- Ethereal existence is YOU!
- As Global Leaders are Clueless Dross, how can Families lead their Families?
- How can we help our world emerge free of these mediocre Clowns in power?

18 March 2015
We live in a world where Leaders know the price of everything, but the value of nothing. Everyone needs to focus on rebuilding a higher consciousness.
Aspire - Higher!
Choose your own destiny. Chose better Leaders and publicly decry Dross! Name and Shame! Look at how Brazil’s own people are mounting vast protests against Government corruption.
The wheels have come off nation building and society has lost direction. We live in a virtual reality world of disposable consciences and Souls for sale. No one thinks for themselves.
Aspire to become a Soul Being
The real questions are not the size of a Kardashian Butt, instead the purpose of your being a Human Being?
Happiness is not a temporary mercantile fast fix, with throwaway replacements on call. Including marriages. Nothing now has sanctity. Yet people are evermore despairing, lost and seeking a Fast Buck fix as a Gimme, Gimme generation. This can only end badly when the Sheeple are aimless.
Material dependency is not fulfillment. Life is so much more. Why waste it? It’s yours to live and explore.
Degeneracy has become the norm
Disinterest from the people allows into Politics such macabre degenerates as the Bushes and Clintons. When the daughter of 2 Clinton Crooks co-marries the Son of a convicted Fraudster himself serving a jail sentence which delays the wedding, and this farce is regarded as American Royalty??? How low does the bar get? It mires America in ridicule. Remember the old film Paint Your Wagon with Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood? What a bunch of Gypsy's Dogs. Clintons and Bushes Royalty? In whose fantasy. America has a serious disturbed psyche. But, as do most of the Global Political class. If society does not effect change by demand, it will remain paralyzed by Cabal and Zionist parasites. You are living a dysfunctional pseudo religious lie. An illusionary bubble of false reality.
That is the US scene today.
Now, as with all US degeneracy, it’s been exported as standards decline worldwide.
Stop this maleficent charade
We have to stop Jewish money buying elections and cease rigging all licensing of the MSM to Jews. Jewish control of the Fed and Treasury must be ended. The racket has gone on long enough with these dysfunctional and ridiculous misguided Abrahamian schizophrenic, paranoid delusion Cult followers. Congressional oaths to Israel are unconstitutional and malpractice. All members found to be paid-off should be disqualified from office! America's Constitutional Rights are sacrosanct. Not for more Jewish subterfuge.
America is full of well-educated, motivated and talented people. God caring, not fearing. They need to be running America not these feral sewer rats. Where are they in Power? Just not in High Office it seems.
Membership of the Skull and Bones Club is not pre-qualification for the Presidency. As for the Tri Laterals who have determined all Presidencies for the last 25 years, your selection has been abysmal. From your Criminal One Term-er Bush (who even the people saw was a Dog!), to the sleaze of Clinton, and the stumbling buffoon Bush Jr, Bushwacked a nation to get into office, rigging Florida and elsewhere. The Tri Laterals gave us the Kenyan. Go forth in shame and multiply! You failed America! You failed the world. So you are judged! Let America find a new path with real Patriots. Tri Lateral judgment calls have failed, and to date your own candidates deserve to be jailed. Preferable wearing Clintons stained dress as new meat on the block! So now, a new serving of a dysfunctional family failure, Jeb, is to be served up as yet another Crime Family Reprobate to rule the Oval Office while the family loot the store again. Does America never learn? This family has no shame. Wake up America!
Tri Laterals, you have systematically abused the Office of the Presidency and they in turn have usurped the privilege of office. Your choice, your own bad choices. You failed America. The Buck stops with you. Bad calls come home. So many, are you so inept?
Clearly the American Electoral process has been breached and lost its ethical compass. When World Leaders mislead, we all suffer the compounding consequences in this Global village of nations. If your voices are not raised, ours need to be. One rotten apple infects the whole barrel if left to fester. Washington, New York Banking and the US Military Industrial / Agency Cabal is a truly rotten Can of Worms infecting all of our nations. Would you feed worms to your children? Then why to society? The Tri Laterals are the truly endemic rottenness of so much wrong in our world today. Bizarre old men with misguided ideologies who lost both the plot and America. They failed to understand the real meaning of life, humanity and the esoteric being and humanity of our Soul. They and their Zionist cohorts aspired only for a New World Order. They failed and now there is systematic chaos. No one dedicated service to the nation’s economy. Instead they ruthlessly looted it.
Rudderless and Leaderless
The Beltway has become compounded in terminal corruption. It needs to be cauterized. Treating 10% of a 90% rotten system achieves nothing. Corruption needs hard, affirmative action. Washington and Wall Street have become a dead fish which rots from the head down. But America is not alone. The standard of World Leaders gets ever more depressing and banal. Strauss-Khan seriously could have become the French President. You saw what he is. Italy for many years had the abusive escapades of Berlusconi, as degenerate a President as most, apart from Bush or Clinton, who top the League of dirt-bags, but he tried. Asian and South American Politicians are as notorious. Tony Blair was a slimy little creep who ended up employed as a Bush Gofer, accredited with his Vatican account and Knights of Malta brothel creeping status. Blair is a thoroughly unsavory character with a fully colluding wife. But Congress and the Senate has taken it to a fine art.
The actual listing of criminal complaints, defaults, and backhander bandits in Congress beggars belief. Way too many have sold out their independence for Jewish Funding and have sworn allegiance to Israel. Bought puppets. Factually Israel owns and despises them. As do the Zionists. Apart from the nasty Neocons, the Zionists virtually own the rest, and only accommodate the Neocons as useful idiot Foot Soldiers to front their clandestine chicanery and take the bullets if needed. Do Nancy Pelosi, Reid, or this bent Speaker Boehner give a dam? Their blatant scale of greed beggars belief while nothing is done to challenge their visible corruption. Hillary goes on unchecked with enough baggage to pull a wagon train. What does it take to face Justice in America? Is that only for the Little People? And they seek to lead the world? To where?
A world we need to reset
Watching evermore the developing character of WHA and OWoN sites, there is an attendant satisfaction to read and contemplate so many Humanitarian and Project aspirations. To become as one where Mike was lifted from a lost Soul to being a growing, integral, unit of importance and being one of all. People understanding human needs. As a social awareness exercise, what a success. The best of human nature emerged. Living awareness of the depth of Human goodness is still there. A world banded together and helped fix a problem. The power of a real media. The goodness of real people. And most important, the renewal of hope and inclusion for Mike again, whose dignity and character in adversity has been awesome. So, Mike reached out and was heard across the world. Resolution steps started. Beacons of hope alight our world again.
Following the release of sectional PPs, correct utilization of these funds needs to be pre-coordinated. Do we lose California to drought, or re-channel the Rockies Rainfall? Again, it started as a comment by Tony, was read in London, and became a core agenda ethos, we must address when the time is due. A Global village of nations working together in synergy for all nation’s needs. A mother of Parliaments hears those cries and responds. Global cooperation and solutions again. As those funds come to the Capital city to trade, how we use the enormous returns in turn determines what sort of world emerges. People need to fix it because Politicians only Fix Corruption and the system. People must address people needs and start to address human needs. The WHA and OWoN sites do daily.
Instead of the Trillions recycled annually though the Labyrinth of Offshore Banks, we need to start placing those funds as the seed corn of new hope for the emergent society humanity needs to become an inclusive world of all Human Beings and to slowly start to address our real purpose of being here. That starts by becoming APOLITICAL. Bypassing the fixed system and fixing the problems ourselves. We don’t need to fix the Greed of the Politicians and Bankers. We need to fix the Needs of our people.
Educating the masses
We need to educate Mankind, to be kind. To address these false and failed Religions and to redirect man towards thinking for themselves and creating a whole new ethos of Global Citizenship, an inclusive Society caring for all and setting the standards for Humanity to survive.
MLK committed his life to setting Afro Americans free from the rabid indoctrination of Apartheid.
Below is a personal experience of an OWoN Team member:
During my few years in South Africa, many times I felt ashamed to be White when I witnessed first-hand the arrogant presumptions of the Neo Nazi Afrikaners towards their own fellow Africans. Many times I reached out to and comforted the African people. What I saw disgusted me. I felt ashamed. Even towards a day where the then Boer Defence Minster accused me in Pretoria of Treason for my daring to fund Schools myself to educate tribal children and for the gross offence of having been photographed by his Security apparatus in shorts, bare topped working side by side bricklaying with native Africans and being at one with my fellow men. My crime - educating the Bantu in his eyes.
My response in a semi cabinet address:
Those meetings, suitably tanked up helped open Cabinet minds and hearts. At least it was an easier task than trying to educate Bush 43.
But, as Nelson Mandela was then later released, a True Godsend saved a nation. Had Nelson signalled retribution, all would have gone up in flames. He truly held that power. It was his call. But Nelson emerged a truly changed and enlightened man. A Visionary who united a nation. One man, with human ideals. Not a good man, a great man. His conversion to the Soul he was to become had taken place incarcerated in Robbin Island Jail. Commeth the hour, commeth the man. Life throws up such Leaders. Look at history.
My response in a semi cabinet address:
- I am Not a South African National so therefore Treason does not apply.
- When are you ever going to learn that just 2.5 Million Afrikaners cannot go on ruling 40 Million Africans in this barbaric manner? Time runs out fast now so ask yourself, once it ends, which it will soon, are you willing to live in a world where the new Rulers treat you as you have to them? Their children are just lovely kids, simply seeking a chance to emerge and contribute towards this nation. They are not even citizens in their own land!
- Funny as it was, the then Foreign Minster interjected saying Magnus, many of us are now starting to think this way, he only states what we must face.
- To then have an infuriated Boer screaming, this is our country! To face my response, this is a nation overall of 43 million people. You either share it, or lose it. Option 3, yours to keep it’s a naive illusion and it’s ending soon. You either make peace with your neighbours or end in pieces if it erupts. We actually ended up in a Ministers home and a late night drinking session Soul searching the future for South Africa if the incoming majority erupted. I argued the case to release Mandela and the downside if not. My case was simple:
If Mandela dies in prison, the world will erupt and you will not have a rock left to hide under.
The nation will go down in flames and homes with it. No one will lift a hand to save you. If Mandela dies, you go with him.
Those meetings, suitably tanked up helped open Cabinet minds and hearts. At least it was an easier task than trying to educate Bush 43.
But, as Nelson Mandela was then later released, a True Godsend saved a nation. Had Nelson signalled retribution, all would have gone up in flames. He truly held that power. It was his call. But Nelson emerged a truly changed and enlightened man. A Visionary who united a nation. One man, with human ideals. Not a good man, a great man. His conversion to the Soul he was to become had taken place incarcerated in Robbin Island Jail. Commeth the hour, commeth the man. Life throws up such Leaders. Look at history.
History always shows the never ending emergence of such people in Man's determination to forge new nations. Freedom is a state of mind. Global partitioning, annexing nations for Mineral or Oil Rights gains, has underpinned Tri laterals thinking, and for that, its primary Think Tank Strategist, Zbigniew Brezinski focused hard onto Cabal Hegemony policies, and aggressive Regime Changes. His rapacious charge has lost America Global partnerships and lost the Humanitarian touch of ethical consciousness. He planned with the esoteric mind set of a Robot. But people, are not pawns on aboard, and the nations Will to be free, defeats Washington’s Ghoulish aspirations to dominate all. The Grand Master of New World Order is crashing to earth as Nations rebel. Freedom has no price. One World of ALL Nations accomplishes togetherness. NWO accomplishes tyranny. Plus, their bad and flawed selection of new Presidential candidates produced only such flawed rogues as Bush 41, Fly-Zipper Clinton, the mindless Alcoholic dysfunctional Bush 43, then the abysmal undocumented Kenyan Bogus American with his false Birth Certificate and Stolen SS numbers. A ruthless chain of criminality, and not a conscious, attuned independent thinking Leader among them. Autonomons and perverts. Puppets on a chain. All working to Cabal orders. Global asset stripping. Disenfranchising Global freedom.
Nations survive by good relationships with their International trading partners. The Cabal only sought to orchestrate control, and seize assets of others. Inhumane short term parasitic ideologies.
From the plundered and mass defrauded assets of the Asian Elders, entrusted to the US to help stabilize the emerging economies of Post WW II world, the vision and Spiritual harmony they sought to encourage for a new nation of man, has all been lost by the ensuing greed and corruption of Bush 41, his uncontrolled CIA thugs, the camp following and duplicitous Zionists, and a succession of shallow US Presidencies, none fit for Office, bringing only worldwide hostilities as the banal Military Industrial Cabal of Boys with their toys, looting America and the world. Aided by criminal Zionist Bankers. Goldman’s, JPM, and like types. Run by who?
Shedding three dimensional thinking
This earth is just land masses and oceans for all to share, not pollute, not to decimate nature. Countries are in the minds of men seeking control. Minds rule not Neocons. In centuries we have failed to address real citizenship. The Constitution, following the Magna Carta were two steps of establishing meaningful rights of freedom. But time now, in the twenty first century, to define a standard of Living Rights and Citizenship as a Universal accord for all of humanity and extend it to encompass our Stewardship of ecology, and animal rights. Nature needs nurture.
Time to uplift and enlighten consciousness and help mankind make future appropriate decisions with full consequential awareness. Isolate and remove ignorance, not humanity. Educate to help people empathize with true Spiritual ethereal existence and to lift their blinkers to appreciate our individual being in the Cosmos and our journeys ahead. Unlock each nation’s blinkered understanding of true consciousness, and start by enabling you to gain true awareness of the co-Dimensional intelligences surrounding us. Three dimensional thinking limits your conceptual awareness, leaving you to exist as bit part thinkers. Just pawns on a Chess Board of life, totally unaware of the great Cosmic Game in Play all around you.
While we battle for Global Settlements releases, your time is better spent now contemplating the ethereal being of your own existence, the Kinetic Energy living organism you each are, and your potentials as Galactic inter bonded intelligent life forces, with greater understandings of what lies ahead for each of you. Think of this life as your Caterpillar stage prior to the coming cocoon stage. You live now as a basic caterpillar existence, as a starter life form. Stage two, re-hibernation prior to emergence as a flying awesome creature of beauty, just as the butterfly. It takes to the skies as a wonder of nature. As do Souls released for the next stage of your journeys.
I read the subject compositions of Richard Dawkins as he attempts to justify his Atheistic challenges in blind hope there is more, and resolution to settle for what is as he has not found his own path of enlightenment yet. Yet still he espouses good, humanitarian principles. All he asks is to show him a sign. Akin to the SETI Signals asking is there anybody out there? From the Wow factor clear mathematical incoming space signal encountered and received in by Ohio State University in 1977, to recent complex signals tracked by both SETI and NASA, you all remain blissfully unaware of emerging breakthroughs just not yet publicized. The battle for control of who, or what intelligence is out there. Poor Galileo was ostracized by the Vatican for even daring to suggest the Cosmos did not travel around their concept of a flat earth. Really, and the ocean water pours over which edge? Thanks Vatican. You only held us back 1,700 years with your lies. As the complex ethereal energy source which is the thinking being of all you are goes where? Dawkins not understanding is because he’s simply not channeling in the right direction.
Giving such a definitive statement of no extra dimensional life denigrates not only the vast evidence out there, but those who have actually experienced those dimensional transfers as travels. The personal and total awesome knowledge evermore experienced by increasing numbers of calm and balanced people, is to become in total, as one, with the knowledge and affinity of all there is around us, a living, thinking entity interconnected to a total Galactic web of Cosmos networks of life, and to be as one with all this planet is, ever has been, and as one with every living, thinking life force from the very trees to nature, and the Mother Earth itself. To be able to know instantly on call, any issue of interest for a co-shared collective intelligence, where you are part of all, but individual as one. To be able to access at will, collective knowledge and intelligence, where all that is, is part of the new single entity you now assimilate with. Its majestic beauty, synergy and harmony is revealed with a clarity beyond any and all doubts. How misguided and pointless this ugly and rapacious Cabal is. Life is an exponential, everlasting and ever evolving reality for all. Beyond experience it is permanent being. Once experienced, simply to actually know is all. To know, everything then carries a whole different awareness. To remove the veils of three Dimensional ignorance is an arduous task. But nevertheless one society needs to address if we are to lift ourselves from Plebeian masses following blinkered vision mediocrities posing as Leaders. This is your life, not Their Lie!
Use it. Live it, be part of all as one. Time here is finite. Value every second, you will not repeat it again. Make it count as the depth of memories for your own oncoming fourth dimensional journey. All you take with you is the content of personal experiences and accomplishments of your time on this path of finite physical existence. Become part of more, part of a greater being, by being attuned to all there is. By giving back and contributing to change. By developing awareness of who you are, your own Soul being. Material possessions are immaterial. Illusive. Value is the understanding of your own state of being.
RVs, GCRs, PPs and currency exchanges will happen in their own time. In the meantime, this time, is YOUR time. Priceless, use it. Sitting waiting for a gratuitous bail out accomplishes nothing. Life goes on around you every day. You achieve what? Understanding is achieving.
It’s time to dispense with false religions and think for yourselves. Ask the big questions and take your first steps now and decide to become your own thinking, living being of full Cosmic consciousness. This journey is yours, and all you chose to be goes with it. Be your own Soul and part of all there is out there. It’s time to dispel old myths, to challenge and understand the fundamental realities of all. The Dalai Lama now gets it. Do you?
Once we extend the awareness of Mankind to become a unitary part of so much more, collective intelligence will accelerate and the end of the Cabal with their destructive control can be achieved. Life offers you so very much more. This is your planet, your journey and your right to be.
ReplyDeleteThis is the new #1, please place general comments here
Heavy reading and watch your sites from Thursday onwards in case.
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this article. I want more! �� Please...
DeleteI was born and raised in the Mormon Church. I quit attending when I turned 18. I do not miss that structure of control. It works for many in my family so I stay neutral at family gatherings.
I would welcome any insights as to how and really who started the LDS Church and got it up and going. I used to have a link to an article showing how the LDS Church was selling gold to the Chinese through the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. Sadly the link only shows the header. It may have been propaganda but I wonder. Some time back the Chinese allowed Mormon Missionaries into China and I personally don't think it was a free deal or a softening of Chinese hearts by God as the LDS Church proclaimed.
When my brother was killed I was 16. (He was 12) If my parents hadn't had their faith in the Mormon religion I know they wouldn't have recovered. I didn't see my mom for months except for Church and sometimes as breakfast before school. I respect what religion can do for support. Our family benefited from many LDS members with food and hugs and just asking if there is anything that coukd be done for us. Going to Church and have many family tree branches traced through genealogy helped keep my mother living in the present.
Thanks to all who post. I read as much as I can each night. I guess I'm more of a lurker...
Great article! Love the rumi lead in!!! Look in - that's where the action is! Nice lead in to my morning meditation! Thanks!
ReplyDeletePre the RV release we need to get your heads ready Lol. Use this time to contemplate.
DeleteFantastic article. Glad to be in the same group of like minded people. I knew very early on my greater purpose and answered the call. Count me on your team. Thank you for all your hard work. A race horse has got to race! Lets do this! Many blessing to OwoN and WHAT. Namaste ♥
DeleteRe Mike
ReplyDeletePlease carry an article and donation request coordinates to this site. It gives you more time and his case more exposure.
It is time to bless the meek so they can take back the Earth.
ReplyDeleteThe PTB can confuse meek with weak at their peril.
John and Canauzzie,
ReplyDeleteWow - another great thought provoking article. I went from anger, to hope, to frustration, to hope, to anger... It nauseates me that we tolerate what we do... and while the rest of the world is falling on their own sword in their own way, America is in unto itself "a world gone mad". It has reached to the smaller cities and towns. People are out of control as they go through the motions of life.
On yesterday, I was told of a fellow worker, (one year older than me) had been dx'd with a large inoperable tumor wrapped around his abdominal aorta. His MD's told him to get his affairs in order. Tell me this doesn't get your attention and force you to face the mirror. You then begin to truly look at what is precious in life, who matters in your life. That is what America needs, we need an inoperable tumor. We need to stand up and face the mirror and see who we have become. It isn't pretty.
~Get Real
Now you see one per cent of my daily roller coasters. I don't get to Whine, like some Assholes Waah, I didn't get a Freebie, I have to go fight for it. As we do daily. Reality as per the article, is the sum of so much more. As we all are. Reality is who we are.
DeleteEvolved societies of sovereign beings need people who can use information to reason. This is no longer a two-tiered blue collar / white collar world; there are now three tiers: interface users (button pushers) / program users (such as pay clerks) / information manipulators (eg policy managers, scientists).
ReplyDeleteThe education system fails people by not supporting ability of people to extract and use information, to become the top tier operators.
Look at the stats in this article - if I was American I'd be very bloody annoyed that the gov has spent time being egos instead of building a tip notch low cost education system. instead in the US students are put in mountains of debt, destroying educational impetus.
I'm not US bashing here. I just wanted to highlight how important it is. government needs to enable learning so that peoole can work within that top tier I mentioned instead of being a nation of button pushers, who can therefore be easily controlled.
"Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 are way behind young adults in other industrialized nations when it comes to literacy, mathematics and technological proficiency."
I missed what happened to mike is there a link anywhere for the details?
ReplyDeleteLots the WHA parties will respond for you today here. His is a special case needing help.
DeleteThis was my experience in making a donation. If I used Firefox and the link to the donation site was copy/pasted into a new browser page the OWoN site information was automatically pasted along with the site link. The OWoN portion of the link had to be deleted from the URL to be valid.
DeleteUsing Internet Explorer the copy/paste to the link worked fine.
That extra step to clear the URL could stop some people from reaching the donation site.
OWoN © All Rights Reserved
DeleteYou can make the link live like this:
John and Canauzzie,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the enlightening report, was a delighted reading agreeing in all aspects of it. As the days pass by, we are becoming more and more connected to our inner Soul and realizing the magnificent spiritual piece of art we are in the Cosmos. Everyday we are forced to expand our conscious and become much more abandoning the last fragments of religion within us. Thanks for caring.
Also thanks to support hard working families in this Country helping to spread worldwide and beyond our protest. We are thirsty for Freedom and hungry for Change. We need all the help we can get, including positive energy from all of you and beyond. As the Cristo Redentor Statue shows, we correspond with open arms, welcoming you All with care and love. This country and it's people will always have its open arms to those that want to make a difference.
Thanks Friends
Nice report John and Cass. Excellent fellas. Team lets help Mike further. We're moving up but way behind. Show Ur good. Look into Ur heart and soul. We're going to do the same for you. This is what wha and own is all about. Let's save this fallen Angel. we need your help.
DeleteAnd again.
John and Cannauzzie,
ReplyDeleteWell composed and delivered. The constant adjustments I make in my life are attributed to the fascinating article you bring. I like to think of it as fine tuning yourself to benefit humanity. Being focused for the day we are fortunate to carry the torch to better our planet.
I love these reports John and Canazz. Yes we're tracking everything. Mike is someone who wanted to help Tony at wha when he was losing it all. Hes the Mike they talk about. When a human will give all and lose the rest it's what were trying to help. The elders and own see who say they'll help. Yet we have our own here. You say you'll help strangers. That's what this is. We need to save this wha persons house. As John says it's up to us. Show us. You're being watched. Show our humanity. Be in the group that proves they will do good with any rv. John I'm keeping Ur numbers and folks who helped. You won't be forgotten. You'll be the group the rv wants out there. This is the "be like Mike" campaign. An angel who would do without to help a better cause. Dons right. This is who you protect and support. Step up own. Step up.
ReplyDeleteMake the list.
Thought provoking but timely to the current world events and this might give you more than a few answers.
ReplyDeleteThis is from the article:
The only potential threat to the US control of oil just happens to lie inside Russia and with the now-state-controlled Russian energy giants.
Anyone heard of Operation Jade Helm? Looks like ground zero for one of Texas operations is near my location. Will the cabal be dismantled before July 15th????
DeleteThis is an 8 weeks multi state mainly night time Special Forces exercise to civilian control in case of national collapse so the Military has pre planned how to scoop you all up on call later.
Its tomorrows America in practice today. 8 weeks of over many States. Welcome to the Neo Nazis Military Cabal. Post RV why stay?
But...What if no RV before the scoop up?
DeleteThey tend to run these drills to co-incide with live Ops. Considering this is running into the middle of September and is 2 months long this may be more than a drill.
September seems to be an important month every 7 years for major activity.
This drill may be the scoop up before the hammer gets dropped.
Fundamentally, the creational laws and recommendations impose cooperation on all life forms, according to which every individual must see itself as a valueful building block of the whole in all existence of the Creation, and this also applies to every political and religious, ideological and philosophical orientation as well as to Earth and the entire universe created in accordance with the creational plan. Irrespective of what is involved, whether simple or fanatical religions and sects, stubborn nationalism, fascism, might-greedy politics, terrorism or neo-capitalism, etc., all of these directions are aberrations of the negative and evil, and represent an immense threat to all peoples of Earth, in particular in the third millennium. And truly, the danger of a catastrophe befalling humanity has never been so great as today and in the future.
ReplyDeleteCynical materialism and unbridled neo-capitalism which have now overtaken the entire world are already leading to extremely serious damage to nature and the morality of the human beings of Earth, and this damage continues to grow in relation to the irresponsible increase in overpopulation. Things have already reached the stage when a clash of industrial nations could occur, something which can scarcely be stopped any longer, and will also cast the nations of the ‹Third World› into the same darkness.
And if this happens, a Third Global Conflagration will be imminent – in whatever form it takes. Indeed, the human beings of Earth are well on their way to this, therefore it is only a question of time and rationality as and when and whether it will actually occur. However, it is once again the case that the signs are pointing to the whole thing being unavoidable.
However, this Third World Conflagration may take various forms, such as a collapse of nature that has been desecrated and flouted by the human beings of Earth, as have the atmosphere, the water, the planet as a whole and the animal kingdom; to put it simply, a global catastrophe. And this collapse would result in the collapse of civilization, leading in the final analysis to the total extermination of the human beings of Earth, or at least, a regression to the harshest forms of primitive living. Falling back into total primitive anarchy is also possible, meaning that all the life forms still existing would only be capable of a vegetative existence full of suffering. Viewing the whole thing from this threatening perspective means no more and no less than that the human beings of Earth will sacrifice all their valueful achievements through a global catastrophe, and all because they had followed a flawed development for millennia in terms of true love, freedom, harmony and real peace amongst all life forms.
Indeed, in the present day, it is possible to see an apocalypse of this kind looming threateningly on the horizon and over the destiny of the human beings of Earth, because even long ago, the blossoming culture of the truth was destroyed globally, and evil, Gewalt and every kind of Ausartung set in its place, a thing that has happened in particular due to machinations of politicians, false laws, false penal codes as well as religions and sects.
-Billy Meier, Goblet of Truth 2007
We are ever closer. Why do you think Putin went off radar? These lunatics in DC are determined to create a war in Ukraine and the Kremlin will annihilate them. Non of the US Military are real Soldiers. Even the Viet Kong wasted them. Russia will kill 200M plus innocent Americans and the same in Europe. Why not cut corners and just terminate the Cabal. Close down the US Agencies.If this kicks off, any Zionist caught in Europe will face harsh retribution. Hopefully Stateside too. Why should 300M cause the death of Billions?
DeleteIm out of here post rv. Just wondering where I would possibly go.
DeleteMarch 18, 2015
DeleteJaafari leave for Moscow's "Move" agreements concluded between the two countries
Baghdad .. Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, on Wednesday to the Russian capital Moscow on an official visit last several days to discuss bilateral relations and moving the agreements concluded between the two countries.
Jaafari said in a statement received by the agency / information / copy of it, "entourage with him to Russia, where a large number of different ministries involved, including: oil, trade, electricity, transportation, and defense and national security," stressing that the visit will include a discussion of many of the files that concern the two countries. "
He praised al-Jaafari as "Russia's position in support of Iraq's political, as well as the positive stance of supporting Iraq in human terms, and in the war against Daash terrorist gangs", stressing the need to strengthen ties with Moscow in order to serve the two friendly countries. "
It is noteworthy that al-Jaafari's visit to Moscow comes as part of an invitation extended to him by his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov last for several Oaam.
ReplyDeleteWOW, what a great article! I was anticipating this ever since I saw the coming soon banner and it didn't disappoint in any way.
I just wish I could download this article into every sleeping American brain!
I'm trying to awaken people everyday to what is really happening in this world and the looks I get are like I have lobsters coming out of my ears or that I must be crazy. Most of the people still think 9/11 was done by Islamic terrorist. Americans need to wake up!
I think Get Real is right on with the inoperable tumor, it's our current government!
Great info John!
We all wish so too Don but the American Public are crassly ignorant of real world issues today. 50 years of Dumbing down Don! It shows, sorry to say. They truly have absolutely no idea of Global dynamics or even Geography.
DeleteThat apart,the RV gives the enlightened chance to cash in and leave. Look at new emergent population demographics its game over soon. The deluded will just have to be cut loose to sink with it. We will try to help, but its like trying to plug a leaking bucket. The Cabal and Zionists have scuppered so much so badly. The country has been sucked dry.; Still they are deluded and think the Snow Fairy is coming with Santa.
Its become a truly childlike nation mentally. The world has moved on and so far ahead. Hollywood bigs it up but the truth is its scuttled. What is worth saving now? Welfare is unsustainable and how can you fund it when 30% are unemployable?
ReplyDeleteI was watching Citizenfour last night about Edward Snowden. He made a comment about the UK GCHQ.
Edward Snowden warned that Britain’s GCHQ spy agency is a bigger threat to privacy than the NSA, as it uses illegally collected information in criminal prosecutions and, unlike in the US, has relatively few constitutional checks on its activities.
The Tempora program is more advanced in it's collection of data and collects EVERYTHING on UK citizens. Combined with the largest volume of cameras in the world spying on it's citizens, there is literally nowhere to hide.
Now the NSA is doing this in the US.
Who is funding this through the GCHQ in the UK?
How is the UK government better than the US if they are doing these things to their citizens too?
You saw what happened when the UK PM even tried listening to O to invade Libya. We slammed him with a hard warning to back off or else. We have our own Lords and Elders with teeth. It may not be perfect but we get most right. Yes our spying is intense, but mainly only bad guys need worry. Also, we DON'T let illegal kenyan Wookies through to run the UK! Joking! But point made.
DeleteThank you and John and Canauzzie for such an insightful article. The Truth and nothing but the truth is what I want. I feel like a sponge soaking up all that I can learn and a caterpillar as I change myself into a more enlightened person helping those along the way as I can. Looking forward to doing so much more in the near future.
ReplyDeleteNelson Mandela was certainly an enlightened person and someone to admire.
Hi John
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid you're dead on there. The majority of the populace is living in a dream of 40 years or more ago that Hollywood has fabricated. Many people still think our government cares about their wellbeing. What a mental bomb it's going to be for those who haven't been paying attention.
As for me, I didn't buy any Dinar so I'm going to have to hunker down and stay here and help rebuild the place as best I can.
As for the folks on welfare, I'm truly afraid for that outcome. I wish I could envision some sort of positive endgame.
Is there any truth to the rumors about global debt forgiveness or is that just hopium?
Debt is owed to the Zionists. Have you ever seen a Pig walk away and leave a half full trough?
DeleteFor those thinking of jumping ship..
ReplyDeletePanama is Still the Easiest Place to Obtain Residency [Until This Happens…]
"With a whopping 52 ways to obtain residency, it’s clear the residency visa requirements in Panama are incredibly easy.
Here’s the bottom line: having a second residency makes sense. It’s a great insurance policy to keep in your back pocket.
After all, if things ever get so bad where you live that you feel like you need to get out of Dodge, you don’t want to start figuring out ‘Where do we go?’ while you’re packing your bags…"
New Zealand is also quite easy to get a visa leading to residency, and since Aus and NZ share beds, once a NZ citizen you have full living and working rights in Oz too without a visa and vice versa. They don't even stamp your passport.
DeleteI'd recommend Oz, the lifestyle is good - minimum wage, free public education and health, and pressure to work keeping tax receipts coming in to fund the basics. Tax is OK too, averaging 25-32%. Adelaide and Perth have very easy laid back lifestyles in cities on 1M, a bit boring for some (me) but if you want a house with a garden that's where to go. Melbourne has awesome culture but crap weather (4 seasons in a day, cold winters, dry scorcher summers). Brisbane has amazing winters, mid 20s and blue skies for 6 months (that's high 70s I think), but summer is sub tropical humid and a bit stormy. Sydney has the best all round weather but real estate is through the roof. A 4 bedroom house would cost 1M commonly, and in Sydney it's every man for themselves, its a very individualistic city with independent minds.
As for NZ, Auckland is also fairly easy and Wellington more interesting but wet and windy. The kiwis are a super lovely bunch and the cops are fairly relaxed. That's all I know, hope it helps for those considering that part of the world.
DeleteBut it's full of Australians......
I am married to one, not sure how I would handle being surrounded..... permanently...
Just kidding, love the place.
LOL Canauzzie. Canada would also be good right? Always lovely people.
DeleteMonte Carlo great tax rate
DeleteFound this at the bottom of your interesting article. Is it as bad as they say?
" There is never any place like “home”…and, in many cases, you can’t go back there today…it no longer exists!.
You have 3 “securities” to think about/worry about or at least consider:
FIRST is your own well being, safety – with which I link our 2nd amendment etc. AND, this also has to cover your family if they accompany your move… as well as any long periods of time when you may NOT be present…etc
Second is your financial security – your “banking” issues, income, etc.
Third – is your “status or standing” with whatever form of FEDERALES are there. How will “their laws” affect your well being, freedoms, rights (if any), etc.."
Well Offshore it's just food for thought. Would I move there? No. I reckon there are other more *developed* and stable options in the world. Always check the fineprint :)
DeleteInteresting reading these comments about where to move to post-RV, perhaps we are all expecting too much profit from it? It takes a lot of money to make a big move and some countries require you to have sizeable wealth before you can live there.
ReplyDeleteSo just how much money is everyone expecting to make from this RV?! I don't dare let myself daydream about big moves due to the RV. Big moves one day based on my new job working my butt off, but I think too much is hanging for too many on this risky investment. Just my take - but people may need to stop dreaming of cashing out and moving away and concentrate on the possibility of no cash out. Then the rest is a bonus! Not trying to put a downer on it but I think it's fair to echo John's point from all along that this is high risk, nobody is owed, nothing is guaranteed and you better find a way out of this mess if you want to make a buck from it! Never mind moving; just scraping enough from this RV to buy an old second hand car would be a goal for many.
ReplyDeleteGiven the amount of debt that is owed that pig by the nations of this world, isn't it time for slaughter?
Slaughter the swine
DeleteThe only way you will ever break free of them is totally remove them from your societies. For 6,000 years every other nations has. Every single country they go to, trouble follows. They will not assimilate and always they control the key assets. America is now riddled with them. De Lousing is a big ask but once they money goes, so will they. We can not build a new world riddled with Weevils on the inside. The US is classic proof.
DeleteI love this article. One work of nations right??? Help us help our own. One world.
ReplyDeleteLet's save a house and a dog.
I cannot bring myself to leave my kids, brothers, sister and grand kids. It would make me suffer more to leave. Wondering what is happening to them, where are they at?, and are they at least a bit safe. I could not leave. I would rather stand and fight these bastards till death of one of us......
ReplyDeleteBingo! We're close to our family also. We have to stay to help clear out the wreckage and do what we can for loved family and friends and probably more that we don't even know now.
DeleteYeah, and IF the goberment passes that law i.e. "no one leaves the us without our permission....." then no one could get out anyways. Better to hunker down and be ready.....
ReplyDelete47 false flag operations from history that have been admitted by those who know. Is there anyone out there who still believes that 911, Sandy Hooks, Boston Marathon, and the shootings in the Denver theatre were real?
False flag attacks carried out pursuant tho this program include – by way of example only:
•The murder of the Turkish Prime Minister (1960)
•Bombings in Portugal (1966)
•The Piazza Fontana massacre in Italy (1969)
•Terror attacks in Turkey (1971)
•The Peteano bombing in Italy (1972)
•Shootings in Brescia, Italy and a bombing on an Italian train (1974)
•Shootings in Istanbul, Turkey (1977)
•The Atocha massacre in Madrid, Spain (1977)
•The abduction and murder of the Italian Prime Minister (1978)
•The bombing of the Bologna railway station in Italy (1980)
•Shooting and killing 28 shoppers in Brabant county, Belgium (1985)
mom, wife and patriot
DeleteYou can go back much further than that. WWI, WWII, Korea, VietNam were all started with false flags....contrived banker wars started for profit. Supply arms to both sides.
Titanic sinking wasn't an accident either. It wasn't even the Titanic, but older sister ship the Olympic that had a reckless captain who presided over some serious damage to the hull that would be enormously expensive to repair. So they just changed nameplates, made sure they had extra INSURANCE and set it up to take a hit from another ship stationed nearby. Apparently it wasn't an iceberg either. Another reason to sink it was a bunch of industrialists who booked maiden voyage on Titanic could be gotten rid of...because they weren't going along with Federal Reserve idea.
Exactly what I learned about the Titanic too, Texian. So much deception for so long.
DeleteHas it started??
ReplyDeleteDollar Flash Crashes: Currency Market Pulverized As Dollar Implodes After Close
Complete Currency Carnage...
At 1604ET - the FX world went crazy...
Yeah MWP, I was wondering the same~ Is this it? Or just the beginning of the crash?
DeleteI'm only checking the exchange rate. No big difference to be seen, ours is still over 12:1. just the normal daily fluctuation by a few points. So I'm not getting excited just yet.
DeleteLooks like there's more money in selling water than selling crops in California. Looking forward to the increase in our water usage and our rice.
ReplyDeleteN. California farmers ditching crops to sell water to S. California
Rice farmers were amazed when they were offered $500 per acre foot last year only to see that this year they are being offered $700. The new price means growers will earn a lot more money on the fields they don’t plant, making water itself the real cash crop in California.
“In the long term, if we don’t make it available we’re afraid they’ll just take it,” said Charlie Mathews, a fourth generation rice farmer with senior rights to Yuba River water, to CBS’ KPIX5.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFor one thing we have to stop feeding their greed...they own all corporations, they own everything that we consume, they own everything that we think we need which winds up in the garbage dump...we have to realign our values and move forward with a plan to starve the "snake."
ReplyDelete"Things doesn't make a person happy, happiness is from within and develops a state of mind of satisfaction because this level is not dependent on how many things you have...granted, we need a roof, we need decent clothing, and we need food; and our basic needs are required in order for us to subsist...other than that, there is nothing else that we "need." Our false sense of "needful things: is based on a cursed system that gives "nothing" while we give up a lot of something, a huge part of ourselves. We have to stop the brain drain, and the life draining process of them sucking us dry because we saw some advertised commercial telling us what we need...get back to basics, get back to nature, get back to love; we have to get back to finding ourselves and becoming steadfast in our resolve to not support a bankrupt system which only feeds off of us.
We have to learn to be stewards...service to others rather than service to self; random acts of kindness...it doesn't cost a thing; giving of oneself in the quest for raising consciousness of those most in need; lost in this cesspool we call society. No, we don't need them, they need us...they live free of costs, while we pay for everything that they need including their exorbitant lifestyles...stop feeding their greed. Useless eaters have bottomless stomach's and their attempt to fill them by our hands have got to come to it's end...NOW...
We are the power!
Hey, Fedup, I haven't heard from P lately, any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteHi Biffie
DeleteI think she is rather busy with the changing of the weather...I am hoping that she is fine, and we will hear from her very soon. I am also hopeful that she has some of her unfulfilled desires met.
Let's send her our love....
Will do, thanks Fedup.
DeleteNot sure if this has been posted previously but it's definitely worth investing 34 mins of your time:
ReplyDeleteFull Disclosure - Hon. Paul T Hellyer
Fantastic! Really worth while spending time on and spreading.
Some interesting theories here. What do you think?
Good way make sure you are eating organic without having to buy seeds or new plants. Just sprout your own organic food that you buy.
Nice to stay healthy.
Just to inform you: On Saturday thousands in Namibia will celebrate the inauguration of an illegally elected new government and thus the official shredding of our Constitution, which was hailed as one of the best. The November 2014 elections were illegal since an appeal against the elections was lodged at the High Court before the time. The rules of both the HIGH and Supreme Courts provide that the mere noting of an appeal against the judgment of the high court in the Election Voting Machine (evm) case stays the election. These rules have been broken by the very persons who unequivocally had taken oath to uphold them.
ReplyDeleteThough many of us see what is happening here, there is nothing we can do about it, except make it public. OWON is the best place to do just that. Thanks to John and Cannauzzie for this opportunity.
The biggest problem is the media. Until we crack Faux news Cnn Msnbc etc etc people will remain in their slumber. OWon Wha and Jim Willie are all doing the best they can. Great articles and knowledge getting circled via internet. However until we crack MSM. They gullible will remain the gullible. Things are getting around on social media but I see the main obstacle is MSM. Damn bastards.
ReplyDeleteRV Updates
ReplyDeleteAs most people are not aware, Thursday and Friday are holidays in the Arab and Muslim world. So, having has certain code delays yet again, it leaves us once more with realistically only next Tuesday and Wednesday to see if the RV can be achieved yet again. This is part of the weekly frustration we and many others as dedicated encounter. Please, don't bother with obvious responses, or the "Green" Whiners, no one was asked or forced to buy these unregulated high risk currencies, this is a weekly occurrence the front line parties cope with and FUND themselves each self funding a battle for collective gain others can then free ride behind. Nothing is easy. Nor straightforward. Life out there is immeasurably more complex than the Gimme, Gimme,gimme Greens comprehend. Fortunately Tony at WHA has assisted that "Zionista" Green shoot its roots elsewhere now. Forget the obvious What If's, none are that simple. Competent professionals are on it daily. As frustrated. Cabal games caused this. Between invasions and robbing nations they bled the Bank dry. Solutions- God knows? With O on his watch? A week at a time, or Buddy can you spare a dime?
Thx John. You mentioned that a couple months ago. The banks closed on Thu and Fri if i recall . Not a surprise here
DeleteThanks for this update John. It would have been a real calamity for me if it had to happen now.
DeleteI thought past history most of their currency changes occurred on Friday ?
DeleteIt has been a tireless & never-ending process for you and your team. The whole of it remains so ridiculous that it borders on bizarro and laughable at the same time.
I have to imagine you find yourself at times sitting back and wondering how it is they are capable of voicing their joke of reality out loud to you and others.
I haven't said it lately but you and your time are valued by me and, of course, many others here and at the WHA. It is not expected for you to excuse or justify their lack of initiative or follow through. However, it is nice to have follow-up and some sense of understanding as to where things might be or not be.
~Get Real
Thank you John for the update and your hard work. I noticed the most positive updated come on tuesday and thursday about 2 months ago! lol anticipating and hoping you and all the people fighting the good fight get it done soon! Peace and blessings. Also thanks Canauzzie for the obvious. Peace and blessings everyone!
DeleteThank you John for the update. I hope that you and the Elders are able to get closure to this matter very soon. Also is Canada OK if I decide to leave the USA? I was thinking of New Brunswick.
DeleteIf these idiots pre empt on Russia the lot goes!
DeleteRead it twice John the meaning is clear, I wonder if Bush Sr, Brezinski, Kissinger and all the other rats read these articles because if they do I'm sure their adult diapers need to be changed.
ReplyDeleteIf OWON orchestrated the New Revolution, to address what is so unfortunately needed, it would be a French re run. Unless they and their kind are permanently removed, like fungus, it will re grow. Complete cauterisation is necessary leaving not a single cell behind. America both Cabal and Zionist free could re emerge clean and become a True Conscious Nation for all. Rodent free. Who will lead because, if not????? Fear what may become of America. Soon they seem to now be planning to stop you leaving. Stalag USA. This is not what the forefathers ever envisioned.
ReplyDeleteThat's an interesting statement John.
DeleteAlko a sad one as such reality is uncomfortable to address as a humanitarian party faced with saving the majority or? You don't part cure HIV or cancer.
DeleteHmmm, the gravity of this situation has just hit me big time John. I am beginning to gain a clearer grasp as each day passes and I must admit I am feeling slightly numb in this moment.
DeleteHISTORIC, yet very dangerous times! Provoking a Bear is insanity! Online rumors are now HORRIFIC!!
ReplyDeleteAlso....How did that psycopath that had his own doctor murdered get re-elected? Answer: Vote Rigging!!
This corruption has become endemic throughout our global political community...we have to be rid of all of them; there is no way to purge the crooks and leave any to fester...with each day I am reading more and more horrific news. It makes one "fearful" of what one might hear...and this is their plan..."fear porn." But we have to sift the hay to see the bigger picture..
DeleteThe more we win the more they pour on...this is an indication. They will not give up...their cause is lost and they will run this defeat until every morsel of hope for them is diminished..(.sociopaths, psychopaths),
Will President Putin nationalize the Zionazi Central Bank of Russia(CBR)?
ReplyDeleteThose are the same gang of thugs which presently are trying to provoke him into WW3!!
Hope so DL the sooner these vermin are out of banking the better. The lot!
ReplyDeleteMy son sent me this.I just listened to it, in light of all these horrific events transpiring across the globe. It is so beautiful, yet I could not stop crying throughout..... ~darylluke.
ReplyDelete"The Rose" Guzheng Ensemble from Sound of China
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El0l-hqtqXM (3min)
Remember, today the Judge of the Tokyo High Court will read his verdict about the fraudulent election of Abe results. So, if anybody sees that, kindly post it here asap. thnx. ~darylluke.
ReplyDeleteIf these links are about this, then it seems ABE stays in power!!
Yet, more cases linked to this FRAUDULENT Abe election are still pending, as noted in the article. ~darylluke.
Reading the article, many of these Cabal hide behind religion and patriotism, trying to lure the common man into the trap. It is this site where we can see the truth of politics and religion- used to create evil and kill our follow man.
ReplyDeleteI have been researching these trading programs trying to understand the mechanism behind them. Can you give some clarity as to whether I'm understanding this correctly.
1. A large financial institution (must be highly respected and larger enough buyers trust they can pay back) needs money so they create a debt instrument. Let's use $100 Million needed as a round number.
2. They then discount this note. Let's use 25%-30%. So they sell it for $130 million. So a note for $130 Million due in 1 year has been created for $100 million a the present time.
3. There are multiple investors lined up through the trading program and this note goes through a buy/sell daisy chain up to the end buyer. This is all arbitrage and the buy/sell orders are contracted at a pre-defined price before hand. No risk of loss as the investor puts up no actual money, they just have to show they have it in an account.
4. Each of these investors pull 3%-4% for each trade as the spread reduces until it reaches the end buyer of the debt instrument.
5. Final end buyer of the debt instrument makes around 7% yield on the 1 year maturity. Let's say they get $107 million for the $100 million note.
6. This is done daily so the investors in between the discounted rate and the final end buyer compound these 3%-4% gains daily.
7. The investors must allocate, but not give up control of let's say $100 million (Which controls 10x money creation or $1 Billion)
Is this the basic structure of how these programs work?
If so, who actually gives the bank the money? It seems to be a creation of money out of thin air?
It is a creation out of thin air but the figures are wrong. If I gave you the correct figures you would go hairless.
DeleteWhich is why the biggest Fiat Ponzi game has to keep going because it is now into Quad T's of such proportions as to be impossible ever to pay back. But the Banks keep taking their cut and so does the Fed plus US Treasury, as do the Agencies and Cabal.
What are they going to do john?.... keep "the biggest Fiat Ponzi game" going till it implodes?.... don't they realize it cant go on forever?....
DeleteThey are so full of themselves they don't even see the cliff edge looming. The problem is a Billion harmless but gullible people are tagged to them.
DeleteThis all runs on SWIFT right? Codes can be hacked, funds can be blocked, as demonstrated. It is the way to stop ISIL. Can be used to stop others? Quantum computers can be put to good use.
DeleteMoving up slowly. I thought we would have a lot more horsepower from these sites. But it's slowly but surely moving up. We got a ways to go still. Love and peace for one of our own. Even a little helps.
I was reading the article about Stratfor Intelligence...
ReplyDeleteStratfor advises some 4000 the companies like...Bank of America, the US State Department, Apple, Microsoft and Lockheed Martin, Monsanto and Cisco, on security issues. FYI: the founder and CEO George Friedman is Jewish. Where there is power or money the Jewish control always seems to be prevalent. I am not an anti-Semite, if just seems like a valid answer to the enigma.
The term anti-Semite is used to scare people from using their freedom of speech. Semites are offspring of Noah's oldest son Shem. Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs (Palestinians) are considered Shemites. So when the Jews persecute the Palestinians, they are factually anti-Semites.
DeleteYou might want to check this out...your suspicion is on point...
Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world
This proves that antisemitism is not even a question!
D.C. WHISPERS: Clinton Machine Bracing For Pay To Play Scandal
ReplyDeleteIs the private server/missing email scandal actually a distraction from a much larger and far more damaging legal issue that would not only topple Hillary Clinton’s 2016 run but also link the Clinton Foundation swamp to the Organizing for Action political monstrosity, and thus, the Obama White House?
Obama Administration’s Refusal To Obey The Law Documented In Transparency Study
ReplyDeleteDuh!!!!! What are they going to do about it?
Judicial Watch Sends New FOIAs to Probe Clinton Secret Email System, Lawsuits Could Follow In 20 Days
ReplyDeleteFirst Lady Michelle Obama Complains That Living In The White House Is Hard
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard, and here's the sarcastic proof????
Judicial Watch: Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 in Transportation Expenses
Oh, it's so hard...these are people who never imagined in their wildest dreams...this is why there is such lawlessness...nobody is above the law!
3 Celestial Events Friday: Solar Eclipse, Supermoon, Spring Equinox All Slated For Friday
ReplyDeleteTop US Commander Under Arrest For Refusing To Fire Nukes At Russia–
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
March 19, 2015–
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states that President Barack Obama’s nuclear war communication commander has been arrested and relieved of her command after failing to transmit launch codes–
Authorizing an atomic weapons first-strike attack upon the Federation in coordination with a similar “surprise” attack planned by the United Kingdom.
According to the SVR, US Navy Captain Heather E. Cole was the commander of the US Navy’s Strategic Communications Wing 1 located at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma whose E-6B Mercury aircraft provide the communications links allowing President Obama and US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to directly contact the submarines, bombers and land-based missiles that comprise the United States strategic nuclear force.
On Monday, 16 March, this report states, Captain Cole received from the Pentagon a launch order authorizing a “limited” nuclear strike against the Federation, but which failed due to a critical Permissive Action Link (PAL) failure thus causing her to abort this planned attack.
As a PAL is a security device for nuclear weapons whose purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapons, SVR experts in this report explain, the critical failure in this instance was an added security measure ordered by the former US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, prior to his being forced out of office last month over his refusal to have any part in this attack against Russia.
This report further explains that Secretary Carter was not aware of Secretary Hagel’s PAL security changes thus allowing Captain Cole to abort this planned nuclear attack.
For her failure to communicate the launch authorization to US nuclear forces, this report continues, Captain Cole was arrested on Tuesday, 17 March, relieved of her command and then taken by armed guard to US Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar in San Diego (California) where she remains incommunicado.
The SVR in their report on Captain Cole’s refusal to start World War III further states that her actions mirrors those of Soviet Naval Captain Vasili Arkhipov, who during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in 1962, also refused to obey orders to launch nuclear weapons against the United States.
Upon Captain Cole being arrested, a MoD appendix to this SVR report says, President Putin ordered the Federations strategic nuclear bomber forces to their “fail-safe” locations in the Arctic (the fastest air route to the US from Russia), an expansion of the Northern Fleet’s combat operations into the Norwegian Sea, and continued combat air operations against NATO forces on the northern border.
This is obviously why Putin vanished and they are on high alert...plus opening shelters for their citizens.
DeleteI'm sorry - this has to be complete bullshit!!! If a launch was ordered there would have been a launch - no two ways about it! It is not possible to believe that there was a decision to launch which did not happen because someone refused to send an order. They would have just sent the order thru someone else. Sometimes I think it is the people on this site who need to wake up.
DeleteJohn S.,
I agree. Sorcha Faal has been spewing complete garbage since birth. Akin to a Dinar Guru. Nothing realistic and not even worth of a far fetched Hollywood dramatization.
However, the threat is real. Unlikely, but very real.
With 970 plus bases, a Washington elite corrupt beyond belief, a never ending scandal run of Global chicanery, you don't think the world has cause to worry? Iraq, Illegal. Vietnam?? Libya? Attempts on Syria and Iran? Nice ones Israel. The Cabal are the good ones ? Protectors of US Global Oil Hegemony?
DeleteJohn S, Truth can be stranger than fiction. Lets see how facts play out. After all, where else in the developed world can a Kenyan illegal get to unlawfully pose as the US President? Have you seen the background of his support team? How did any of them clear? Spot the irony? Where is truth?
Let's look at what has transpired over the last week and connect the dots.
Delete1) Putin vanishes for 10 days
2) Massive troop movements occur inside the Russia.
3) Bomb shelters are activated and opened
4) A High Ranking Commander involved with US Nuclear Forces in Fired for "Loss of Confidence".
None of these are in dispute and all confirmed.
High ranking military don't get to their positions because they don't have discipline.
My father was a colonel in the military and recruited for West Point. At that level, these people are disciplined. More than disciplined. And they follow orders. You don't take orders for 25-30 years, rise to that level of decoration and then get fired for "loss of confidence" in your ability to lead.
She disobeyed a MAJOR order.
And you can't just override her order at the spur of the moment and get someone else to give the order. She was ranking CO. No one would disobey her unless they wanted a court marshal. This isn't McDonald's.
More likely the article you posted about this commander is fluff.
john s. ...... its the internet man!..... all kinds of BS running around everywhere..... you know this.... no one wants a nuke battle..... who would it help?.... lets say some folks have a huge underground city ready to go so they could survive.... how long would they have to live underground, generations?.... the elite survive, who will be left to do the dirty work and general things to keep daily life going?.... it makes no sense for anyone, good or bad..... I think the word NUKE is used more for fear.... throw fear in the everyday person.... put fear in someone and they will follow easier.... who knows what is really what in this world.... just think sometimes we can get to wrapped up in the conspiracy world.... been waiting on the "switch to flip", "the end/start", or whatever name you want to call it, to happen for ten years.... always seems things reach a point where something has to break yet nothing ever does.... we could be sitting here 10 years from now wandering WTF is really going on!.... we are the peons.... by the time we see it or hear it on the net or news it is info designed to be seen by the opposition.... back and forth war.... cant get caught up in the muck it will drive you crazy.... just some random thoughts .... not worth much more than to clear my own head... take care!
DeleteWell. she was fired, that much is true. Officially the firing was based on findings of an investigation into her management of the wing.
DeleteWhat is real is that Germany, France, and Italy signed on as a founding member days after Great Britain announced they allied with the China led initiatives represented by the new INTL. Bank. This in a nutshell is what all the sabre-rattling must be about, imho.... NOT in the news is anything to confirm my own strong personal suspicions that the Russian Ruble will very soon be GOLD-BACKED. So much for the Ruble "slide in value" when that happens! The last I read there were 30 countries that signed on as "Founding Members" and the acceptance closing date: March 31, 2015. ~darylluke.
DeleteUnderstand the threat is real.
DeleteSorcha Faal always seems to know what is said in the Kremlin. By leaking it, she comes across as stateside. Why would the yanks telegraph failure of their nuke command in this way? It is propaganda to cover and deflect. Possibly some truth plus Miss Info appearing for a many cameos.
DeleteI have read, and think very plausible, that positive ET tech in alliance with Earth have been given authorisation to prevent any surface nukes used in aggression, to prevent the BCC from regaining any lost ground. They have demonstrated their capabilities in this regard over silos in the past. They are authorised to prevent outbreak of major war beyond skirmishes IMO.
Not a lot of hope for Settlements here is there? Real world, be prepared for Armageddon if it kicks off. China and Russia may go, but sure as hell so will 200 Million Americans. Can an Illegal order a launch?
ReplyDeleteHow clever are those 970 plus Global bases? Any idea what will happen to the Atmosphere if this kicks off? Acid rain will kill everything. Fancy drinking radiated water? Any idea what this will do to you? Eating radiated crops? Radiated fish? Have you any idea what Nuclear Fall Out WILL do to you and your family IF you even survive the bombs? Be in no doubt if a crazy US Illegal orders Armageddon the lot goes. Hiding on a Sub wont help. When you surface God help you with the radiation belt. Think you can hold your breath for 20,000 years? Fed by what? No clean water? No food? Radiation covering the planet. And the US is mad enough to pre empt this? Shoot the message bearer!
DeleteALL of this because The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 passed during an illegal Congressional "vote"!!
From what I understand, Cabal, Nazi whatevers want to crash and burn everything by Oct this year .... I think that THEY think if they start a nuclear war that it will terrorize humans worldwide to such a degree that the world will cave into their NWO b.s.
DeleteHello John, I have hope that the settlements will find closure, and we will avert this chaos and war. I'm 100% behind you and the elders.
DeleteBut is common sense?
DeleteJohn, NON of what they do is common sense.
Delete"Common sense".... if you are trying to have a perfect world pre RV or PP's then stop now john.... I think there are enough aware people in the right places to make things change once they have the resources to affect change.... there will never be a perfect time to hit the go button!....
DeleteIt seems in the world of today illegals have all rights and powers.plus immunity on top of it.
DeleteSo, in the span of just 48 hours we have gone from extremely hopeful to the opposite extreme of full blown Armageddon.
ReplyDeleteI know one solution: DESTROY EVIL!! {**This really is the ONLY solution.}~darylluke.
Ok everybody, let's all take a deep breath and relax.
ReplyDeleteWorrying about nuclear Armageddon is a big waste of emotion and energy. Worry in general is one of the largest wastes of time there is.
People need to truly enjoy the present with their families and friends.
There is a very wise saying that states " the past can't be changed and the future is unknown, so enjoy the present, it is a gift."
DON, .....okay, I tried it. Every time I take a deep breath and relax, well.....
Delete.....sorry to say, but I GET FURIOUSLY PISSED OFF every time!!!
{*NOTE the articles below-Judge Dale.}
I know brother, I know.
DeleteEveryday we have a choice to be happy or not. The darkness feeds on all negative emotions. I choose to starve them out. It's my way that I get to give them the finger everyday.
Peace and love brother.
The Clintons and the Fed Are Gasping Over the April Issue of Harper’s
ReplyDeleteFrom the article:
Hillary Clinton just can’t catch a break. As her self-inflicted imbroglio over erasing 30,000 emails involving her time as Secretary of State continues to command press attention, the April issue of Harper’s Magazine is focusing gasp-worthy attention on the “loan-sharking” business that Bill Clinton, as President, assisted in transforming into the too-big-to-fail Citigroup that played a leading role in bringing the country to the brink of financial collapse in 2008.
Janet Yellen’s Fed can’t be too happy either about the revelations. The Fed just gave Citigroup a clean bill of health last week under its so-called rigorous stress tests and is allowing the bank to spend like a drunken sailor, raising its dividend 400 percent with permission to buy back as much as $7.8 billion of its own stock. The Fed’s qualitative portion of the stress test is said to look at both risk controls and the internal culture of the bank. Citigroup remains under multiple criminal investigations for money laundering and involvement in rigging currency markets. Apparently, in the Fed’s eyes, this is now de rigueur on Wall Street.
612 miles to each charge
124 miles per hour
136 hp
92 gallon salt water tank
12.8 feet long
$30,000 -$35,000 price tag
availability in Germany: End 2015
Now ever the average joe will be able to afford a beautiful salt water powered super car."
THE QUANTINO w/ Nano Flow Cell !! ~darylluke.
Highlight at the 2015 Geneva International Motor Show: The new QUANTiNO
Vaduz, 17 February 2015 - "This car is a sensation and will be one of the absolute highlights at the 2015 Geneva International Motor Show," proclaims Prof. Jens Ellermann, President of the Board of Directors of nanoFlowcell AG. nanoFlowcell AG will be presenting the first QUANT low-voltage vehicle as a concept vehicle at the Swiss car show from 3 March 2015.
Low-voltage vehicle with rated voltage of 48 V and range of over 1,000 km
"With the QUANTiNO we present the smaller brother of the QUANT E and the QUANT F in Geneva. An innovative electric vehicle with mass appeal. Sporty, dynamic, and above all with a low-voltage drive system. With a rated voltage of only 48 V we achieve four times 25 kW, corresponding to around 136 hp, through a combination of nanoFlowcell®, buffer system and electric motors. This set-up provides us with a top speed of over 200 kilometres an hour in all-electric mode and a range of over 1,000 kilometres, without any harmful emissions," points out Nunzio La Vecchia, Chief Technical Officer at nanoFlowcell AG, regarding the latest model from the QUANT family.
"The QUANTiNO is an electric vehicle for everyone. Affordable and featuring an extravagant, unique design. It is not just a concept vehicle - it will become reality in the course of this year. We will be driving the QUANTiNO in 2015. And we aim to attain approval for road use very quickly," says Nunzio La Vecchia.
Vast ranges for the QUANTiNO with nanoFlowcell®
The innovative drive concept comprising low-voltage system and nanoFlowcell® provides the QUANTiNO with a range of over 1,000 km. "Low-voltage systems are an ideal match for the nanoFlowcell®. They enable us to generate levels of drive power that previously appeared impossible. And we are only at the beginning of our development work. The initial tests and simulations already indicate far greater potential. This concept represents a real alternative for the electric mobility of the future, with outstanding drive power and vast ranges," says La Vecchia.
With its two 175-litre tanks, the QUANTiNO is able to carry 350 litres of ionic liquid in total - one tank with a positive charge and one with a negative charge. The refuelling process is similar to the procedure which is customary today, the sole difference being that two tanks are filled simultaneously, each with a different fluid.
2+2-seater with 22-inch wheels
Measuring 3.91 metres in length, the QUANTiNO is a 2+2-seater boasting a unique design. A striking detail is the 22-inch wheels. "As the small brother of the QUANT E and the QUANT F, we wanted to emphasize the fact that the QUANTiNO belongs to the QUANT family. Both the front and rear end clearly demonstrate this kinship. In particular, the large 22-inch wheels which the QUANTiNO has adopted from its big brothers in the QUANT family set it apart in its class in terms of appearance," notes Chief Technical Officer Nunzio La Vecchia.
Very cool! Thanks for posting.
DeleteExcellent information and tremendous library of useful information - most grateful!
DeleteExcellent article DARYLLUKE!
DeleteRussia can't be beaten by the US, so any war started by the US would be suicide on purpose. If Russia got too wounded the Chinese would jump in and save the day. And they've got more bodies than anybody. And if the UK knew what was good for it, it would step away from O's madhouse and say "errr nothing to do with me!". A tiny island nation doesn't need to get in the way of two giants fighting. Still, I'm sure nothing will come of it all. It's just entertaiment to fill the people's boring lives! Gives us something to talk about in the lunch room at work instead of football.
ReplyDeleteAn update for those following along. Mike was able to receive the first deposit of monies. He is receiving local help in his job search. Ive been told that hes extremely grateful to those who have helped and allowed him to do the most basic things in life. Like showering and eating. John and canuzz did a wonderful piece and have had numerous mentions of Mike and his struggles. If you are new, as you show up to read these, the story of Mike is a true test of what these two sites are about. While wiling to help others through this community, it was discovered that Mike was on the verge of losing it all. He shared how he could only get internet access once in a while, but would remain diligent to coming around and lending a helping hand. It was then that a couple people in the community stepped up, and screamed, LETS HELP MIKE. Setup an account, share it around, and lets all try to help one of our dedicated and beloved members. I was touched because here was a guy losing all hope, and cared more of others than his own situation.
ReplyDeleteAs of my last update, he still has his trusting dog by his side. As a dog owner myself, I don’t know what Id do if I lost my closest mate. While he continues down this journey, we want so desperately to help him keep most of his things, as they will be needed even more now that hes hoping to enter the workplace. This is where these two sites come in to play. Things have slowed down, and time permitting, im trying to help keep this campaign alive. As a few individuals are incredibly nice, we do a lot more as a community. I think at some point in life, weve all been at some level of being a Mike.
Our goal was to try and keep the word out, and hopefully getting 2000 people to help with 20 or 30 bucks, or whatever any one can. As a community we could show our strength in numbers. As they say in Star Wars, “let us display the true power of this deathstar”.
If you are able, please help us share this around, and show the true power of these site.
No help is too small…the be like Mike campaign
Oh and BTW, March Madness baby… 2, #14 seeds upset today. There goes me bracket
Who wants to see Vlad's protection? No pussies here. Balls. Use your browser's translate facility.
ReplyDelete"Meet the 'Surgeon', the biker dark that protects Putin"
"The individual, a giant with ponytail nicknamed "Surgeon" from the times when studying medicine, presided over the largest Russian motorcycle club. The organization brings together several thousand bullies in a Slavic version of the Hells Angels."
Thanks for posting!! ~darylluke.
MOSCOW - The threat was known by all. Ten days before the opponent Boris Nemtsov's murder, Alexander Zaldostanov warned publicly:
- Fear of death is the only one who can stop the Russian opposition.
This ubiquitous character on state television, it's been a year, is a dark motorcycle 52, fanatic "Mad Max" and the Moscow patriarch, whom Vladimir Putin calls "his brother". Russian President wants so well that turned him into a symbol of their nationalist regime and head of a kind of parallel praetorian guard.
The individual, a giant with ponytail nicknamed "Surgeon" from the times when studying medicine, presided over the largest Russian motorcycle club. The organization brings together several thousand bullies in a Slavic version of the Hells Angels.
Zaldostanov, which has the input banned in Europe and the United States by antiucranianas actions committed in the Crimea, believed to be invested with a divine mission: to help Putin, the "savior of the world", to "reunite the Russian empire" and, above all, protect the Kremlin leader against "the orange beast", the popular and peaceful revolution that Nemtsov promoted by February 27 last, when he was assassinated two steps del Kremlin.
The place that this extremist occupies in the Russian political and media scene is indicative of the power of deviations "putiniano".
- From Moscow to Vladivostok, everyone knows the "Surgeon," his black leather outfit, his Harley Davidson and his tattoos. He and his men (autoapelidados "the Night Wolves") are ubiquitous in the official celebrations. In fact, form part of the new Russian history - says Anna Dolgov, the Newsreporter Media site.
In February 2014, blocked the entrance in the Crimea, the first stage of the annexation of the peninsula. In November, in Moscow, made a live appearance before the cameras of state television, the procession of the national party wrapped in its own flag: a disorderly patchwork of Soviet red star and the imperial eagle.
The last show of force occurred on 21 February last, during an anti-Maidan march when thousands of demonstrators insulted the new Ukrainian government. With the refrain, "Do not forget, nor forgive", Zaldostanov proclaimed its intention to "exterminate" Putin's opponents. A week later, Nemtsov fell victim four bullets.
Your bike-center is housed in a vast wasteland, 20 kilometers northwest of Moscow. At the entrance, there are a couple of stuffed wolves, a huge Orthodox cross and trucks carcasses.
"Forbidden sports and camouflage clothing," warns a cartel. Two guards, big as silos, black leather dresses and with a shaved head, block the entrance.
- This is a private club. You need to be a member or be invited to join. But above all, women and pederasts are prohibited - says the more massive, while signals with the arm extended the way out.
Putin's meeting with Zaldostanov dates back to 2009, two days before a show organized by the "Surgeon". As if we were in his plans to turn his nationalist policy, then the premier decided to support.
- He offered me a flag and talked for a long time - once told. - Immediately, I realized that love their country and understand it. Of all the leaders of the Kremlin, after Stalin, is what has a broader view. Like me, it is worth repeating, thinks that Russia is the only country able to save the world from moral collapse.
While we are waiting for either extinction or an RV, let's review. BEST explanation of what REALLY has happened to this country by Judge Dale. ~darylluke.
This expose’ hopes to reveal to you the Great Adventure and some Secrets of America but not all because there are too many, such as: America is not a free or constitutional country. Factually, it isn’t even a country! America is a privately owned French corporation and its motive of operation, known as politics; government; courts; laws; currency and commerce are merely the bi-products of several greedy, vivid and intellectual imaginations belonging to the Royal and Elite of Europe and controlled with the aid of their foreign agents and slave drivers who act in America under the protection of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
The success of this private corporation relies heavily upon the ability of its slave drivers identified as the chiefs of staff, politicians, bankers, judges, priests and lawyers to convince teachers, policemen, soldiers and the general public of its authenticity. Two major problems exist for this private corporation because everything that the corporate Board of Directors [the European Royal, Elite and Sabbatean Jewish Bankers] decide is always recorded somewhere and is accessible with the advent of new technological advances! Even some of those files marked Top Secret are accessible with a little help from your friends. Ironically, the only secrets’ being concealed within those files is their treason; rogues history and new technological advances being withheld from public view!
“History is a fable agreed upon.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
Oh, so maybe this is why there is French Royalty living in UsA?
DeleteThe Payseur Family in the United States is the secret descendants of the French Monarchy.
Daniel Payseur (Crown Prince Louis aka Louis XVII of France) was smuggled out of France to North Carolina in the United States after his mother was executed.
The Payseurs have gone to extreme lengths to corrupt government documents, such as courthouse records. They have hidden the births of many of their descendants, and have covered over with extreme secrecy most of their monetary holdings.
BREAKING NEWS: NASA admits it still hasn’t figured out Van Allen Radiation Belts!
ReplyDeleteSo, how did they ever make it to the moon landing in 1969? What else are they lying about? Everything!!!!!???
Top Democrat Accuses GOP of Being Racist Towards Loretta Lynch When They Did This
ReplyDeleteIsn't this convenient? Democrats want to confirm, however; the real deal is that Ms. Lynch have a sorted past especially with the HSBC decision she made about fining them instead of prosecuting those responsible for corruption at this worldwide bank...don't try to pull the wool over our eyes!
One of the most interesting things OWoN talks about is the kinetic, creative universal consciousness with a purpose. With that context let me post an anomaly that is an illustration of how it works.
ReplyDeleteAll of the animals and life on this planet comes in different forms and species. Different types of spiders, cats, grasses, bacteria, trees etc. Except humans.
This says one thing and one thing only: humans were created to be a vehicle for growing consciousness. We are not the product of dry evolution. Up until 200,000 to 100,000 years ago there were different types of humanoids. All died out except one. Nowhere else in any life on Earth has this happened. Scientists scratch their heads and look for 'the missing link'.
Homo Luminous is being carefully crafted to house the consciousness OWoN speaks of. We have knowledge of the dark and light, which began as the spark of divine consciousness was implanted into our DNA. God did not say we can't eat from the apple as the Niceans claim - it was a gift from universal consciousness, divinity, so it could have a body in which it could grow and experience.
Well, we have grown through 100,000 years of dark and light. We are now ready to move beyond that school into galactic consciousness of One. One World of Nations. One Galaxy of Star Nations. One Universe of Galaxies.
Seems I am not the only one suspecting Russia may back its Ruble with gold.
ReplyDelete{Grandmasters usually seem to pull off checkmates "out of nowhere"!! LOL.} ~darylluke.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI feel for you and we share the same sentiment. I understand your frustration.
The American People are great and I love how you donate to charity worldwide. Maybe this is one of the reasons the USA is still breathing and did not failed yet. Love and Care by Real American people could be the only sentiment holding the country together for so long.
Unfortunately, Your country was chosen by finger to be the infested nest in this dimensional reality. Yes it could be any other country among all, but yours were The One chosen. Unfortunately, the only way To Help the American people once and for all, is to touch their pockets and their standards of living. When you touch that, you raise the dead.
Sleepers are the majority and unfortunately shock and awe is the only option dear. A fall down is inevitable, including having the PPs and RV's released, the smackdown could be alleviated but not prevented. Deep inside you know that.
Be comforted because You still have friends in high places that Love and Care for you. There is much good and positivity to come out of bad things happening.
There is light in the end of the tunnel. We love you all.
DeleteDawning Light,
The article 'It’s Official: Americans R Stupid' was written by an American, it was also submitted to us by an American, in hopes we would publish so Americans would read it.
You have been following for years, so you may find something repetitive, but we are growing. So with the education curve of the newcomers, how would you wish us to proceed?
I understand those who know and are willing to work and change this around can get frustrated. But you are the minority. America has had their knee on the throat of almost every country on the planet at some point and time (read 'Confession of an Economic Hitman'). It is a simple fact, and like this article we are posting facts.
The best way to start to bring change is through education. So we educate on the realities. Post PPs that will only be the tip of the iceberg. Watch then how hands across oceans and borders will help. But like the old saying goes 'help is best given to those who help themselves'.
When more than 99%+ of the populous is ignorant of the facts and worse, don't care. It is articles like this one posted above that makes them think.
You may be sick of hearing it, but think of the rest of the world who are sick of being oppressed by it.
I know. It hit my breaking point. I know we all have to re-educate americans. I am at a loss.....I have tried and tried and tried to educate, get slammed for it over and over....I have known a lot of info. and been on this trail for the past 30 yrs, well actually, since I got out of the Army in 74. I saw ALLOT. Allot more than they thought....
DeleteI do have passion and compassion for those not awake. I know you guys are doing your best. But it just gets to me at times and I feel like just ripping this govt. and new ass.....instead you guys are my only voice (literally) since the nearest major town to me is 1 1/2 hrs away on a good driving day and that is only 20,000 people. I am not the type to just sit and do nothing. Seldom do I post here or WHA. I guess all of us are feeling the frustration at these assholes. Probably what they want us to feel. Its time for major changes even if the entire financial world implodes and the world has to start over again.
I wish I could do more~
I feel your passion Dawninglight, and I agree. I did not give my consent for my air, my water, my food, or my soil to get poisoned and used as experiments to see how many ways they can kill us without admitting to it. It makes me sick to know that every bite of food I take no matter how careful I am, gets grown with chemtrailed air and rain water. People around here are having ear and nasal issues, and who knows what else from these chemicals. I want them all to have to drink fracking water and that is all they get to drink. So sad. I will not give up fighting them. I will not give in to them and their control of it all. I too find it very hard to get people to believe the truth. I post things, I talk to people, I give them sites to look at, things to read, and still they do not want to hear it. Sheesh!!
ReplyDeleteDawninglight, I used to work in a hospital for 7 1/2 years. A gal would come in every once in a while and tell us she had wires coming out of her skin. The doc would just give her some psych meds and send her on her way. It wasn't until I read the book published in 2014 by Elana Freeland called "Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth" that I realized what those were coming out of her. There is a whole chapter in the back of the book on Morgellans and the immune system and things you can do about it. The whole book is a very grim read. I kept putting unhappy faces and startling comments by things that I read on each page that were sickening, and there are a lot of unhappy faces and comments on those pages.
DeleteThere is also a fifteen minute video that Shasta county CA city council made of one of their meeting about the chemtrails and the poisons in the water, and soil down there.
I would like it if we all could take this video and show it to our city councils and our state legislators and maybe eventually we could get them to not allow this above us or anyone.
In the book I mentioned above, Elana says that there are three jet streams and one jet stream holds as much water as the Amazon River. They can direct a jet stream anywhere they want it to go and cause flooding, wind storms, etc. I believe this is what they are doing to Calif. Keeping the rain from falling down there causing the continued yearly drought and now they are starting to do that up in Oregon. We are so dry already here.
We get a lot of our food from Calif. and now that there water is so poisoned and their air, I don't want to eat the food from there.
Sad situation we are in.
There are so many things wrong out there, I know that we have the passion, the knowledge, and the power to fix, we just need the means to do it with. And I believe it is coming!!
I wish your friends luck with this.
An update for those following along. Mike was able to receive the first deposit of monies. He is receiving local help in his job search. Ive been told that hes extremely grateful to those who have helped and allowed him to do the most basic things in life. Like showering and eating. John and canuzz did a wonderful piece and have had numerous mentions of Mike and his struggles. If you are new, as you show up to read these, the story of Mike is a true test of what these two sites are about. While wiling to help others through this community, it was discovered that Mike was on the verge of losing it all. He shared how he could only get internet access once in a while, but would remain diligent to coming around and lending a helping hand. It was then that a couple people in the community stepped up, and screamed, LETS HELP MIKE. Setup an account, share it around, and lets all try to help one of our dedicated and beloved members. I was touched because here was a guy losing all hope, and cared more of others than his own situation.
ReplyDeleteAs of my last update, he still has his trusting dog by his side. As a dog owner myself, I don’t know what Id do if I lost my closest mate. While he continues down this journey, we want so desperately to help him keep most of his things, as they will be needed even more now that hes hoping to enter the workplace. This is where these two sites come in to play. Things have slowed down, and time permitting, im trying to help keep this campaign alive. As a few individuals are incredibly nice, we do a lot more as a community. I think at some point in life, weve all been at some level of being a Mike.
Our goal was to try and keep the word out, and hopefully getting 2000 people to help with 20 or 30 bucks, or whatever any one can. As a community we could show our strength in numbers. As they say in Star Wars, “let us display the true power of this deathstar”.
If you are able, please help us share this around, and show the true power of these site.
No help is too small…the be like Mike campaign
Oh and BTW, March Madness baby… 2, #14 seeds upset today. There goes me bracket
Ive got some great news. One of my associates has engaged a local TV station in Phoenix. I now have received an email from a this TV station in Phoenix, that if we hit Mikes goal they will run an expose on their station and share our story. I will do some digging and get more details. Im not familiar with their networks out west. The person who setup Mikes account, is covering all the legal costs out of pocket. And if our community hits the goal and saves this veterans home and livelihood, we will get a major news networks exposure to wha and own. Isnt this what we want? If we can get any local market to run on MSM, we can all contact them for further information, and hit up affiliate stations. The exposure to our alternative media outlets on main stream would be worth a lot more than the little bit we can help Mike. We can draw some serious attention to John, Canuzz, and Tony’s sites.
ReplyDeleteThere is a segment on AZ family, channel 3s, Gary on your side, who runs these types of local stories. Gary Harper with AZ Channel 3 will run a story of how a global imitative finds a small segment of the World in Arizona, and helps a veteran in our own backyard..
So I challenge anyone with anything social media, tell your friends to tell 10 of their friends and blow this up. Its free to share information. Takes a minute out of all of your lives, and at least pass it on. We can cause a buzz. Were already almost 10% of the way there in 10 days. We could raise tons of Americans eyebrows to our little story while, getting John and Cannuz media attention. If we meet this get dates, we can then gear the sites to what material they want seen in our 15 minutes of fame. That excites me. Probably a little more than my Tarheels being a 4th seed, and blew out the first round competition.
If you have a decent following on Facebook or Twitter, blow this up. We could turn the lights on to Own and Wha, while using Miles story. If anyone out west knows this Gary Harper and the 3 on your side segment, please post or send me anything you think I can use.
Were moving on up. This could be a much needed voice for all of us. Will you help
Let me know how this goes...I also work for a locaL NBC affiliate where I live and I'm happy to get the ball rolling here.....
DeleteHere's an idea. If anyone is a member of the Ben Fulford blog, that would be a great place to put it in the comments section. I believe that site has a lot more readers than this one. Be sure to put in the post about the news media's commitment. That might just get a lot of attention.
ReplyDeleteI dont need attention, just the site and causes please.
John. Noted. I'm just not going to be an American who sits back and does nothing for change.
DeleteHow good does Tuesday look, J?
ReplyDeleteLets see how monday shows it shaping up.
Delete"The White House is removing a federal regulation that subjects its Office of Administration to the Freedom of Information Act, making official a policy under Presidents Bush and Obama to reject requests for records to that office."
It looks like the bully has thoroughly got its ASS KICKED
ReplyDeleteUS "Isolated" As Key Ally Japan Considers Joining China-Led Bank
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/20/2015 - 08:28
And then there were none. Like dominoes, US allies have fallen in line on the heels of the UK's decision to join the China-sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment bank and now, the staunchest supporter of Washington's position on the venture looks set to defect as well.
Just as Jim Willie predicted
This is one of the final nails in the coffin for the dollar.
DeletePretty soon Uncle Sam is going to be unemployed, friendless and homeless!
Maybe he shouldn't have been such a bully and pulled his head out of his rear end before it was too late.
Also from the same article: "Then, much to the chagrin of Washington, the UK joined as a founding member calling it an “unrivaled opportunity.”
DeleteJohn, did you have anything to do with this? :)
Message for Herbert WHA.
ReplyDeleteYour comments were read, as are all.Points understood, smiling. Don't berate yourself, you are closer to the truth than many. Good overview. Good man.
America is not a God Fearing nation, but a God caring one. So many good family values are over ridden by this faeces now in Office in DC and in both Houses. The truly Unholy Trinity operating between the Cabal Neo Nazis and the Zionist Crooks sucking the life blood out of the nation and world economies, is why the Free World is now aligning with China and waving the Churchill 2 fingered salute to this abysmal Illegal fraudulently occupying the Oval Office. If you cannot uphold and respect your own Constitution,why should we?
All that is good about America society, is being vamped away by the Cabal and scavenging Bankers.
You, the decent 80% plus good Americans,are losing the nation for and because of them. How can the good values be protected and enforced when an Undocumented Fraud occupies the Oval Office in clear violation of the Constitution? He has consistently failed to address State and Banking criminality and is an abject apology of all the Founders forewarned of. There are many fine value, Patriotic and Good Afro Americans. Nelson Mandela was Great Afro African.
How the hell did this undocumented apology ever make office?
He is alleged to be stating there will be no RV for millions of undeserving Americans while he holds office. That is the price demanded by his Organ Grinders to fund his future Hawaii getaway home. Crime pays in America. Patriotism does not.
Meanwhile the world is now moving on. Leaving America adrift with a visibly collapsing economy. But still the Boys with their Toys want to bomb and invade more. Funding by who? You! Is the Economy a dirty word now? Wall Street is driven by an orgy of greed for esoteric Derivatives bonuses from fantasy trades, but with no Insurer of last resort to pick up the pieces after Global Fiscal armageddon. On whose watch?
America deserves better. Americans so desperately need a Real, Patriotic and Inspiring Leader. From Carter onwards it has been gross. Abysmal. Bushes? Clinton!!!??? This ? The Ship of State is running aground. Looking on, looking in it's unreal. A low grade Reality TV show is running DC now. Teflon Dons. While the world is leaving. Liked the Dolly quote. She's a great survivor. On whose watch is all this going down?
So John, based on the above post, there will be no RV for us then? Are the Dongs at least still gonna be OK? I know you stated many times that Dong should be OK, and the Dinar should carry a health warning, and now I see what you are talking about.
ReplyDeleteLets see how it goes O has issues to address. Like which road, Justice or Ugly? His track record to date is ugly. Chicago Gaming rules. He's just on a shallow string jumping to order for the Bucks. The insanity which has become America. Big questions are being asked. You all have to plan on what if not? No one is owed. Great if it plays in time, but what if its years? Each week when all looks hopeful, another curved ball. We are doing all possible, but a robbing Elite are at play. No one can call it. It's a by the day, or week thing. Too many c ( r) ooks by the melting pot.
DeleteI was under the impression from earlier posts and comments that the elites wanted this RV sooner than later in order to get some liquidity back into the system to prevent a derivatives implosion. As well as to bail themselves, and their contractor thugs, out. Is that scenario still in a play and a driver to get this completed or have events moved on?
Many thanks for what you do
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteObama , Clinton nor The bushes wants the RV . That has been my understanding for a few years .
ReplyDeleteFood is Free Project
ReplyDeleteI’m a firm believer that food is a universal human right which speaks in a universal tongue, and is indeed the foundation of human culture–a facet of daily life that, when utilized as a force for change, can move mountains. I interviewed John VanDeusen Edwards, the founder of Food is Free, an inspirational permaculture project with local and global influence, to gain some insight into how exactly this mountain–moving takes place.
But First, What Exactly is The Food is Free Project?
Building Community Locally
The thriving Food is Free permaculture teaching farm began in Austin, TX but has since expanded to a new farm in Arkansas. It is a catalyst of empowerment where permaculture ethics have taken root in the hearts of communities worldwide. The goal for the new, permanent teaching farm in Arkansas is poised as an inspirational training-grounds for leaders and youth.
According to the Food is Free website, the project had humble origins yet has high aspirations–one front yard garden inspired nearly a block full of others in less than three months time. These neighbors traded the produce, tools, and materials with one another, sharing the surplus with anyone else. This is the meaning of Food is Free.
A quote from their website: “Imagine driving down your street, where the majority of homes host a front yard community garden, neighbors come together for potlucks, establish tool-sharing and community composting programs while creating safer, more beautiful neighborhoods.”
Read more
P, that is the world that I want to live in.
DeleteMe too! :)
DeleteLast weekend was really quiet. Hopefully we can keep the momentum a little this weekend. Please help us help a fellow poster and dedicated follower. A true hero who stepped up to help others over himself. We could really use some heavy hitters. Whether sharing or helping we can use every little bit of help we can get. The "be like Mike" campaign.
Has he sent WHA his resume?
DeleteSatanic Cult of Hampstead Dismissed By Judge
ReplyDeleteClaims that a "satanic cult" where children were abused by paedophiles has been operating in north London have been dismissed by a High Court judge .
The infestation is is at ALL levels!
The Judge is probably "one of the club"!!! Seems judges still get a "pass", as always... ~darylluke.
DeleteWe have to fire the entire governments around the world...they have been in charge for too long, long enough to saturate every position which protects them and enslaves us. This is not what we agree to and we are not giving it our consent.
DeleteThey are at time zero and they are out of time, they are pulling out all of the stops and are as lawless as ever, thinking that they can buy time...their time is up and we are coming for them...Our One Creator has resigned them to the pit, and they cannot stop what is coming to them.
These are energy thieves (harvesters), and they are not human!
I imagine a world without "them!"
Egyptian Government Arrests & Sentences Chief Of The Muslim Brotherhood & 20 Other Jihadists To Death By Hanging: Arrest Warrants Issued For Obama & Hillary!
ReplyDeleteEgyptian Citizens At Work Wiping Out Obama’s Political Muslim Brotherhood ~ Ariel Video: 638 Killed 4,000 Injured, Day of Rothschild Rage Planned by Brotherhood!
This Bacteria Could Eat Nuclear Waste
ReplyDelete...thanks to the discovery of a group of gnarly extremophile species that may actually have the chops to dine on radioactive slops.
Hope this works to clean up our soil and ocean all over the world. I love fish but quit eating it. Our oceans are so dirty, plastic, radiation, sewage, garbage, metal, etc. I feel sorry for the things that call the ocean their home and those that still must eat from it to live.
DeleteGreat find FedUp, thanks for all your articles!!
DeleteBiffie and AJ, my hope is that we move towards a more sustainable method of living, eradicating all of the poisons from our environment and getting everything back to pristine conditions...thus we thrive...it's enough that all we see in the news is all about destruction of our precious earth...but there is a way to undo what they did. For me this is a solution...
DeleteThis is our world and we have to prove that we are worthy of the gift that our One Creator gave us to beautify...
I thought this article relevant since I have been reading that the seals are dying in droves...and it's because of the radiation contamination dumped in our oceans...
DeleteThis Video Exposes The Lie We Live
ReplyDeleteI often ask people, “What would you be doing if there was no such thing as money?” Some people will answer along the lines of, “That would be impossible to fathom” or look at me as if I’m crazy without realizing how trapped within the system that they have become.
Fedup, that is a really good article. Sure says it like it really is. I hope everybody reads this. The video is the same so either read or watch the eight minute video.
DeleteThank you Fed up for sharing. Agree with Biffie, its a good article.
DeleteI've wondered that a few times. First I reckon many would realise attaining something no longer has value beyond its use.. people would start to obtain only what they need. As for work peoole hate being bored, they would do what they love. At that stage I think the tech will handle menial tasks..
DeleteP, Biffie and AJ:
DeleteIn this construct we have been programmed into thinking that we need everything they put on the market. We are consumers, and everything that we consume is owned by them; they get rich and we get poorer, and that which we paid our hard earned dollars for goes to the trash bin...we have to re-think our way of life and become the stewards of humanity...and everything which destroys our hope in humanity must be eliminated...thus, we change the way we think, our habits, and the program....
Thank all of you for your timeless efforts and information that is so valuable...
Wheres Big Murphy when we need him for some major league head banging.
ReplyDeleteLets go back to basics then shut up the the subject, it's beyond boring. Get a life. Stop bleating - fix it.
Iraq at best needs c$6T to run its economy and can afford no more. Nor does the world have it. Nor will it print it. There are allegations of c$600T or more having been falsely printed to support a vast Global buying sale to Gullible Fools.Who knows is truth, they sold coloured paper to Dimwits?
Now, for those too Dim to get it, you have a problem, got it? And still you keep buying in? OMG who breeds them?
No Dongs are NOT affected, just Dinars for Dimwits.
Plus the liquidity crisis difficulty to settle anything and the last Cabal battle to reign in the Illegal in the WH to hold back, because the Good Old Boys are Derivatives exposed right up their Kyber Creeks and need to go on free riding on Bucks trapped in the system to stay in the game. They are not smart, just crooked, and time is catching up. As are events.
Clueless Dimwits voted O in twice. Jeez, most must be Dinarians. Catch 22 for most.
Apart from the Big Battalions who will go first, little will be left for small Dinarians. You can not conjure up $600T or greater. What part of $6T can not fund $600T does not translate??????????????
It happens when it happens. Those smart enough to read, switched. Those not, make their mark as Democrats.
A liquidity conflict rages daily behind the scenes. The Dinar Scam has the stench of the South Seas bubble all over it.Got it? Read up please on the South Seas Bubble. Then see the problem?
So you think you will be the Dinarians in the $6T. Really? Good luck with that.
If and once the big battalions are paid it may get ugly. But, Life will move on. Whatever the rates Dongs appear the safer big gambles. Rates still are the real issues yet. There is No Santa Claus!
The US is tanking badly. Got that? China is playing it off the table. Power is moving away. So is control.
If you get lucky and get out on your gambles, Get Out! Its not world ending. It's just a gamble. There are losers.
South Sea Bubbles?
Every week is a new curved ball. If you can't take the heat leave the game. Helping the better people via the PPs once released is the best shot. Plus the big battalions. The rest, South Sea bubbles.
But if it does break it will come suddenly and be over in a week. A Roller Coaster ride. Will you be in the $6T or the $594T wannabes? Life? If opportunity knocks move fast. When it blows? $6T can not carry $600T. Dream on. There wont be many free Dinars for the masses.
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Delete1%, not 10%.
ReplyDeleteLol. Oops! Thank you JV.
ReplyDeleteIt seems history truly does repeat itself. The US seems to be re-enacting the Roman Empire's history?
The Ides of March have historically been linked with the assassination of Julius Caesar which marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. The former was participatory, elected and democratic (as much as it could be I guess, for the ancient world). The latter, fascistic, driven by ego and the cult of personality. In general, it heralded a time of uncertainty, change, confusion, unfettered expansionist imperialism and of course war. In many ways it does not sound all that different from the world we live in today.
I agree. There seems to be many comparisons between Rome and the US empire.
DeleteNot for Bush sr., but helpful for many good people if studies show positive results.
ReplyDeleteNew Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory function
Of the mice that received the treatment, 75 percent got their memories back.
New Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory function
ReplyDeleteOf the mice that received the treatment, 75 percent got their memories back.
18 MAR 2015
Australian researchers have come up with a non-invasive ultrasound technology that clears the brain of neurotoxic amyloid plaques - structures that are responsible for memory loss and a decline in cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients.
If a person has Alzheimer’s disease, it’s usually the result of a build-up of two types of lesions - amyloid plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques sit between the neurons and end up as dense clusters of beta-amyloid molecules, a sticky type of protein that clumps together and forms plaques.
Yet, what's the point for Americans anyway, as this once great country goes down the drain. ~darylluke.
Meantime this treatment is not available in the public domain, most Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and Dementia can be treated and reversed by high intake on vitamin D3 and use of Curry in your food daily.
Delete5000 IU/day of Vitamin D3 would do to eliminate most toxic plaques and reestablish the brain functions. Ingest Curry twice a day would deactivate the NF-kB and reverse Alzheimer. If you don't know, the lowest rate of Parkinson and Alzheimer disease are in India, and the reason is for the amount of Curry they ingest.
Also the body must be alkaline between 8.5ph to 10ph for brain oxygenation be effective. Elimination of white sugar and artificial sweeteners is a requirement for the protocol to work.
For those that want to prevent this disease or block the hereditary gene, a maintenance dose of 2000IU of Vitamin D3 is required. You can also use curry once a week.
I hope it helps anyone.
So,,,, "watch the site hourly, daily".... also be prepared for "years"!.... takes a cool head and mega strong nerves to play this game!....
ReplyDeleteYou are right James, "I'm in it to win it!" Time is their construct, when it happens it will only seem like yesterday...
DeleteNigel Farage is the man! UKIP is the future in Britain.
ReplyDeleteDavid Cameron is not worthy to shine his shoes!
Excellent speech by Nigel at CPAC/2015