

  93. It's a big club, and Donald Trump ain't in it, and neither are you aha hahahahhah.......... !

  94. Yeah baby, because COVID 19, we are asking rioters to work from home and destroy their own chit.

  95. Hi All - it seems the ranks have been depleted. That's disappointing to discover. I didn't mean to desert the ship but have had a really busy summer and that, coupled with covid being non-existent in our area and the main topic here, led me away.

    To your CDC information, MWP - I had posted that same information on FB when it came out and found that very few people even bothered to read it. Those that did, didn't want to believe it!! I had included the link in the post and still had people calling it fake news. So I put the link in the comments as well. Still, most clung to me being wrong and took me to task. I've decided if a person is THAT immersed in fear, and that invested in being spoon fed by MSM they are beyond my capability to enlighten. I wish them well and leave it at that. There is no point.

    Biffie - hope harvest is going well for you. Crops and gardens in this area are fabulous this year - timely rains, no severe weather this summer and a good stretch of harvest weather to get the crop into the bins.

    1. Nice MYGIRL. Love gardening and farming.
      Would you please share that link in here for the CDC sites total cases and deaths? I have looked on the site and it still says over 188,000 total deaths.
      I would like to see what you are seeing.

    Breitbart is out with another exclusive from people who were close to the President when The Atlantic claims he called military veterans "losers" and "suckers."

    This time, US Ambassador to France, Monaco Jamie McCourt, told the outlet that the Atlantic story is bullshit.

    Ambassador McCourt was there the day President Trump’s team called off the trip to the cemetery at Belleau Wood because of inclement weather. She is the latest U.S. official who was actually present at the event to publicly deny the Atlantic’s account of events, which is based entirely on anonymous sources. -Breitbart

    "Needless to say, I never spoke to the Atlantic, and I can’t imagine who would," said McCourt. "In my presence, POTUS has NEVER denigrated any member of the U.S. military or anyone in service to our country. And he certainly did not that day, either. Let me add, he was devastated to not be able to go to the cemetery at Belleau Wood. In fact, the next day, he attended and spoke at the ceremony in Suresnes in the pouring rain."



  98. UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa
    by Tyler Durden
    Fri, 09/04/2020 - 23:45


    This really should be one of the biggest scandals in public health, but it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.

    The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.

    While international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries.

    1. What a truly sad mess. Knowingly maiming and murdering young children across the world for the sake of population control.

  99. Biffie,
    You asked for the CDC website info PROVING that there are actually ONLY 9,268 deaths caused by Covid19. The REAL numbers are just 6% of what they are putting out there. The Key is to look under comorbidities on the website which is what I linked below.

    Of the total number of deaths they are CLAIMING were from Covid19, ONLY 6% OF THE DEATHS WERE ACTUALLY FROM Covid19. There were 2.6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, NOT COVID 19, that likely caused the deaths of most of their "death numbers".

    The takeaway? Take the total number of deaths the CDC is reporting X 6% = real number of deaths. 94% of reported deaths from Covid were likely from other causes. This makes the 6% adjusted number of actual US deaths from Covid19 just 9,683.52. These are certainly NOT the numbers they are reporting and blasting all over the news. AGAIN, THIS IS INFORMATION FROM THE CDC website.

    So, WHY DID THEY SHUT DOWN MOSTLY SMALL BUSINESSES, SCHOOLS, AND LIVES AND MAKE EVERYONE WEAR A MASK? AND, why are they still shut down and no mask restrictions have been lifted? hmmm

    Under the "Comorbidities" section, on the CDC website, it says:
    Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups

    1. Thank you MWP. I will check it out. Along with the amount of additional money received for calling it a C-19 illness and death. Sham and shame.

    2. Sorry to be so slow on the reply, Biffie. Thanks, MWP, for providing the info.

  100. › ...
    Covid Vaccine Patent Warned of “Deliberate Coronavirus Release” Nine Month's Before Covid-19 | Financial Survival Network
    18 hours ago · Newly unearthed documents from Moderna Pharmaceuticals Covid patent application include a claim of concern about a "deliberate release of SARS coronavirus" ...

  101. Strange how many idiots on the left thought Brexit would prevent them from traveling when in fact it turned out to be a lockdown policy that most of them vehemently support.

  102. Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville pushed back Tuesday on the assertion — most recently voiced by President Trump — that the military’s senior leaders are eager to fight wars because doing so benefits defense contractors.
    Every living person in the US knows its true.

  103. Hiring Fauci to lead the CovidTeam
    is like appointing JackTheRipper as Attorney General

  104. Memories of 9/11 into ..9/12...very few cars were on the road , all major bridges were manned by NYPD WITH VERY LARGE GUNS. You can see the smoking remains of WTT from the Verranazo bridge and thats miles away. Actually you can view NYC from the V bridge.....beautiful. thats enough.

  105. Maybe true ?

  106. I never thought of this before but it makes so much sense!!

    Presidential immunity from prosecution is Biden’s main motivation for becoming a candidate in the first place.  

    I've been scratching my head for over 6 months asking "how in the world did Biden come out of nowhere to be the DemoNcrats presidential candidate?  The deep state can't have him arrested and singing like a bird, now can they?  "As the song says, I can see clearly now, the rain is gone."  

  107. Let your children grow up to be politicians, wether Democrat or Republican, and secure their financial future.

  108. Both parties are war parties that don't respect the humanity of the peoples' of the world. With the possibility of ending the 19 year war in Afghanistan one would think that peace might be worth covering in corporate press.


  110. Biffie, Lots of smoking guns on Covid...Let's hope the myth of this thing becomes known and a "knowledge" of raging fire like we are seeing on TV every night. Nature has a way of "copying" human actions.

  111. So, what is on your mind ?

  112. Gates and the lib intelligentsia are gonna be wondering about this particular vaccine’s safety right until about November 4th

    Then suddenly it will be safe- and mandatory- if Biden wins.

  113. Critical Race Theory.
    White Supremacy.
    Extinction Rebellion.
    Climate Hoax.
    Covid Plandemic.
    Bill Gates.
    Do you know your 20/20?
    I'll be asking questions later.

  114. It is dead simple and there are NO exceptions”

    Because we need a compliant population.

  115. Joe Biden Promises Fewer Fires, Floods, and Hurricanes if He Wins in November. Now you know this MF is out his mind ?

    Over 400 Michigan ballots for military and those residing overseas listed the wrong running mate for President Trump, according to The Detroit News.

    Instead of Vice President Mike Pence, Libertarian candidate Jeremy Cohen was incorrectly listed as Trump's running mate. It is unclear how many of the over 400 ballots were actually sent to voters before the error was caught and corrected, according to MI Secretary of State spox, Tracy Wimmer.

    GOP Senator John Kennedy used a startling cultural reference to portray his belief that believes Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is crazy, saying that he often thinks she has ‘is one of those people who tried Tide Pods’ laundry detergent.
    “I want you to think about what she proposed today, this is what the speaker is threatening to do,” he continued, adding “She is threatening to keep the House Democrats in session and prevent them from going home and running for reelection unless the Senate Republicans agree to the speaker’s $3.4 trillion coronavirus bill.”

    “On the one hand we can vote for Pelosi’s $3.4 trillion bill or we can agree to allow her to put the House Democratic majority into jeopardy. That’s just bone deep down to the marrow foolish,” Kennedy urged.


    Biffie: Great article. Covers fires, global warming or not, and the earths past history on this. A lot of good facts.

  119. Isn't it interesting how the electorate in the U.S. has been conditioned to accept as normal voting for the lesser of two evils and rejecting idea of voting for one's principles or for righteousness as absurd?


  120. Democratic socialism is a political philosophy supporting political democracy within a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy and workers' self-management within a market socialist economy or some form of a decentralized planned socialist economy.
    Never eFing happen.

    Really? the road to hell is paved with good intention.

    Wait, am on my way to Martys Vineyard, Cape Cod. Heard there is a nice piece of REAL ESTATE where I will be welcomed ! Really now !

    Alabama $158,000 Alaska $306,000 Arizona $23,000 Arkansas $285,000 California $145,000 Colorado $58,000 Connecticut $38,000 Delaware $127,000 District of Columbia $56,000 Florida $132,000 Georgia $73,000 Hawaii $301,000 Idaho $100,000 Illinois $73,000 Indiana $105,000 Iowa $235,000 Kansas $291,000 Kentucky $297,000 Louisiana $26,000 Maine $260,000 Maryland $120,000 Massachusetts $44,000 Michigan $44,000 Minnesota $380,000 Mississippi $166,000 Missouri $175,000 Montana $315,000 Nebraska $379,000 Nevada $98,000 New Hampshire $201,000 New Jersey $18,000 New Mexico $171,000 New York $12,000 North Carolina $252,000 North Dakota $339,000 Ohio $180,000 Oklahoma $291,000 Oregon $220,000 Pennsylvania $68,000 Rhode Island $52,000 South Carolina $186,000 South Dakota $241,000 Tennessee $166,000 Texas $184,000 Utah $94,000 Vermont $87,000 Virginia $201,000 Washington $58,000 WEST VIRGINIA $471,000 Wisconsin $163,000 Wyoming $278,000


    Biffie: If it were the wildfire smoke there would be the same thing happening here where I live in Oregon. We have have mass smoke from fires for almost two weeks. Finally got rain today. Our air quality index was measured over 700 last thursday. Hovered between 400 and 600 for days. We have a lot of birds here and they are not dying. So I am wondering if 5G has been turned on in New Mexico and Colorado where the birds are dying.


  124. Most that I talk to are asking how long she's already been dead? Makes me wonder "why" tell us now?? This gives Trump another seat to nominate on the SC.


    1. Either retired or passed, now finally gone. And yes another seat.

  125. Media silence regarding children trafficking isn't to protect the children-its due to who the "customers" are.

  126. If you are analyzing info, you are missing the point. 80% has been a lie. Start to recognize info at the soul level beyond the mind.

  127. We like journalists who highlight corruption...

    We just dont like journalists who highlight OUR corruption!

  128. Microchips, And Patent 060606 (666?)

    The case described below relates to an officially documented fact, although there is something rather biblical about it. Patent WO/2020/060606 was registered on 26 March 2020. The patent application was filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by Bill Gates, back on 20 June 2019, and, on 22 April 2020, the patent was granted international status. The title of the patent is “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”.

    So, what is this invention that the people at Microsoft decided to patent? The abstract of the patent application online states: “Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”

    1. Evil certainly likes messing with everyone's heads doesn't it(he)! I call him of many.




    inteliLIGHT - Intelligent Street Lighting Remote Management & Smart City Platform

    Intelilight is a networked light bulb company, with amazingly capable bulbs. They can communicate via WIFI, cell, and the electrical line and some models are capable of spying.

  132. Be true to yourself, because there are only a few people that will stay true to you.

  133. Don't let this fly under the radar: the Trump-appointed IRS Commissioner who has refused to release President Trump’s tax returns has made hundreds of thousands of dollars renting out Trump properties while in office.

  134. SHARE
    WASHINGTON, D.C.—Americans were shocked this week after their preferred political parties completely reversed their positions from what they were just a few years ago. Avid political loyalists are heartbroken at the realization that maybe all politicians are hypocrites who probably never mean a single word they say, ever.

    "I thought my favorite politicians were honest, principled people," said local voter Harlita Finnbop. "My senator has never lied to me, ever! I never imagined he would betray my trust by believing literally the opposite thing he believed just a few weeks or years ago! If we can't trust our politicians, who can we trust?"

    Voters across the country briefly considered voting for the other political party but realized candidates in the other party were hypocrites too. They also considered supporting other candidates who appeared to have more integrity but backed out when they realized those guys were total losers and sissies.

    Suddenly, everyone came to the realization that everyone who ever lived was probably a hypocrite. After a few moments of sad disbelief, the country collectively sighed and decided they don't really care if their politicians are hypocrites as long as they win.

  135. The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before the election.

  136. My intention will always be pure, I have no desire to be a shitty person.

  137. If you don’t realize how deep the control system is, you’ll just be another slave to the media & those who script it.

  138. Biden and his son built an INTERNATIONAL crime syndicate.

  139. Now, lets these numbers sink in, No, seriously .

    Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from California. She took office on November 4, 1992. A member of the Democratic Party, Feinstein was Mayor of San Francisco from 1978 to 1988. Wikipedia
    Born: June 22, 1933 (age 87 years), San Francisco, CA

    Nancy Patricia Pelosi is an American politician serving as a congresswoman from California and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Wikipedia
    Born: March 26, 1940 (age 80 years), Baltimore, MD

    Maxine Moore Waters is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California's 43rd congressional district since 1991. Wikipedia
    Born: August 15, 1938 (age 82 years), St. Louis, MO

  140. Sure you have seen this.

    Cicero of the Roman empire wrote this in 43 B.C.

    1. The poor - work & work.
    2. The rich - exploit the poor.
    3. The soldier - protects both.
    4. The taxpayer - pays for all three.
    5. The banker - robs all four.
    6. The lawyer - misleads all five.
    7. The doctor - bills all six.
    8. The goons - scare all of seven.
    9. The Politician - lives happily on account of all eight.

    1. Hadn't seen this, but thanks for sharing it.



  143. Anyone who is curious and wants the truth about Covid 19 & vaccines should watch Del Bigtree and their research on these subjects are infallible and just so spot on, I`ve watched every episode for the past year and cannot find a better source for this info.

  144. Biden is the Democratic candidate despite being so obviously incapable. The plotters need a cover-up guy who has the same exposure they do. This isn't an election so much as an escape plan.

  145. Some very sad news coming out on your Friday afternoon.

    It appears that former Texas Congressman and longtime Libertarian icon Dr. Ron Paul just had a stroke – or some other type of serious medical issue – during a live stream of his “Liberty Report” web series, which garners hundreds of thousands of viewers with every episode.

  146. Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars Congress intended for pandemic relief were instead diverted for military spending, with bailout cash used to produce products like jet engine parts, body armor, and dress uniforms. For a period of time, the Washington Post reported, the $1 billion fund that Congress gave the Pentagon via the Cares Act to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus” was on track to be used for its original purpose, with $750 million for medical resources and $250 million for defense contractors. That was what Ellen Lord, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, told reporters in April. But at a congressional hearing two months later, she backtracked, telling lawmakers that defense contractors had “critical needs as well.” The ultimate spending plan that the Pentagon put forth to Congress in June, the Post notes, prioritized $688 million for the defense industry.
