So, while we respect your right to vote Democrat, we totally refute your right to Vote Clinton.

Iniquitous Reprobates Series
18 April 2015
How could anyone with even half an intellect, or conscience, impose this sordid, lying, dangerous malignant evil Bitch into a position of real power. Everything she has ever touched has failed or been mass contaminated. Aided and supported by a Serial Rapist, who's a part of the Bush Crime Family Cartel, they both need to be serving Time, not America. What part of Not Fit For Office can YOU not understand?
Conclusion being, if you would vote this Trash into Office, YOU don't deserve a vote. Educate the ignorant and Stupid, this garbage is Not Fit for America!
She IS the Enemy.
Exposed: Hillary Clinton's Sex Scandals
@ 2 minute mark
ReplyDeleteThis is the new #1, please place general comments here
Hello John, I hope all is well and things are progressing forward with you and the elders.
ReplyDeleteThey are but as Global Dynamics these things can take years to fully develop. These are enormous undertakings and will change the entire Western monetary system base control vehicles. Big Dogs, dispossessed of free lunches from the Pee Ons, will not be happy.The Elders are NOT mass bailing Currency speculators holding stolen or counterfeit notes, so focus your life on Real World recovery. Dongs will redeem at some value in time, but with speculative and unquantifiable vast rumoured Dinar overprints, expect Iraq to issue its own new currency, take care of its own Domestic population, and then take a pragmatic and tough stance on the rest. Real Banks will have to follow both KYC and History of Funds rules which get ever tougher. Notes looted from Vietnam and Iraq, usual US parasitical Hegemony practices, will all fail checks. Large volumes WILL be checked. Explain how you lawfully earned them? Bought from a Gu- Roo - Boo - Hoo, good luck with that, Or even a Bank, agent for whichever Ponzi printers, have you checked their Weasel Clauses?
DeleteWe are currently having to show documentary evidence of Elders assets right back even to the 1930s and beyond and its hard. When they fled China, they took the vast assets and Gold, not the records. So, they sit on colossal mountains of Gold and Cash, not documented. Most off balance sheet. Nothing is easy in the new world of Paper Tigers. So much idiot talk is playing out. Parties gorging themselves on funded fantasies anticipating multi T's of hand outs. People need to focus on real word issue first. For most, these are lottery tickets and how many ever cash out?
The PPs are real and will help societies which is our main forte. As with the Elders. Printed paper bought with vast unearned rewards in mind, good luck. It has brought out the worst in people. And the worst people.
Ours, we fund ourselves and it takes what it takes. If the currencies are not done before Silly Season in 6 weeks, you may be looking then into next year. Hard reality. Those windows are closing fast. Please, focus on better realistic short terms options. PP's are OK any time. Currencies are mainly Jungle Bunny paper and rules. Dongs have a base of reality. A lot of reckless Iraqi speculators may never see any Free "Dinars" !
Again,South Sea Bubble history. Dinars have been an enormous scam for the gullible and greedy.
PP's are to help the nations. Dinars are toilet paper. So many people were suckered out there. Ponzi scams.
Some of the fantasies propounded, well, keep taking the Meds.
John, I know I can count on you for a laugh at times, "Bought from a Gu- Roo - Boo - Hoo, good luck " now this was funny.
DeleteBut now I am just curious, as I mentioned before I didn't invest in these currencies, but this statement " Or even a Bank, agent for whichever Ponzi printers, have you checked their Weasel Clauses? I must be misunderstanding, so if folks bought the VND at a bank like Chase they might have trouble? I have to tell you, if I bought a quantity of any currency at a bank, and then went to exchange them, and they told me they were counterfeit, I'd whip out my receipts and ask them why they sold them to me in the first place. I must be missing something here?
Bang - sters? If overprints who takes the bath?
DeleteMY comments target the Dinars not VND. just the Not for Me Free Dinars.
Deletegot in on the "bang-sters", they sure are a nuisance.
ReplyDeleteThis report needs to go viral. We cannot let this sicko into the white house!!!
ReplyDeleteAgree Biffie as the more information comes out, it will be uglier. The truth has a habit of becoming known these days and as more is revealed, more will be found.
DeleteI was hoping for more dirt like truck loads
ReplyDeleteThe average US attention span can not handle more than this. We will keep up issuing weekly.
DeleteI might have missed it, it's early and I'm just having my first cup of coffee. You didn't even get to Whitewater, Vince Foster, the years prior to the White House, when her husband was State Attorney General, et cetera.. yes there is a ton of information I'm sure you'll share as to why election should not even be considered.
DeleteWe have not missed it. It's a Trilogy and the Shit List will unload weekly.
DeleteI think you misunderstood my comment, and yes I understand you're going to unload. I meant I might have missed it.
DeleteList of Politicians with Israeli Dual Citizenship -
ReplyDeleteFedup, that is very interesting and quite the list. Sure make you wonder.
DeleteGlobal stock markets tank after Bloomberg financial data terminals crash worldwide
ReplyDeleteI wonder who exactly was behind this! It seems to me like a "warning" message sent to "somebody". Yet, by who, and to who is the question. Russian hackers are said to be the best in the world, by consensus. Russia just gave Greece an advance payment on gas transfer lines,etc.....Now this happens same day. Very interesting "coincidence"! Next week the EURO currency begins it's meltdown as predicted by many for months, because of news out of Greece. If Italy follows next week with news it will default, then this is virtually guaranteed to happen. Then, the UK will perhaps announce it is backing out of the EUR currency and using only the GBP. This intention has already been telegraphed as being a viable option for England. What if the GBP gets backed by xxxx ? ~darylluke.
DeleteHack the Pound? Wash your mouth out. Try unlocking a Bulldogs teeth from your cohonnes if you try. The UK will JV also with the Gold backed RMB plus. The UK is as sound as the Pound. The wealthiest Russians wont hack the UK, they now all live there. They only crap on your doorstep.
DeleteNote where my comment was placed below. Said nothing about the Pound being hacked. I was referring to the hack of BLOOMBERG, which caused a LOT of markets to freeze,close, fall on Friday. I believe it started about 11am eastern,lasting over 2 hours. ~darylluke.
I was joking at the link
ReplyDelete(More nonconsent under the radar treason)
Germany Seeks Compensation for $57M Holocaust Fraud
ReplyDeleteAfrica is not “poor,” it’s being looted
ReplyDeleteGlobal Fear Decreasing As False Flags And Crisis Actors Exposed - See more at:
ReplyDeleteThere is an old saying which states; “You can fool SOME of the people ALL of the time, and ALL of the people SOME of the time, but you can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.” This saying seems to be showing it’s immutable nature as people globally are waking up to the tricks of light and shadow which have been played on them by their governments, corporations, and financial institutions.
"It’s easy to assume that workers earning less than $15 is a small subset of the workforce. But, in fact, 42% of all workers in the United States fit this bill. Just over half of all African Americans earn less than $15 an hour, and nearly 60% of Latinos make that hourly sum."
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm torn on this issue with the min wage. I remember when I first got out of high school, I was earning ( yes I'm going to age myself} if I remember $2.85 at a part-time job while in college.
DeleteI do think that folks should earn a livable wage, but this probably won't be popular, but what incentive does someone have to better themselves when their making $15.00 for flipping burgers?
And on the other side of that coin, I read some time ago an article that talked about how prices to us the general consumer would increase substantially,
I support this only because I've seen what it does and a general look at countries that have it compared to those tgat don't:
Delete1. Off welfare
2. Unemoyment does not rise
3. Less people on the streets and poor
4. Velocity of money in the economy is higher
5. The larger tax receipts received by gov and less welfare allows free public health and such ( that is not socialism but a civilised society).
Those countries that don't have minimum wage have the opposite of all of the above points.
I know my US mates hate liberal support and culturally leave every man to himself, but the condition of its middle and lower classes is terrible. In Oz the minimum wage is about $15 and it produces a very good standard of living with no impediment to business. I urge you guys to support it. Unless it is thought that working a 40 hour week and still needing welfare is appropriate.
It also improves business efficiency. Instead of hiring 3 people (who will all need welfare) it hires 1. That one person and business need to work well without waste. It is very good micro and macro economically.
DeleteI understand where you're coming from AJNAANDY, but in the next breath, playing Devils Advocate, I think the Corporations will pass that increase on to consumers. With that said then, isn't it just the same but at more expense to everyone? I don't know, just thinking out loud. We do have to give folks a livable wage, get them off of welfare so they too have opportunity and dignity.
DeleteYour post does make a lot of sense, and brought up some things I hadn't thought of. Thanks!
You're right Constitutionalist, the cost of things does increase and it is relative (Oz is expensive, but paradoxically the standard of living is high). This means people are paid more, and have more money to spend. The key is to apply minimum wage at the poverty line or just above it. Also, to exempt small businesses under say 5 employees (?).
DeleteWe here at OWoN and WHA have a focus to work and not be a welfare bum. If we start from the principle of 1 week's work should mean a person does not need any welfare, overall people will be better off. It also makes for more competitive jobs market: when employers hire 1 instead of 3, only those who make the effort to work well, go to school etc get jobs. Which means most people do that. No job is unappreciated in this environment, nor are any workers, because if you are hired you have beaten many others.
$15 might be too much for America right now. Maybe $10-12 to start.
Look who's supporting Hillary! Lol.
ReplyDelete‘Hookers for Hillary': Bunny Ranch Employees Endorse Hillary Clinton
Cal L. Girl
Her husbands a good customer, was that throat cancer HPV? He must be loaded. One good thing for him is HPV is incurable.
DeleteIt's taking too long!!!
Also from previous post. Pretty funny, John! I've got to watch my double entendres. Lol.
johnThursday, April 16, 2015 at 1:46:00 AM MDT CalGirl
So, your into a little flagellation heh? Like beating? Lol Definate LL
Jeez, your knocking staying power now??? Lol
DeleteLol. You win another round. Oops, how will you interpret that comment I wonder.
Positive news, you have booked us for another round?
DeleteAnd Hillary's Sec of Treasury in waiting...not good!
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton Hires Former Wall Street Cop as Campaign CFO: Source
Hillary Clinton is planning to name Gary Gensler, a former top federal financial regulator and strong advocate for strict Wall Street rules, as the chief financial officer of her campaign, according to a Democrat familiar with the decision.
Gensler, in his role as chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, was a leading player in the drafting and then implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act, the financial rules that President Barack Obama signed into law in 2010 in the wake of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Gensler also served in President Bill Clinton's Treasury Department.
This move ensures more of the same; unregulated banker's...
DeleteYes, Fedup, you're right and the disease continues...
DeleteFinally: List of 80 People With as Much Money as 1/2 of Humanity
ReplyDeleteA complete list of ENEMIES OF HUMANITY!!
DeleteFedup and DL, what about the ones not of the list that have the large money? Not speaking of the Chinese Elders or their British equivilants, but the Rothschilds and their business partners.
DeleteHeh keep we Brits under radar. Lol
DeleteTo help
ReplyDeleteReal PP's are progressing. Many on the sites have shown the right attitudes for real consideration and inclusion for funded Project support. Those alone will help some. The Currency Amber Gamblers have now just 6 weeks before Silly Season. a fast closing window this year. Factor it in. Mike was a great success and a real human response from so many. It showed the touching best of so many good Americans. You especially we fight for against the Cabal and Zionist Bank Sharks. Your help for Mike goes with you. It is known. Please focus on real issues. Life is so much more than a Free Dinar. Your real value is who you CHOSE to become. Money is transient material. You- are forever.
Nothing comes to he who waits.Go out and find a solution. Wasted lives whining and wimping, Santa is not coming. Life itself is the key, use it to find solutions. Waiting is a waste of living time. You all have enormous potential. Thinking is key to all. It all starts somewhere, Opportunities are waiting for you to find them. Live, or lose, your choice.
Thanks John for the update and encouragement. You are right, there are a lot of opportunities and a lot of creative innovative folks on these two sites who will know how to find and get involved with them.
ReplyDeleteThe voting machines are rigged!! THIS is the problem, if this UNFIT "person" gets the nomination. So, TRUCKLOADS OF DIRT must hit the internet EXPOSING her crimes and JEB BUSH'S crimes daily!!
they absolutely are, I remember hearing this past election where it was discovered that votes were changed from R to D. I think paper ballots will solve the problem, maybe.
DeleteDL, there is "truckloads" of dirt on the internet exposing the crimes, actually there has been for years. I'm glad John and Canuzzie post them here, most of you guys wouldn't have paid much attention to them, just like most Americans didn't previously.
DeleteThese guys are doing a great service by putting things front and center here. The problem is and trust me when I say this, because I know, getting others to listen to you, believe what you say often isn't as easy as it seems.
It takes persistence, and patience; teach and lead instead of shoving the truth down one's throat, as that's when you meet with resistance.
Arent you all a great team and site now? Highly credible quality people.Look at your responses already.
DeleteBush gets his features next. We have over 100 pics loaded for each. All staged as Poop Dumps.Smell the ( Hell that ain't Roses!") Hard truth is coming. It needs you all to help Americans.
DeleteRON PAUL should have been the president, but it was stolen from him by fraud, deception, dirty tricks and all the rest....They totally screwed him every step of the way.....People actually do have the option right now of PAPER BALLOTS. They are called absentee-ballots, written on paper and mailed in!!
DL, I know, it's disgusting. And true there is those absentee ballots, but and I think I know your answer, why should we have to jump through hoops to vote for whom we want? Why can't we just be able to walk in, vote for who we want, and not have to worry or double check? What happened to " Republic" and "Democracy"? Both you and I know the answer, how many don't?
DeleteI'm watching Rand.. let's see how he fares. Ron and Rand both speak so many truths. Sad part is most Americans refuse to really listen to what they're saying, same thing I think with Cruz who is close but no match for them.
Absentee ballots aren't particularly safe either, but better than machines. Absentee ballots still have to be COUNTED and many strange things happen on the way to that step. Boxes of mailed in ballots have been found 'in storage' or 'missing' or a 'mysterious fire' occurs before counting starts according to many reports from mostly close election contests. In 2012 election, ALL absentee ballots from military serving overseas were reported to have been 'lost' in an airplane crash...imagine that!
DeleteMy thoughts also Texian. I feel that all ballots should be hand written. No computers. You would have to count all of the hand written ballots under video surveillance and armed guard. There definitely needs to be a better accounting of the whole process.
DeleteThere is so much abuse of the voting system. The system needs to be upgraded- without the computers.
DeleteJohn, what's your thoughts about Darrell Issa? It seems he tries to expose, but always is stone-walled or? I'd be interested to know.
ReplyDeleteHis own criminal past may have got him blackmailed. He is a disaster.
DeleteUntil arrests are made they will put who they want in office, until we all stand up whether this means marching on DC with millions or forming some kind of citizens task force to go in and force these A**holes out it won`t change. We need to stop feeding the system (taxes,courts, SS, Obama Care, etc) that they rely on to keep us slaves, once that stops they`re dead. We have to quit giving them our energy and move on to more meaningful and credible opportunities, as John says Life itself is the key, use it to find solutions. Waiting is a waste of living time. You all have enormous potential.
ReplyDelete"Consent". A key word . We have given consent to the political (DC) system take our rights away. Yes, consent was given by all Americans by simply Registering to vote.
ReplyDeleteAON, they took our consent at birth when our mother signed our certificat and they've controlled us since.
DeleteI do not see why we have to register to vote when the right to vote is written into the Constitution. That is one way to take away that right.
DeleteOn a different note and for a friend now on her way to the hospital.
ReplyDeleteIs this the End of Diet Soda? Huge Study links Aspartame to Major Problems, Sales Drop...
As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As we reported yesterday, aspartame–the main sweetener for diet soda–is one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, causing seizures and a host of other health issues.
In a new study done over ten years and sampling 60,000 women, it was shown that women who drink two or more diet drinks a day have much higher cardiovascular disease rates and are more likely to die from the disease.
Read more:
Captain America: Winter Soldier hints about an EMP attack:
ReplyDelete"All you need is a dirty bomb in Moscow or EMP in Chacago" says the head of HYDRA.
David Willcox and others believe this movie deliberately telegraphs nwo intent and current state of play. I tend to agree. And some of its tech.
So with the recent happenings in the us (Fed moving, walmart stores, jade helm etc) it makes me suspect: is the EMP option telegraphed in the movie what is indeed in the works?
Captain America Gives The Illuminati Game Away
From Wilcock:
Delete"Anyone who still doesn’t believe there is an international alliance working to defeat the New World Order, and that this alliance includes members of the US military and intelligence community, really needs to watch Captain America.
The seemingly towering impossibility of one man and a handful of his allies taking on the greatest evil cartel on earth, fully interwoven into the government and intelligence community, and winning, is very satisfying to watch.
If you combine this film with Ironman 3, both of which are part of the same Avengers franchise, you can see that hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to tell us the truth and prepare us for major changes ahead.
These films are being used to telegraph high-level arrests of the Cabal. It is disclosure disguised as entertainment.
These films are also being used to prepare us for the fact that power must be used to defeat power. We’re not going to blog away the problem with clicky keyboards. Government agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, will need to act against other agencies, such as the NSA. That’s what we are being prepared for."
And then there's the Hunger Games franchise. It is also telegraphing the nwo intention and that the us is already well on the way. Here are a number of videos outlining this:
Hunger Games Analysis - Illuminati Elite
The Universal Law of Free Will must be respected, even by these crooks. So they show us in movies what they intend, and if we allow it to occur it's the same as us giving our permission. Everything has been disclosed to us in movies, including Star Trek (the galactic federations), and Star Wars (the WH and Dark Hats and the ancient Orion War that is now in its endgame on Earth). The Force is universal Consciousness.
Putting it together, and with what John says about universal consciousness, it is imperative we live from a base of an awakened consciousness and not be drawn in to the drama and fear, to see the clues in these movies to understand what is going on, and to learn to direct our lives independently through conscious creation, and to withdraw consent from these criminals.
Thanks AJ for your post. A while back someone posted a link to the Matrix movies. The link explained and deciphered these three movies. I have been looking for it with no luck finding it so far. Do you know?
DeleteBiffie, I think this is the link:
DeleteThe Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio
(btw - I appreciate many of your comments and way of thinking).
Thanks Valdi for the kind words and information. I will save it this time. It was a great explanation of the matrix movies.
DeleteThanks for the info and link Biffie and Valdi.
ReplyDelete#2325: Marine Links Dam Lubitz Way Points To Serco Base One Tor, Black Hand French Mirage
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked way points which put Andreas Lubitz's Airbus 320 on a potential collision course with the Serre-Ponçon dam, to Serco's alleged use of a Base One Technologies' onion router (tor) to relay ad hoc way points via French Mirage fighters and deflect Lubitz’s plane into a crash site about 20 km from the dam.
ReplyDeleteTRIAL BY MEDIA: co-pilot Andreas Lubitz - Abel Danger In Germany - Field McConnell besucht Deutschland - Der Whistleblower der Luftfahrtindustrie, Field McConnell - The Hegelian Odyssey of Andreas Lubitz Continues - SHOT DOWN 4U9525 UNITES FRANCE & GERMANY
Field McConnell interviewed in Germany by Ralph Niemeyer, EU Chronicle, regarding Airbus crash and probable cause:
Wednesday is Earth Day. In honor of it Sunday's Parade magazine came out full of ways to take better care of our mother earth. Each state is noted by something they do and then there are a lot of green sites to go to and innovative ideas. If you don't get this in your paper visit
ReplyDeleteNICE #2 story guys!!
ReplyDeleteR.I.P.Christopher Story - Humble servant tirelessly & tenaciously served humanity with exceptional honor.
I sure hope everybody takes the time to read this history article.
ReplyDeleteThe Newest Weapon in the Fight Against Land Mines Could Be...Plants
ReplyDeleteLand mines are not only explosive but also poisonous, leaking toxins into the soil that make plants sick. That's unfortunate for the plants but fortunate for us—if we can figure out how to look for sick plants as harbingers of land mines. Airplanes equipped with a low-cost sensor that captures non-visible light might be the answer.
LiveScience's Becky Oskin reports from the annual meeting of Ecological Society of America, where a group of researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University are presenting just this idea. That a bunch of ecologists would be interested in land mines actually makes a lot of sense; land mines lurking underground can subtly shape the ecology of an area.
The VCU researchers did their field research at an unusual place though, a "privately owned experimental minefield in South Carolina, where [DARPA] once buried fake land mines for a research project," writes Oskin. The National Explosives Waste Technology and Evaluation Center is where researchers can (safely) experiment on new ways to detect land mines.
At the experimental mine field, VCU researchers found that not all plants reacted to explosives like TNT and RDX the same. Woody plants were less affected than herbaceous ones with soft stems. On the other hand, common weeds like the nutsedge seemed completely unaffected. The makeup and health of an area with dense vegetation—where traditional mine detection methods might be difficult—could be a clue to land mines underneath. To that end, the researchers envision an entire "Explosive Specific Index" cataloguing how buried explosives affect different plants.
The key, though, is a fast and cheap way to scan across large swathes of vegetation. That could mean hyperspectral imaging from airplanes or from the ground. Hyperspectral imaging can also light outside of the visible spectrum, which is helpful because infrared, for example, can reveal damage that doesn't show up in visible light. Plants could one day reveal secrets long buried underground, if we just know what to look for. [LiveScience]
In my best Ripley voice: Get away from the US you b#tch!
ReplyDelete"More Hillary Cronyism Revealed: Cisco Used Clinton Foundation To Cover-up Human Rights Abuse In China
As many suspected, it turns out that the Clinton Foundation is indeed a tepid cesspool of crony corporate and government donations used to buy influence at the highest levels of Washington D.C. This shouldn’t surprise anyone paying attention, but it will hopefully wake up some Democrats still buying into the deep rooted myth of Hillary Clinton"
The list of ONGOING wars on planet Earth as of April 20, 2015.
Amazing report from Fulford. Including the walmart and cheyenne mtn stuff. I'm glad Lord Blackheath is getting another round of publicity. Timing?
ReplyDeleteBenjamin Fulford - April 20, 2015: US Corporate government goes bankrupt on April 17th, refuses to acknowledge
"The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION based in the Washington D.C. extra-territorial enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America failed to make a payment on March 31st and was given until April 17th to come up with the goods but was unable to, according to Chinese government and CIA sources. For that reason the US corporate government has gone bankrupt, the sources say. However, the folk in Washington do not plan to go quietly and are still fighting to survive."
"The story that all these different sources tell is that Khazarian gangsters acquired the rights from various royal families around the world to use their gold as backing for huge denomination financial instruments. As mentioned before in this newsletter, Lord Blackheath discussed one such case in detail at the House of Lords in England in 2012. For those of you who have not yet seen his testimony, please take 11 minutes of your time and watch it at this link:
"What Lord Blackheath discusses is the use of 700 tons of gold owned by an Indochinese royal to fabricate 750,000 tons worth of gold backed certificates that were used to create $15 trillion that was used to bail out the Federal Reserve Board after the Lehman crisis of 2008.
Now, other Royals are coming out of the closet with their paper certificates theoretically worth trillions of dollars that were issued to them by the same Khazarian or Federal Reserve Board con-men as Lord Blackheath mentions."
ReplyDeleteThere is a new #1, please place general comments there:
Britain backs eventual yuan inclusion in IMF's SDR basket