One World of Nations
Iniquitous Reprobates Series
The Cabal
15 August 2017
International Public Enemy Number ONE is the US Power Elite, the Cabal Public Con.
Be clear, try to understand and wake up to the cogent reality of the American illusion.
The United States does not have a Democratic System, but a Power Elite. It is Governed and run by the unelected Deep State. Stealth accrued power. Eisenhower forewarned what even then was coming if not stopped. They are now all powerful, self accounting to no one, certainly not an Electorate vote. They are The Swamp.
To them, Trump is a terrifying anomaly. An out of control freebooter, not empowered and beholden to their Corporate State, nor Funder indebted to either front parties.
But he is heavily indebted to the Koch’s, and what is that price?
Pence as his running mate was the first price they demanded, before he even saw a dime to continue his campaign, and for them, to have their own Deep State approved Goffer in place, beholden to them, if there comes a time to dump the Chump. Pence knows the agenda! Koch's fund, only at a price.
America does not have two parties, but two faces of the same party. It’s all an illusion of a three card shell game.
The system owns both. Neither are working for, or represent you. They are hired Shills of the long established Elite's regime.
You, are just Voting Cannon Fodder. Expendable Economic Slaves. Even the need for you, as Eaters and Polluters, is diminishing now as Transhumanism, Robotics and Hydroponics approaches. Scientifically aided and enhanced Beings will live decades longer and Robotics will steadily replace the human needs workplace. So - who will fund to feed, those we do not need?
We are about to enter a new era. One where the costs of Pensions and Health Care for most will be simply unsustainable. Where Pensions Pots will simply be looted, leaving you powerless and Potless. As they have done to others, home turf will be next. A social disaster is approaching. Federal and State Employees, many retiring early and living far beyond planned expectations, simply have grossly inadequate reserves, and Taxes to keep them idle, will not be socially acceptable.
Life, as you think you know it, is ordained by a simple rubber stamp, while the real game, the Sheeple's Con, goes on. A hapless illusion in your State of Confusion.
From the registration of your very birth, by accepting their Birth Con, assigns to them all Beneficial Interests in your life and cross collateralised assets, to use you as a Wealth pledged property against your future Tax contributions. A Debt pledge for any and all Equity raised against you. You effectively sell your very children into indebted bondage. Properties of the Vatican or Deep State.
All that was controllable when the Surfs were needed for unskilled labor, and as a printing machine front for consumer purchasing as outlets for their Fiat dollars.
But with a colossal changes coming in the consumer and monetary diagnostics patterns, this compounded by charts showing up to 40% could possibly be unemployed within a decade, the Ponzi scam that has become America, will simply implode as no products of sustainable value is created. Within is just a self serving pyramid of Derivatives, Fiat currencies, ever forward loading the perpetuating and compounding cosmetic debt swamping America. The entire US Corporate base will fail without urgent new rethinking and reprioritisation of the asset base. Taking the entrapped Global base with it. A true Rocky Mountain horror show (Addams Family).
What is coming may become a testing ground for Transhumanism versus alternative unfunded Humanism. A truly unequal divisive conflict for the current human species.
Who will be enhanced, and who left behind? Redundant Carbon life forms? As wealth is congregated to serve the enhanced best, who funds or even cares for the rest?
Who deserves the right to lead, where Elites will decide who to enhance and who not to feed?
Where Corporate, not Spiritual Governance, will be governed by greed. What chance have you if left out at birth, to ever succeed?
We live governed by Leaders and Agencies causing perpetual wars, a sub-species of no values, who profit from wars, bankrolled and agitated by Zionist Whores.
A world where an elected President who appears to be one not even on the take, is being Deep State investigated by Mueller, whose own past allegedly covers mass corruption, protecting Clinton and refusing to expose Soetoro’s Birth Certificate, knowing it’s totally fake. What is the level of crime to knowingly protect a usurping Con Man corruptly and illegally holding office as the President of the United States?
Who knowingly ordered FBI Florida agents not to approach or interview Romney or Bush over the Falcone fraud, while having a clear copy of the contract obtained from Interpol, seized from Herzog's safe. Fraud establishing the chain from Bush outwards.
Yet Trump is under attack for seeking to clean it up. He had no idea of the depth of this sewer or its Rats within.
Why are the Clinton's and Bushes still walking free and the poor thousands of victims sat on a Papal knee ignored?
If the Constitution and oversight view of the President does not allow him to reflect and act as the conscience of the nation, as elected by the people’s will, what is his use? Who then thinks for America and raises the bar? What happened to the American Freedom ethos which once enraptured nations.
Another impoverished nation is now about to face the Tyrant wrath of a Global bully.
As with Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, it always ends so badly. Why does America seek to lead others when it can not feed itself? If America wants a justified war, start with the Ghettos. A century of indifferent abuse from which few escape. Some planned Society!
So back to North Korea. Let’s take a reality check.
A nation so poverty wrecked it is one of the most impoverished and systematically abused nations on earth.
Not too dissimilar to poor Palestine under Zionist repression. Good Jews do not cause this in Palestine, only Zionists. We do segregate the two. Good Jews can live in peace in the Arab world. Only Zionists seek the Greater Israel ideal. Take land, obfuscate, sequestrate, suppress target land, force conflict as an excuse, then seize it.
Always the same agendas and despots. Exterminate, sequestrate, subjugate.
North Korea (NK) is basically a lifetime’s penal colony of brutal repression and mass genocide at the will of savage Despots. War ravaged by the West will wipe out millions of lost human beings to assuage the egos of arrogant, powerful bullies in Washington. Another Shock and Awe transgression will be waged offloading vast, aged munitions later to be charged as War Reparation to poor nations. But also as a Weapons Testing Ground attacking an enemy hopelessly under-armed to fight back.
New Generation Technologies, which will atomise opposition and a show of strength to counter Russian and Chinese opposition. An attempt to strike fear in Asia using NK as the body bag zone safe from domestic US conflict. But, as always it will be the millions of Peasants who will suffer. Did Vietnam teach them nothing?
There are better ways.
North Korea has a narrow band of partisan leadership. Connected families.
The US and Europe have the opportunity to pre contact the NK Command by known name and give them 72 hours to hand over the Dog Kim Jong Un, or be attacked, all held accountable and hung if not complying. He would be handed to America or China staked over a Pork Barrel. Has bombing nations into the Stone Age achieved anything to date?
Just for once, how about America actually attempts first an intelligent policy, and demands that Lard Arse Kim Jong Un is handed over forthwith for crimes of mass genocide, and that NK opens borders for an immediate Peace Keeping Force to enter such as either from China for face saving, or if agreed by China, first the UN, and working respectfully in conjunctions with Chinese interests to establish a new Democracy there. This idiot Tyrant is not acting alone. The nation is a living hell hole. But it’s also a clear Chinese DMZ protectorate and any invasion attempt by the US leads head on into conflict with China, whose face loss would be intolerable to allow it. Thus a real escalation.
North Korea has such an intense control over every facet of life that pictures of the so many alleged brutalities are simply not available, just rough drawings you need to see from parties who have experienced the hell on earth this poor nation suffers.
Kim Jong Un has a special family tree. Most of his family are hanging from it. Overtones of the English Henry XIII and the Tudor family mass murders. From such are Monarchies spawned.
Kim Jong Un had his Uncle executed.
His half brother was assassinated. His Aunt was poisoned. A Senior Military Commander was executed for falling asleep and other disrespectful actions in Kim's presence. Many rumours how others have brutally slain by this despot - believe them or not, the people are dead.
There are five major Concentration Camps. Reportedly rape, acts of forced sodomy and other forms of brutality happen daily.
The land mass peasants are starving. Work is seven days a week and brutal beatings. Women impregnated by Military or guard rapes, have the fetus beaten out of them.
Each day must be abysmal to suffer, yet we whine about RVs and GS and gimme, gimme, I’m owed. Aaahh want maaahh lick! What a species. Don’t be an Ass Soul.
How about, if we are to RV, we deduct 10% for Global restoration of nations, just don’t let the Bush’s or Clinton’s near the funds. Instead of the US getting fat profits from South Korean bases, the world just suggests to China and Trumple stiltskin that it would be an act of real Global vision and nation building if Trump reaches out to China and suggests, as in the second world war with Allies closing in on Hitler’s Bunker, that each nation has a clear run to attack their side and to meet safely in the middle.
If the US approaches via the South and China comes in from the north, all the appalling Slave camps like in WW II, can be accessed fast by the Alliance of such combining nations, and a needing nation freed. Humanity. For a real God's sake.
As with Nuremberg, Korea needs a full post release series of trials for their Elites, Camp Commandants and brutal guards. The entire nation has become an inhumane locked down Concentration Camp. Mass genocide for decades while we do nothing. Our Human brothers and sisters in need, where is their hope? Why are we indifferent?
When do Leaders collate a Collective Vision for all Humanity? As we lie as a torpid race in the gutters of garbage waste we collate for our delicate planet, who is looking up to see the stars and asking,” Why are we here?” What is beyond?
If Trump were to acknowledge to China that post removing this appalling regime, US forces will respect the DMZ and return to clear demarcation lines with the nation released, human aid supplied, to evolve as free people, and to know there is hope. If China and America could just cooperate for the sake of a better world, what detente would that generate as a species of Beings? What does it take to sit together and see the stars and to start to grasp the big picture of evolution of Man - Not so Kind, as a species and to ask together, how can we evolve not just as nations but as Souls?
North Korea is macabre. Beyond hell a Devil’s Spawn in power. Because of the lack of visible media evidence, we can portray only the wretched drawings of the poor Souls who did escape. Even that, with good imagination, it portrays the sheer horror of those trapped within. All our Soul Brothers and Sisters. As a species it shames us all. To ignore it more so.
Again, how about if Trump tries to make this a Statesmanship epoch moment to reach out and portray both an act of respect to China, but a generosity of spirit to work as one and free mankind. Not a Political spin game to show who’s got the biggest toys?
These are all our Soul children. What are we doing for them? Can Man - Be Kind?
Never mind Cabal Subjugation, how about we go in and free this nation? 150,000 plus freed from the Camps and millions freed from Slavery. One time to be kind, and what a moment for mankind.
I will be the first to agree we need what has been suggested for the sake of the NK people.
ReplyDelete"How about, if we are to RV, we deduct 10% for Global restoration of nations, just don’t let the Bush’s or Clinton’s near the funds. Instead of the US getting fat profits from South Korean bases, the world just suggests to China and Trumple stiltskin that it would be an act of real Global vision and nation building if Trump reaches out to China and suggests, as in the second world war with Allies closing in on Hitler’s Bunker, that each nation has a clear run to attack their side and to meet safely in the middle.
If the US approaches via the South and China comes in from the north, all the appalling Slave camps like in WW II, can be accessed fast by the Alliance of such combining nations, and a needing nation freed. Humanity. For a real God's sake."
ReplyDeleteThe cruelty in this world for humans and animals just breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteBut OWON alone is showing the depth of horror to be even born in North Korea. We did nothing for Jews in WW11, and we stand idly by with North Korea. Why?
ReplyDeletePlease don't compare the WW2 Jews to North Korea. NK is real. But this article just rehashes everything we already know, spreads fear porn, and offers solutions that the power controllers have no interest in because they don't see a problem. I like informative articles, but this one is suspect for reiterating the same old criticisms. It's also leaving out the war between the Cabal jews and the Hasidim/orthodox/Chabbad crowd which is serious and growing. Unless we are prepared for open revolution ( and we are not ) I don't see much changing. Total improverishment is possible, but not likely. An engineered die off of 65+ crowd is probably already in the works through the meds, vaccines and maybe even dental work. There is a project to depopulate the planet but I don't really believe that a big, global war will be needed since the legalization of marijuana will allow all kinds of poisoning on a stealth level. And besides, the satanics need an endless supply of children for their rituals and there must be a lot of them, satanics that is, since they never seem to die. Trump is more beholding to the Chabbad group than Koch. Watch for the fireworks.
ReplyDeleteDepends whether you were a WW11 Jew or not. It worked for Soros and his kind. I also question, what was not real for the Jews? So many camps, so many died. Why not compare each? Does inhumanity have a preference criteria? Only some condemned?
ReplyDelete'There is a project to depopulate the planet but I don't really believe that a big, global war will be needed since the legalization of marijuana will allow all kinds of poisoning on a stealth level.'
ReplyDeleteHi Seshette. Would you mind elaborating on your above statement, please? How can a natural herb poison people? In what way do you mean? Thanks
Still following 😘