One World of Nations
Current State of Affairs
2 December 2018
We live in a world where Billions are impoverished and millions die needlessly. Where the most Gross Inhumanity rules over Humanity and perversion, as with Epstein and the Clinton's, is unfettered. Truly, disgusting. Yet when a Leader even part tries to do right, the Deep State launch all out Mueller wars of attrition to stop him. Who will end this Military Jesuit Zionist Deep State and when? We need to be up in arms for this, not to kill our neighbours. Let the pictures do the talking.
We live in a world where we do not fund Healthcare, we chose not to fund a lifetime of heavily taxed hard working Retirees whose Pensions are a pittance. Yet look at Political and State Employees Golden Parachute schemes. The gross Bankers?
We live in a world where Wars are Agency and Banker created to order, where Recessions are forced, nations scalped and extorted by the Parasites and Vultures. Look at how many tricks were used by Trump, Bush 43 and Clinton to avoid their draft. Bush 43 Reservist, in your dreams! Trump's bone spurs couldn't prevent him from running fast enough when the draft came calling. Some form? So called Leaders are all Draft Dodgers, and Teflon Elite families or conniving Skanks like the vile Clinton's and Obama. Truly sick Pervs. Low hanging Gorilla Snot, the lot. Soros should be delivered as an American gift to Putin for a Sore Ass!
Our Ocean floors are polluted and dying. Fish are absorbing plastics. Whales, Turtles, and Dolphins dying filled with plastics. Water is polluted. Our skies are being sprayed. The food chain is poisoned and you eat it. Yet humanity blows bubbles of indifference. Contained, mind enslaved, stupefied. Conscience is adrift in the flotsam of chaos. Who ordains and misleads this human zoo?
Poor Palestinians and neighbours have had Homelands stolen, subjected to daily Slavery and repressive brutality by illegal occupier Zionist monsters. We do nothing, why? America funds them, why?
Why can we so easily fund death, yet care nothing about life? Now the Zionist Khazarians covet poor Ukraine. The Agencies and Contractor companies are hiring again to mass kill. Instead KILL the Deep State.
Unbelievable Trillions are wasted annually. Look at the following article on the vast funded killing power and terrorism we choose to fund, yet not humanity. We truly are a part lost feral cause? Why is such inhumanity our Mantra.
The pictures are to say a lot. But read now the scale of bottomless funding used to fund weapons of death, but do nothing for the living. How have we ever allowed the bloated Military Industrial Complex to grow unchecked to this?
30 Most Powerful Private Security Companies in the World
Fear may be a strong motivator in uncertain times. Governments can only stretch so far, meaning some people are more than willing to pay private security companies to go the extra mile in protecting their loved ones. Firms operating in crisis zones around the world require protection as well, which has created a need for more vigilant and military-minded security service providers. Sometimes, these companies also assist governments and armed forces, providing highly trained armed personnel and logistical support. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, and it’s difficult to put a price tag on peace of mind. Read on for 30 of the most powerful private security companies in the world.
All that's posted above are directly related to the globalists agenda.Profit for them, nothing for the people of the world. So much is being exposed including Teresa May's lie about the Brexit deal she created. And the thugs(aka security forces) that often run interference for the Deep State am sure will see their own days in court(or MT) for crimes against humanity.
ReplyDeleteI've fussed at John about his gold and diamond Rolex, how much the funds used to buy that could help countless poor. But trillions wasted on needless wars, that could really help do much. Break poverty globally,good food, clean water, clean energy sources, improved quality of life, educational opportunities, better health care, new technology to help clean the oceans, and so much more.
Those deals Trump has just signed and now China at the table bodes well for more deals and fair trade for the world. That also means the CB's are no longer needed as there will be be no use for the dollar with asset backed currency and block chain technology.
With the CB's no longer dictating countries economies the opportunity for improvement of so many of the world's poor lives becomes a real possibility.
Fair Trade for Peace benefits everyone.
ReplyDeleteIt's a small trade tactical advantage and helps win deals. But those stones flashing in a room, what a Babe puller. Credit instead what I put back. Huge difference. It's no difference to top end cars. Those that can, do. We help the poor in many practical ways. When the PPs release, we will look at so many self help ideas. You, with an extra 25 acres and Hydroponics could achieve anything.
A major new Global Hemp based operation is starting via the States and Canada next year. Already Chinese Labs are bidding to process. Canadians next.
If small home based suppliers can be factored in for product support, you will be in mind.
As will many on site. Right now getting the Global operations established is the priority now it's lawfully licensed. If a chance comes to create slots for small growers we will.
I am cognisant of how much is possible to put back for others. So leave the Babe puller alone a Guy can't live only on dry bread alone you know. Lol.
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